I just remembered. I'm only about 2 months away from 73. How long can this go on??
They say Justin Bieber had an awful 19th birthday last night. If that kid thinks his 19th birthday was bad, wait until he's had 73!
Starting a new blog that you may want to check out from time to time..or maybe not. It's up to you!

Saturday, March 02, 2013
I just saw this on Twitter. I find it hard to believe. Does this mean I should use the toilet bowl cleaner to sanitize my desk?
Fact Of The Day:The average office desk has 400 times more bacteria than a toilet.
— Steve Sipress (@stevesipress) March 2, 2013
The latest update from the National Weather service says a WINTER STORM WILL IMPACT THE AREA LATE TOMORROW NIGHT INTO TUESDAY. Keep your fingers crossed that this is just a bad joke. I don't want any more "winter storm".
Carl sent this photo of a snow sculpture that was done in Breckinridge, Colorado. I wouldn't even know where to start on a project like that.
It's a clear, sunny morning and the outside temperature is only in the single digits but don't think that sun isn't hard at work pouring out the heat.
I can't open the window blinds because the sun is shining directly into the apartment. The windows are actually warm to the touch and the air temperature in the apartment has shot up to 81 degrees since sunrise even with the windows covered.
If I had the A/C cleaned and the cover off I'd be tempted to turn it on until the sun gets over on the other side of the building.
It may be cold now but I'll be in my bikini before you know it.
I can't open the window blinds because the sun is shining directly into the apartment. The windows are actually warm to the touch and the air temperature in the apartment has shot up to 81 degrees since sunrise even with the windows covered.
If I had the A/C cleaned and the cover off I'd be tempted to turn it on until the sun gets over on the other side of the building.
It may be cold now but I'll be in my bikini before you know it.
I didn't know, until I just read it, that the WISCONSIN FILM FESTIVAL is the largest campus-based film festival in the United States. They're adding a couple days to the Festival, which draws around 34,000 folks, this year.
It's held on the University of Wisconsin campus in Madison.
It's held on the University of Wisconsin campus in Madison.
This could be good news for the Riverboats on the Mississippi.
River cruises have become the new hot thing in tourist travel all around the world. Growth in bookings has been up about 10% a year for the past five years.
River Cruises are now one of the top 3 types of travel being booked this year and cruise lines are scrambling to keep up.
River cruises have become the new hot thing in tourist travel all around the world. Growth in bookings has been up about 10% a year for the past five years.
River Cruises are now one of the top 3 types of travel being booked this year and cruise lines are scrambling to keep up.
Today is the day for the Green Bay Packers Project Leap at Lambeau Field. It's a day of fun aimed at getting kids out of the house and into some good outdoor physical activity. READ ALL ABOUT IT RIGHT HERE
Still no sign of any warm-up around here. Highs around 25 today with wind chills at 1 below. Tomorrow isn't much better with 30 degree highs. The only good news is that we should see some sun for the weekend. Hard to believe that spring is less than three weeks away.
The coldest Wisconsin spots at 3 A.M. were Heyward at 6 below and Superior at 2 below. That's not wind chill. That's the real chill!
At the very bottom of this post, notice where it says "La Crosse, WI, USA. If you click on that it will take you to Google maps with a map and pictures of La Crosse.
In the future, I'll add a map link to any items that involve a specific location.
Gladys just celebrated her 90th birthday and she was well remembered.
She said, "It's hard to think I'm 90. I have received over 100 birthday cards--so many flowers, phone calls, emails and personal greetings plus parties. Very humbling.
Surprised to hear Wilda is in a nursing home."
She said, "It's hard to think I'm 90. I have received over 100 birthday cards--so many flowers, phone calls, emails and personal greetings plus parties. Very humbling.
Surprised to hear Wilda is in a nursing home."
Interesting article from READERS DIGEST about 13 things a movie theater employee won't tell you.
So, Assemblyman Harvey Monford, from Las Vegas, has introduced a bill that would make it illegal to text and walk at the same time.
Walking while chewing gum is difficult enough. I can't even imagine trying to walk and text. In fact, I can't imagine texting. Period.
Walking while chewing gum is difficult enough. I can't even imagine trying to walk and text. In fact, I can't imagine texting. Period.
If TEXAS INDEPENDENCE DAY isn't enough to be excited about, this is also.....
Logo Design by FlamingText.com
Logo Design by FlamingText.com
And, if you want to celebrate some REALLY old stuff...here I am!
Friday, March 01, 2013
I wouldn't know the town I used to call home anymore. Rapid City continues to grow by leaps and bounds.
Work will begin this month on a new 800 acre housing development on the east side of the city. First to go up will a 216 unit apartment building.
Work will begin this month on a new 800 acre housing development on the east side of the city. First to go up will a 216 unit apartment building.
I took this photo at 5:00 PM because it dawned on me that it was just a few short weeks ago that it was pitch black at this time. I love the longer days.
Sorry to hear of the death of "ONE DAY AT A TIME" star Bonnie Franklin. She was suffering from pancreatic cancer.
Roger had to have some work done on the car so I rode along and we spent a couple of hours eating cookies and drinking coffee and solving the worlds problems. We've got all the answers but, so far, nobody has asked us the questions.
I just read this interesting article about folks using coupons. Turns out, we're not clipping those coupons like we used to and the article tells you why.
We'll begin with a box, and the plural is boxes,
But the plural of ox becomes oxen, not oxes.
One fowl is a goose, but two are called geese, Yet the plural of moose should never be meese.
You may find a lone mouse or a nest full of mice, Yet the plural of house is houses, not hice.
If the plural of man is always called men, Why shouldn't the plural of pan be pen?
If I speak of my foot and show you my feet, And I give you a boot, would a pair be called beet?
If one is a tooth and a whole set are teeth, Why shouldn't the plural of booth be called beeth?
Then one may be that, and there would be those, Yet hat in the plural would never be hose, And the plural of cat is cats, not cose.
We speak of a brother and also of brethren, But though we say mother, we never say methren. Then the masculine pronouns are he, his and him, But imagine the feminine: she, shis and shim!
Let's face it - English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant nor ham in hamburger; Neither apple nor pine in pineapple.
English muffins weren't invented in England. We take English for granted, but if we explore its paradoxes, We find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square, And a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.
And why is it that writers write, but fingers don't fing, Grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham?
Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend? If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, What do you call it?
If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?
Sometimes I think all the folks who grew up speaking English Should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane. In what other language do people recite at a play and play at a recital?
We ship by truck but send cargo by ship... We have noses that run and feet that smell. We park in a driveway and drive in a parkway. And how can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, While a wise man and a wise guy are opposites?
You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language In which your house can burn up as it burns down, In which you fill in a form by filling it out, And in which an alarm goes off by going on.
One fowl is a goose, but two are called geese, Yet the plural of moose should never be meese.
You may find a lone mouse or a nest full of mice, Yet the plural of house is houses, not hice.
If the plural of man is always called men, Why shouldn't the plural of pan be pen?
If I speak of my foot and show you my feet, And I give you a boot, would a pair be called beet?
If one is a tooth and a whole set are teeth, Why shouldn't the plural of booth be called beeth?
Then one may be that, and there would be those, Yet hat in the plural would never be hose, And the plural of cat is cats, not cose.
We speak of a brother and also of brethren, But though we say mother, we never say methren. Then the masculine pronouns are he, his and him, But imagine the feminine: she, shis and shim!
Let's face it - English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant nor ham in hamburger; Neither apple nor pine in pineapple.
English muffins weren't invented in England. We take English for granted, but if we explore its paradoxes, We find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square, And a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.
And why is it that writers write, but fingers don't fing, Grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham?
Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend? If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, What do you call it?
If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?
Sometimes I think all the folks who grew up speaking English Should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane. In what other language do people recite at a play and play at a recital?
We ship by truck but send cargo by ship... We have noses that run and feet that smell. We park in a driveway and drive in a parkway. And how can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, While a wise man and a wise guy are opposites?
You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language In which your house can burn up as it burns down, In which you fill in a form by filling it out, And in which an alarm goes off by going on.
HARRY BELAFONTE is 86 years old today and RON HOWARD is 59. I suppose we should also mention that JUSTIN BIEBER has made it to 19.
Remember 19? I do. Those were my Deadwood Days!
Remember 19? I do. Those were my Deadwood Days!
BELOW FREEZING temperatures for northern FLORIDA this weekend. Guess what? It's going to stay below freezing here in the north country, all weekend, too.
BEFORE the Vikings started to pillage and plunder there were people in the area who wore those horned hats for ceremonial purposes but that "fashion" was long gone before the Vikings came to town. So...they weren't so horny, after all.
BEFORE the Vikings started to pillage and plunder there were people in the area who wore those horned hats for ceremonial purposes but that "fashion" was long gone before the Vikings came to town. So...they weren't so horny, after all.
Sorry I missed this flight. It looks like fun! By the way, the FAA is looking into this little incident of frivolity.
See? That's the problem with our government. Absolutely NO sense of humor.
See? That's the problem with our government. Absolutely NO sense of humor.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
The HARLEM SHAKE at 30,000 feet on a flight from Colorado Springs to San Diego.
I'm sorry, I'm too old. I just don't get it. But it is funny. Kids will be kids!
I'm sorry, I'm too old. I just don't get it. But it is funny. Kids will be kids!
This is AMAZING. I've seen customers comes close to this when I worked at the airport but this beats them all.
Here is a Chinese Communist party member, and his family, at Kunming Changshui International Airport. They have just missed their flight and the frustration of airline travel, these days, apparently was the last straw for this gentleman.
It takes a while for the customer to go completely off the wall but keep watching. It's worth watching his performance.
Here is a Chinese Communist party member, and his family, at Kunming Changshui International Airport. They have just missed their flight and the frustration of airline travel, these days, apparently was the last straw for this gentleman.
It takes a while for the customer to go completely off the wall but keep watching. It's worth watching his performance.
'I'm 42 years old and having a baby in a shelter? ... I'm too old for this' wapo.st/YZV8r1
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) February 28, 2013
Temptations singer Richard Street dead at 70. Vocalist on "Papa Was a Rollin' Stone." bbc.in/YBF2D7yfrog.com/nu23slp
— Jim Roberts (@nycjim) February 28, 2013
Any idea who this is?
She was on a long running sitcom.
Still Stumped? She played Aunt Bee on the Andy Griffith Show.
She was on a long running sitcom.
Still stumped? Her name: Francis BavierStill Stumped? She played Aunt Bee on the Andy Griffith Show.
Did you hear about the guy in Frostproof, Florida who was shot in the leg by...........HIS DOG?? No kidding!
The guy and the dog are headin' down the road in the pick-up. The dog kicks the LOADED GUN onto the floor. Bang, Bang and the guy will be limpin' around for a while. No charges filed against the dog.
The guy and the dog are headin' down the road in the pick-up. The dog kicks the LOADED GUN onto the floor. Bang, Bang and the guy will be limpin' around for a while. No charges filed against the dog.
Everyone should see this video and pass it on to everyone they know. It may make you stop and think before you type!
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
What's the TALLEST HOTEL IN THE WORLD? The BRAND NEW JW MARRIOTT IN DUBAI. 1,164 feet high. 72 floors. And they have a week-end special March 8-10. SPECIAL LOW PRICE: $800.00 PER NIGHT.
Old men (and you know who you are) are better off staying indoors with their feet up and watching the youngins' clear off the snow.
71-year-old man collapses, dies after morning of snowblowing heavy snowfall in Milwaukee, WI bit.ly/WigQve
— Johnny Kelly (@stormchaser4850) February 27, 2013
comes from Tampa where a 36 year old man slapped a 16 year old boy in the face With a Taco Bell Burrito! Police say the boy was not injured but he did have cheese, meat and sauce all over his face. The man was handcuffed and charged with simple battery and off he went to the hoosegow. Wonder if he had fries with that?
I walked to town through the snowflakes and cold wind. Spring may be right around the corner but it feels like the dead of winter today.
I WISH.....
You know where I'd like to be on April 30? AMSTERDAM! That's the day Queen Beatrix abdicates and, her son, Willem-Alexander becomes King.
The Mayor of Amsterdam, Eberhard van der Laan wants everybody to have a good time but, he says, folks should try to stay sober. In Amsterdam??? I don't think that's going to happen!
"Bob just shoveled 6 inches of snow off the drive and our guy will plow the rest when he has time today. Plows have been out so I should be able to get to radiology for my appointment. Just a follow-up to my treatments. Bob is driving me.
Milton schools were delayed two hours. Janesville closed all day along with most other schools in the area.
It's heavy snow. Derrick and Jennifer may have more in Bristol. Sandy, Chris and family and Jon and Daniel are all in Florida on vacation. We are dog-sitting Delilah and she doesn't mind going out in the snow at all."
"Bob just shoveled 6 inches of snow off the drive and our guy will plow the rest when he has time today. Plows have been out so I should be able to get to radiology for my appointment. Just a follow-up to my treatments. Bob is driving me.
Milton schools were delayed two hours. Janesville closed all day along with most other schools in the area.
It's heavy snow. Derrick and Jennifer may have more in Bristol. Sandy, Chris and family and Jon and Daniel are all in Florida on vacation. We are dog-sitting Delilah and she doesn't mind going out in the snow at all."
I haven't heard it from Donnie yet but, according to USA TODAY, the bluebonnets are beginning to bloom in the Austin area. And, another sign of spring, Willard reports he saw a couple of trees budding out on his morning walk in Houston yesterday.
Texas today....Wisconsin tomorrow.....or the next day.....or a month from now. Whatever. It is on the way!
US beer lovers file $5m class-action lawsuits accusing Anheuser-Busch of watering down Budweiser soc.li/8QfYDGO
— The Telegraph (@Telegraph) February 27, 2013
I was half way through my shower when I realized I had washed my hair with the shower soap and was washing my body with the shampoo.
That still can't top Grandpa Terp who brushed his teeth with Ben-Gay one morning. You could hear him scream from Midway all the way to La Crosse.
That still can't top Grandpa Terp who brushed his teeth with Ben-Gay one morning. You could hear him scream from Midway all the way to La Crosse.
According to the La Crosse Tribune, business is good for La Crosse Community Theater in their new location at the Weber Center for the Performing Arts. The next show, The Dining Room opens on March 8 for 19 performances and they're nearly sold out with only 9 seats left for sale for the entire run.
They're talking about raising the prices next season. I'm not surprised. What are you going to do? Everything else is going up, (except take home pay for the working class).
They're talking about raising the prices next season. I'm not surprised. What are you going to do? Everything else is going up, (except take home pay for the working class).
The Bald Eagle is monogamous. They mate for life and they have long lives. In the wild they can live up to 28 years. In captivity they've been known to live as long as 36 years.
The Bald Eagle is monogamous. They mate for life and they have long lives. In the wild they can live up to 28 years. In captivity they've been known to live as long as 36 years.
One of the really great actresses in films, Joanne Woodward is celebrating her 83rd birthday today.
Light snow could bring up to an inch or two more on the ground today. Highways might be a bit slick. That's OK. I know that any day now we'll see the last snow of the season. I'll bet Carl already has his golf clubs shined up!
Sounds like it's a real mess on the other end of the state. Milwaukee and Chicago got hit pretty hard with yesterdays storm. Hope Eric and Bert and the kids and Daniel and Jon were able to get around safe and sound!
Sounds like it's a real mess on the other end of the state. Milwaukee and Chicago got hit pretty hard with yesterdays storm. Hope Eric and Bert and the kids and Daniel and Jon were able to get around safe and sound!
The boxing cats was filmed by Thomas Edison at the first motion picture studio in 1894.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
There's a 70% chance for snow again tomorrow but it won't be more than an inch if we get any at all.
I can see all the big band greats who are gone smiling down at these kids. This is the true definition of talent!
Throw away the check book, credit card and cash. Before long your money will be at your fingertips. And, it's all made possible by those smart folks from South Dakota.
READ THIS STORY about fingerprint purchasing and the technology that will make it possible, developed at South Dakota Tech in Rapid City.
READ THIS STORY about fingerprint purchasing and the technology that will make it possible, developed at South Dakota Tech in Rapid City.
With the federal spending cuts we're going to lose all of our air traffic controllers at the La Crosse airport. Pilots will have to keep their eyes open.
This is not a critical safety hazard but it's not the best way to go either. Especially if we have some bad weather before the fools in Washington quit playing their kindergarten games and grow up.
This is not a critical safety hazard but it's not the best way to go either. Especially if we have some bad weather before the fools in Washington quit playing their kindergarten games and grow up.
According to the Wall Street Journal, 19 million Americans are getting through life without high speed internet service. That's 7 million more than had it the year before.
Did you know your brain is shrinking? University of Wisconsin professor, John Hawks says our brains, today, are about 10% smaller than the brains of people living 5,000 years ago. When I hear the news coming out of Washington I can't help but think the old gray matter has shrunk a lot more than 10%.
We can't let this day go by without wishing FATS DOMINO a happy 85th birthday today!
This video of Fats in concert was uploaded to You Tube just a month ago.
This video of Fats in concert was uploaded to You Tube just a month ago.
Donnie and Linda had company from out of town over the weekend. The Palmiters have been friends for years. This photo was taken at Cafe Mozart in Austin where they had dinner.
Folks in Austin (TX) are being told to watch for debris on the highways around the city. That wind blew stuff everywhere yesterday. I suppose Donnie will be hauling off the big branch that came down in his yard.
1.5 million people live in Curitiba, Brazil and 70% of the people living in Curitiba use the bus system to get to work.
We could see a few flakes today and tomorrow but the big time snowfall, from the latest winter storm, will stay south of us. That's fine with me!
I checked Wisconsin temperatures around 4 A.M. It was 4 degrees above zero at Hayward. A trip up north might be OK in the summertime but forget that cabin in the woods in February!
There's still gold in them thar hills!
Deadwood gambling revenue was up 5.4% in January compared to January of last year.
Deadwood gambling revenue was up 5.4% in January compared to January of last year.
Monday, February 25, 2013
AccuWeather reported winds were gusting 65 MPH in parts of Texas today and Donnie confirmed it.
"Violent, dangerous winds here. Gusts to 45 MPH. We've lost one large tree branch at home. Hoping nothing else destroyed.
I had to drive into the big city and I could feel the car rocking when I was sitting at stop signs.
I was at Starbucks when the power went out. I had just been served but the cash register was out. I suggested they improvise with pencil and paper. Befuddled, they realized they could neither open the register or operate the coffee machinery. Worse, they did not know the prices of anything and were helpless without their computerized machinery.
The cashier finally exercised her authority and made a bold decision...my order was on the house unless I wanted to come back later and pay.
A minor inconvenience but fraught with implications. Imagine the chaos if (and when) the power grid and computers and internet collapse or are taken down for any length of time.
"Violent, dangerous winds here. Gusts to 45 MPH. We've lost one large tree branch at home. Hoping nothing else destroyed.
I had to drive into the big city and I could feel the car rocking when I was sitting at stop signs.
I was at Starbucks when the power went out. I had just been served but the cash register was out. I suggested they improvise with pencil and paper. Befuddled, they realized they could neither open the register or operate the coffee machinery. Worse, they did not know the prices of anything and were helpless without their computerized machinery.
The cashier finally exercised her authority and made a bold decision...my order was on the house unless I wanted to come back later and pay.
A minor inconvenience but fraught with implications. Imagine the chaos if (and when) the power grid and computers and internet collapse or are taken down for any length of time.
I was happy to see that, while "Life of Pi" didn't win Best Picture, it did walk away with the most oscars (4) at last night's Academy Awards.
Chicago expecting 3 to 5 inches of snow and sleet tomorrow. You don't know how happy I am that this one is missing us!
This is Amazing. The La Crosse Tribune has a picture of the La Crosse County Country Club taken back in the 1930's. This is now known as Forest Hills on Losey Blvd. What's amazing about it is that the country club was surrounded by farm land back then. Now, of course, it's all city.
Read the article and see the picture here.
Read the article and see the picture here.
We must be getting close to spring. Check out the area in yellow where there's a slight chance for tornadoes today.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
~Jimi Hendrix~
~Jimi Hendrix~
Snow over a large area of the country today but, thank God, it's all south of us. That's just fine. I think we've had our share for this winter.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
It was a beautiful day. Sunshine with highs in the upper 30's. Lots of snow melt so big pools of water settled in low spots on the sidewalk.
I was walking home from the library and there were a couple of little kids playing in front of their house. The little girl yelled to her younger brother, "The monster is coming!" The two took off down the street. The little girl called back to the boy, "Run for your life but don't step in the puddles!"
Maybe that's some good advice for life. If you see trouble coming, run for your life and stay out of the puddles and everything will be OK!
I was walking home from the library and there were a couple of little kids playing in front of their house. The little girl yelled to her younger brother, "The monster is coming!" The two took off down the street. The little girl called back to the boy, "Run for your life but don't step in the puddles!"
Maybe that's some good advice for life. If you see trouble coming, run for your life and stay out of the puddles and everything will be OK!
There's lots of snow left to melt but the sun is warm and the birds are singing their "happy" songs so I'm sure spring is on the way!
They ran a piece on CBS Sunday Morning that claimed without popcorn there would be no theaters. It's, apparently, the popcorn that makes the money for the theaters.
Back in the days when I did go to the theaters, to watch a movie, I can't remember every buying a box of popcorn.
Sometimes I think I was born on the wrong planet.
Back in the days when I did go to the theaters, to watch a movie, I can't remember every buying a box of popcorn.
Sometimes I think I was born on the wrong planet.
If it seems colder than it should be for this time of year, you would be right. Forecast high for today is 32. The average high for February 24 is 42.
If it seems colder than it should be for this time of year, you would be right. Forecast high for today is 32. The average high for February 24 is 42.
One of our great founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson, didn't spend all of his time "founding". Tom owned hundreds of slaves during his life time. The "all men are created equal" bit didn't include slaves, Indians or women who couldn't vote or own land.
There's no doubt, however, that he "loved" his slaves. At least one, anyway. He fathered six children by his slave Sally Hemings.
There's no doubt, however, that he "loved" his slaves. At least one, anyway. He fathered six children by his slave Sally Hemings.
Our galaxy, the galaxy we live in, the Milky Way has between 200 and 400 BILLION stars in it.
The next galaxy, closest to us, Andromeda is much larger with about a trillion stars.
The part of the universe that we can see contains 100 to 400 billion galaxy's. We'll never know how much more of the universe there is or if it goes on forever.
In the meantime, all eyes will be on a few over dressed "stars" posing on a red carpet, tonight, and acting as though they are are far more brilliant and important than all of those silly little points of light in the sky. And, to the folks that make the movies and the big bucks, they are.
Our galaxy, the galaxy we live in, the Milky Way has between 200 and 400 BILLION stars in it.
The next galaxy, closest to us, Andromeda is much larger with about a trillion stars.
The part of the universe that we can see contains 100 to 400 billion galaxy's. We'll never know how much more of the universe there is or if it goes on forever.
In the meantime, all eyes will be on a few over dressed "stars" posing on a red carpet, tonight, and acting as though they are are far more brilliant and important than all of those silly little points of light in the sky. And, to the folks that make the movies and the big bucks, they are.
Germany's Development Minister, Dirk Niebel says that horsemeat mislabelled as beef should be given to the poor. Dirk says, "We can't just throw away good food."
Dirk is so right, we can't just throw away good food. And, since it is "good food" I think it would be silly to waste it on poor people.
Why not give it to Dirk. He can take it home, put it in the freezer, and serve it up for Easter dinner. With any kind of luck, he'll choke on it.
You never know where you might find that next great treasure. Sounds like there's one in Alma that I've never heard about. A museum filled with authentic Viking items including body armour and swords that date back to the days of the Vikings. READ THE ARTICLE HERE
I think this might be a good place to visit next time Donnie comes to town. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE MUSEUM WEBSITE
I think this might be a good place to visit next time Donnie comes to town. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE MUSEUM WEBSITE
Bullying has become such a serious problem for young people. The schools, they say, have a big problem with it.
This is a video you might want to share with anyone you know who has been affected by this awful problem.
This is a video you might want to share with anyone you know who has been affected by this awful problem.
According to the SMITHSONIAN.COM website, you can get from one page, on the internet, to any other page on the internet in only 19 clicks or less even though there are, probably, about a trillion pages on the internet.
That tells me that while you're reading this page right now, you're never from from a page of porn.....click, click.
That tells me that while you're reading this page right now, you're never from from a page of porn.....click, click.
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