Neat!! "@DCPVideo: Dragon boat races at the lakefront @CelebrateMKE @visitmilwaukee @DiscoverWI @ThanksMKE #photo"
— JoAnn_0318 (@JoAnn_0318) July 12, 2014
Starting a new blog that you may want to check out from time to time..or maybe not. It's up to you!

Saturday, July 12, 2014
I see Milwaukee has Dragon Boat races too. Sorry I missed it but my skin can only take one sunburn per summer.
We're back in the flood mode again
The afternoon rains are causing problems.
We've seen an inch and a half of rain in La Crosse and there could be street flooding in La Crosse as well as Onalaska, French Island and Blue Bird Campground.
We've seen an inch and a half of rain in La Crosse and there could be street flooding in La Crosse as well as Onalaska, French Island and Blue Bird Campground.
Hey, guys! We're getting MORE than enough rain!!!!
@NWSLaCrosse Viewer pic of street flooding on north side of La Crosse. #nwsarx
— Bill Graul (@news8bill) July 12, 2014
I don't listen to much of the current music but there's current hit on the country charts that I just love.
"I'm feelin' it" by Scotty McCreery is one fine song. I probably like it because the way this video is produced, Scotty would have been right at home back in the '60's.
It's a gloomy day in the Coulee's and there's a light rain falling.
Radar shows the rain will be with us for a while and the gray sky won't turn blue any time soon. It's a good day to curl up in the chair and finish my book.
I'm in for the day.
I made a quick run to Kwik Trip for a box of sugar cookies. Roger got me started on those cookies and I'm hooked. I'll lay off the Glazers for a while.
I hope the clouds clear out so we can see tonights full moon.
The full moon tonight will be a SUPER MOON. The first of three this year. What's a "Super Moon" you ask?
What happens if you're walking in the forest and meet up with a family of gorillas?
This is just plain beautiful.
Can things get any cuter??
Cuteness overload 😍 ~
— Perfect Babies ♥ (@SmilingBabys) July 6, 2014
Coulee Region Adopt-A-Thon at the shelter this weekend.
Please, if you can, safe a loving pets life.
When is the best time to buy your airline tickets?
Speaking of the full moon.....
Did you hear about the restaurant NASA built on the moon? The food was great but it had no atmosphere.
Today is Simplicity Day with thoughts of South Dakota.
We're celebrating the birthday of Henry David Thoreau who was born July 12, 1817 and today we celebrate his thoughts about the good life.
"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."
Here's the only place I've found to "front the essential facts of life". The South Dakota prairie.
Here's the only place I've found to "front the essential facts of life". The South Dakota prairie.
The full moon in July is called the FULL BUCK MOON
The new antlers push out of the deer's forehead during the month of July.
It's also known as the THUNDER MOON because it's the month that, usually, brings the most thunderstorms.
Friday, July 11, 2014
The roofers are taking the day off.
You can't fix a roof in the rain and there's a nice, gentle rain falling on La Crosse this morning.
The word is it will take about a week to get the roof work done. That might be longer, depending on the rain.
48 Crumbs Bake Shops around the country and they're going out of business.
I've never had one but, apparently, their cupcakes are damn good. The last of their cupcakes are selling for as much as $255.00 EACH on eBay today.
This will shock you if you live in South Dakota, Iowa or Wisconsin.
Those three states have a bowling alley on just about every corner but in the rest of the country bowling allies are dying like flies!
Look at this spectacular sunrise in South Dakota this morning!
Pretty sunrise in Mitchell right now. #kelowx
— KELOLAND Weather (@kelostormcenter) July 11, 2014
One of the MANY cities I've called home in my lifetime.
Win a dream trip to Sioux Falls! Build a custom itinerary & share it with your friends to win:
— Visit Sioux Falls (@VisitSiouxFalls) April 15, 2014
Nasty morning around the Twin Cities.
Some showers, few thunderstorms early this morning: details through 7 AM on @kare11 sunrise
— Sven Sundgaard (@svensundgaard) July 11, 2014
Now I've seen it all.
I just ran across a recipe for COWBOY TACOS. Have you ever heard of a taco with APRICOT PRESERVES as one of the ingredients? Maybe I lived on the border too long but, I can tell you, no taco with apricot preserves will ever go in my mouth.
Maybe it's something you folks with more northern taste buds would enjoy. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE RECIPE
Getting up there is the easy part. Coming down.....not so much.
shoot... how do I get down now?
— Cat Porn™ (@CatPornx) July 6, 2014
Hey! Remember that big old crane that was outside my window yesterday?
It's still outside my window this morning. It sat there all night...peeking in. ROOF REPAIR: DAY TWO WILL START AROUND 8:00 A.M.
Mother couldn't stand to be in crowds as she got older. Guess what? The same thing has happened to me.
As far as I'm concerned, one is company. Two is too much. But this? THIS IS RIDICULOUS!
Hard to believe. Tab Hunter is 83 today.
His real name is Arthur Gelien and in 1956 he received almost as many Valentines Day cards as I did: 62,000.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
I wonder how long I'll have to look at that big old crane right outside my window?
I hope he doesn't swing it the wrong way and come crashing into the living room.
At least it gives me something to watch!
At least it gives me something to watch!
EEEEYOUUUUUU!! I'm trying to remember if I pushed the elevator button yesterday.
A new study shows that elevator buttons in the hospital have more deadly germs than a toilet seat. GET THE FACTS RIGHT HERE
From now on, I'm going to put a pair of disposable latex gloves in my pocket when I go to the clinic.
Up until now I've had a terrible day.
I'm sure you've had one of those mornings when every damn thing you try to do goes wrong?? Well, today was my day.
I was in a super foul mood until I got this video from Rita and Roger. It made my day and I'm smiling at the moment.
Of course, I'm keeping in mind the fact that at any moment someone might piss me off again.
I heard a lot of beeping and yelling under my windows.
I threw up the sash and took a look. What did I see? The roofer guys! I sit at my desk and can a big old crane going right past my windows. This is going to be a noisy day.
I wonder what Carl had for breakfast.
I'll bet he didn't have what I had. Two sugar cookies from Kwik Trip.
These Kwik Trip cookies are much tastier than any of the sugar cookies I've found from other local bakeries....but....they're still TOO "CHEWY". For some reason, No one in this part of the country knows how to make a thin, crisp cookie. I don't think this is a Norwegian thing because Grandma knew how to make crisp bakery items but this talent has, apparently, been lost.
Every cookie I see, around here is fat and chewy. I suppose, if I thought hard enough, I could think of something I would enjoy in a "fat, chewy state" but it would never be a cookie.
Something really, really, really wrong with this.
No other country imposes the kind of costs on college students that the U.S. does:
— Bloomberg News (@BloombergNews) July 10, 2014
It's in the book.....
We old folks have to find our cushions and pillows in our tankards. Strong beer is the milk of the old -Martin Luther
— Luv Beer (@Luv_CraftBeer) July 10, 2014
And, I'll bet Martin never drank any of the sissified "LITE" crap. I never did either.
Happy Birthday Wyoming!
Wyoming became our 44th state on July 10, 1890. As you can see, it's a very square state but there are some wonderful people living there and, at least, two beautiful cats that I'm aware of.
The private island that was owned by Marlon Brando has now been opened to the public.
Don't tell me you wouldn't like to spend a week in this paradise.
Wednesday, July 09, 2014
What's hotter than beer in Wisconsin? Wine!
Beer consumption is down 8% in Wisconsin while wine consumption is up 31%.
Don't worry. The beer drinkers haven't moved to Minnesota. They're still around but their sipping the locally brewed home town beers.
Donnie wrote......
"Eric may be interested to know that Hamlin Garland's great grandson, Christopher Harper, was named the 2014 EMS professional of the year at the Fremont, California Fire Department."
That's all well and good but I'll bet Christopher Harper never slept in Hamlin Garland's house.
Carl still has some pain but.....
Tuesday, July 08, 2014
Here's proof that you CAN eat too many dogs!
Man dies at South Dakota hot dog eating contest
— KARE 11 (@kare11) July 8, 2014
I'll bet I sleep tonight.
I don't think I slept more than an hour last night. Then we were off to the hospital about 5:30 this morning.
Now that we know Carl is doing OK I'm, suddenly, really exhausted. It's going to be an early bedtime tonight. Even earlier than usual! I'm thinking it will be the came for Carl!
Carl is recovering for his triple bypass heart surgery that took all morning and into the early part of the afternoon today.
It took a bit longer than they expected due to some unforeseen complications but all is well and now his recovery begins.
He'll be in the hospital for about 5 days.
This was my first chance to see the new hospital and what a beautiful place it is. If you have to be sick, that's a great place to be.
Kathy's birthday is tomorrow and Carl getting through this surgery with good results is, probably, the best birthday gift she could possibly get!
This is the big video on the internet this morning: NEAR MISS IN BARCELONA
This is why I stand in awe of airline pilots and the incredible job they do.
Why do cats insist on getting into the smallest space possible?
Two little adorable ones.
— Cat Porn™ (@CatPornx) June 27, 2014
Isn't he just the cutest thing??
So this is what a baby beaver looks like...
— DEVEOH.COM (@deveoh) July 8, 2014
Doesn't anyone in Iowa drive cars anymore?
The Ankeny Regional Airport in Des Moines can't build hangers fast enough. They say there are 41 on the waiting list for a place to park their private jets.
Do you put tomatoes in the refrigerator? Well, STOP IT. Chilling them makes them mushy. Do you like mushy tomatoes? Put them in the refrigerator.
There's a lot of other stuff you should NOT put in the refrigerator. Click here to see what they are.
OK you Wisconsin beer guzzlers. Guzzle a 6 pak of this!!!
At $120 a bottle it had better be damn good!!
Truffle-infused beer exists. A 22-ounce bottle is going for $120
— New York Nightlife (@NYNightlife) July 7, 2014
Another sleepless night.
I never used to have trouble sleeping. Why now? Do you suppose it's age? I knew at 20 that I wasn't going to like this aging thing and I was right.
Speaking of "Sleepless Nights", this wasn't a big hit for the Everly Brothers but it's a nice little song.
I heard some thunder, in the night, but it was in the distance and I don't think we got any rain around here.
There's only a 20% chance for rain today so, for the most part it will be partly sunny with a high near 77. Yesterday's high was 86 so it will feel quite a bit cooler today.
Monday, July 07, 2014
Do you Wisconsin Laura Ingalls Wilder fans know about this?
Calling all Little House on the Prairie Fans - get ready for the Laura Ingalls Wilder Pageant July 11-13
— SE South Dakota (@SE_SouthDakota) July 7, 2014
Everybody has weather woes.
Willard said, "Afternoon monsoons are here. Rained so heavy over the weekend that water came up from the foundation and got the carpet and floors in the kitchen and bathroom wet."
Oh, to be young again! I'd be on my way faster than a speeding bullet!
Volunteer with elephants in #SouthAfrica or #Zimbabwe
— One World Travel 365 (@oneworld365) July 7, 2014
The WISCONSIN BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU reports there's a new phone scam going around Wisconsin. The callers are threatening to turn of your utilities.
BE PREPARED: Construction crews return to #Wisconsin work zones this morning after projects were put on hold for holiday travel. #SlowDown
— Wisconsin DOT (@WisconsinDOT) July 7, 2014
Want a wild ride?
168' 7"
At Just over 168 feet, this is the tallest water slide in the world and it's HIGHER THAN NIAGRA FALLS!
At Just over 168 feet, this is the tallest water slide in the world and it's HIGHER THAN NIAGRA FALLS!
Can this, possibly, be true?
You mean to tell me there are actual people walking around that want to smell like a pizza?
I think I'd like to find a bottle of pickle after shave.
I think I'd like to find a bottle of pickle after shave.
There actually exists a Pizza Hut perfume that smells like a box of fresh Pizza Hut pizza being opened.
— Facts (@TheFactsBook) July 7, 2014
Rick and Angela's two babies sure would look good with these guys.
The thing I like about cats is that they really know how to dress.
Tigers of all shades.
— Amazing Pics (@AmazingPicx) July 5, 2014
A "Newsy Note" from Lynne this morning.
"We were out boating with Jennifer's family in Coloma, Wisconsin on July 4. I burned my arms and lower legs but lotion soothed that.
We had a great time around the lake. Saturday Derrick and Jennifer golfed at University Ridge in Madison.
You mentioned fireworks late at night. We have been hearing them up until midnight. Lucky I am back to staying up late. Sure was noisy around here.
Our family was all together to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary. Such a fun time at Derrick and Jennifer's home. They have all the remodeling and landscaping done and it's absolutely beautiful.
We talk to Mom Blair each day. She always feels tired and doesn't eat much. We have been lucky going up there, hitting the right days when she is feeling well enough for us to take her out for a short ride."
I'll bet Roger and I could drive a team across the South Dakota prairie.
If we were a bit younger and in better health I'd try to talk him into it.
The have 36 wagons already signed up for this years drive from Yankton to Pierre. The wagons will start rolling September 3 and, if they keep to their 15 to 17 miles per day, they should roll into Pierre on the 20th of September.
The have 36 wagons already signed up for this years drive from Yankton to Pierre. The wagons will start rolling September 3 and, if they keep to their 15 to 17 miles per day, they should roll into Pierre on the 20th of September.
Sunday, July 06, 2014
New reports said there were about 1200 people who attended the boat races on SAturday.
Bert and I figured there were more than that but what do we know? Obviously, not much.
Tomorrow is Chocolate Day... make sure you celebrate accordingly... don't be a quitter!! #ChocolateDay
— National Days (@NationalDays) July 6, 2014
Excellent advice:
Oh, stop your whining and drink like the rest of us.
— Lisa Mac (@LisaMcAlister1) June 27, 2014
I may be wrong. There have been a coupleof times, in my life, that I made a mistake.
I think the I'm right, this time. The weatherman is wrong. He's forecasting a high of 84 this afternoon and it was only 75 at 11 am and the wind, coming in, was so chilly I had to close the windows. That doesn't feel like severe weather conditions to me.
Time will tell.
I made a run over to Kwik Trip to get some Glazers before the rain arrives.
This song was playing on the speakers out by the gas pumps and now I can't get it out of my head. Doesn't that drive you crazy when you have a song playing over and over in your head?
South Dakota Public Broadcasting had an article about three things you should learn before you grow up. These are good thoughts.
1. People don't judge you as harshly as you think they do.
2. You should think of intelligence as something you develop.
3. Playing is not a waste of time.
2. You should think of intelligence as something you develop.
3. Playing is not a waste of time.
Does this sound right?
Rita says I should smear milk on my face. She says it will help my sunburn. I think it will only make me look worse than I already do.
DAMN! Missed it again. They're running the bulls without me.
The San Fermin running of the bulls festival in Pamplona, Spain, has begun: 9-day event (AP)
— Yahoo News (@YahooNews) July 6, 2014
Green Bay Packers News: Jordy Nelson, Datone Jones - NFL Spin Zone
— Green Bay Packers (@PackerNews) July 6, 2014
It will be a warmer day, today, with highs around 86.
As hot as that might be, it's nowhere near the record high of 103 set in 2012.
I don't want to put a damper on your day but I want you to see this.
Click below to read the story of a little boy's thoughts at the loss of his dog to cancer. This will bring a tear to your eye but you'll be glad you saw it.
OUCH! Don't touch me, Babe! What I hoped would be a "fashionable tan" turned into a fiery burn overnight.
Face and arms are burning like fire! Why I didn't think to wear my famous cowboy hat is beyond me. It would have saved me a lot of pain. I'll be wearing it the rest of the summer because I don't need any more sunburn!!
Good friend Gary sent this TV spot from 1968 that took me right back to my wild and crazy youth.
I only bought one car in my life and it was a '68 Mustang convertible. When you're in your 20's you're ready to go and with the top down we headed south, out of Rapid City, and we didn't stop until we got to Key West.
The best years of your life fly by much to quickly but it sure is fun while it lasts!
Thanks for the video, Gary! It brought back from great memories!
There's only one with a pink hat. That would be Jenny.
Thanks to Bert, Jenny and Vinny for a really fun Saturday. You should see my sunburn!!! That's OK. It was worth it!!
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