Photos: New Year's Eve celebrations are already underway on the other side of the world.
— Alan Rogers (@alanmrogers) December 31, 2013
It was another New Years Eve, many years ago, 1985 to be exact, that Rick Nelson was flying aboard a DC-3 bound for Dallas, to play a New Years Eve concert. Along the way, a fire broke out. The plane crashed. All aboard were killed.
It was so good to read this morning that, according to the Coulee Region Humane Society, 930 animals moved into new homes this year rather than face euthanasia. That's a 3% increase over last year. 3% is surely not enough but it's moving in the right direction. be young again!
Great weekend with great friends. La Crosse #Wisconsin does have the 2nd best nightlife for a small city in the US!
— Brady Lowe (@LoweBrady) December 30, 2013
No doubt about it. 2014 will be off to a cold start. Today's high will be around 5, tonight's low near 0 and tomorrows high about 10. Wind chills, over the period will run around 20 below today and 10 below tonight and tomorrow. It won't amount to much but we'll see some show showers through tomorrow to top off the cold air.
Such as it is, the light at the end of the tunnel is a high of 16 by Friday and 26 on Saturday.
Such as it is, the light at the end of the tunnel is a high of 16 by Friday and 26 on Saturday.
You may not believe this but it is possible to party TOO MUCH!
This photo is not of me but nothing is a secret with me so I have to tell you that this very same thing happened to me, many years ago, in Rapid City. The worst part of the whole episode was that I lost a contact lens.
The best part of the whole episode was that the cop knew me.
This was back in the good old days when we were a bit more "relaxed" about these sorts of situations.
Oh, yes...I could tell you stories.......
There's going to be something very special in the sky to issue in the new year:
How about spending New Years Eve at TGI Friday's? No. Not the one here. I'm talking about the TGI Friday's in Times Square where the big ball will drop ringing in the New Year.
The TGI Friday's special will be a Couples Champagne VIP Package for....are you ready for this?????......$1,095.00. Hey, baby, this ain't no "Dairyland Friday's". This is New York! Even TGI Friday's is pricey in New York on New Years Eve!
I see a couple of state senators want to pass a law requiring drivers, 75 and older, to get a drivers test every 4 instead of every 8 years.
If you tested some of the old drivers, I see, every 4 months it wouldn't be enough.
They say their eyesight should be checked. Hey, guys. Better add hearing to that, check the heart to make sure they're still alive and, for the love of God, take that the damn phone away from them! They can call when they get home....if they live long enough to get home.
Better yet, I'm close enough to 75 to know. If you're 75 or older you're better off STAYING home. The only place you really need to get to is the doctor and the bathroom.
What does the Bible really say about marriage?

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