Aunt Wilda called this afternoon. She had her carpet, in the bedroom, shampooed and it's taking longer to dry than she thought it would. That's where her computer is so she's out of touch until the carpet is completely dried.
She talked to Uncle Bob. He said he was walking out the door and fell down. Fortunately, he wasn't hurt.
Starting a new blog that you may want to check out from time to time..or maybe not. It's up to you!

Saturday, October 15, 2011
The way things are looking, we could hit the dreaded FREEZING MARK Tuesday or Wednesday night.
One of Donnie's neighbors, Lance Armstrong, is putting his name to a big event in the Austin, Dripping Springs area this weekend. It's the "Livestrong Challenge" to fight cancer. It's a great cause and you can find more information right here.
Donnie comments:
"We'll be paying $112 Friday night for a stay at the charming old frontier Lympia Hotel in Ft. Davis, West Texas. If we had stopped here on the way West in the 19th century, $112 would have sounded like the Four Seasons' $3,000."
Oh, yes! The Lympia looks lovely. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE LYMPIA.
"We'll be paying $112 Friday night for a stay at the charming old frontier Lympia Hotel in Ft. Davis, West Texas. If we had stopped here on the way West in the 19th century, $112 would have sounded like the Four Seasons' $3,000."
Oh, yes! The Lympia looks lovely. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE LYMPIA.
I've got chicken soup bubbling in the crockpot.
Temperatures dropped into the low 50's, this morning, as far south as Florida. That's pretty cold for Florida this early in the season.
I fixed something on my computer and it's now working much better. My problem is that I really don't know what it was that I fixed and I can't remember where I went or what I did to fix it. I just hope I don't have that problem again.
I fixed something on my computer and it's now working much better. My problem is that I really don't know what it was that I fixed and I can't remember where I went or what I did to fix it. I just hope I don't have that problem again.
She wrote, "I just got back from the Oncologist and we have decided to have more chemo treatments. I have some spots on my spine, ribs and pelvis. I will start Tuesday morning and it is a low dosage at first then I go the next Tuesday and if I tolerate the first round they will up the dosage and then I'm off for a week. Then they start over again and at the end of that round I will have a scan to see how or if it's working."
She wrote, "I just got back from the Oncologist and we have decided to have more chemo treatments. I have some spots on my spine, ribs and pelvis. I will start Tuesday morning and it is a low dosage at first then I go the next Tuesday and if I tolerate the first round they will up the dosage and then I'm off for a week. Then they start over again and at the end of that round I will have a scan to see how or if it's working."
This sounds so good I have to pass it along. APPLE CRANBERRY STUFFED PORK CHOPS
I was going to celebrate Grouch Day by writing down all the things that tend to piss me off. Then I realized. There just aren't enough hours in the day to complete that project.
It's worth every penny!
One of the most interesting experiences, in my life, was working at the FOUR SEASONS HOTEL in Houston. I just checked the going rate for a three night stay, in Houston, at the worlds finest.
Hey! You only live once! Why not book a weekend in the Governor Suite with one king size bed. The average price, PER NIGHT will run you $3,300.00 for a 3 night total of $9,900.00, plus tax, of course. You may think that's a bit pricey but, let me assure you, you'll find it's worth every penny.
You can imagine my amusement, when I came to La Crosse and had to listen to people complain about paying $100.00 a night while trying to impress me with how much money and "stuff" they had.
Lets's face it. There are people who have a few bucks. Then there are people who have MONEY.
One of the most interesting experiences, in my life, was working at the FOUR SEASONS HOTEL in Houston. I just checked the going rate for a three night stay, in Houston, at the worlds finest.
Hey! You only live once! Why not book a weekend in the Governor Suite with one king size bed. The average price, PER NIGHT will run you $3,300.00 for a 3 night total of $9,900.00, plus tax, of course. You may think that's a bit pricey but, let me assure you, you'll find it's worth every penny.
You can imagine my amusement, when I came to La Crosse and had to listen to people complain about paying $100.00 a night while trying to impress me with how much money and "stuff" they had.
Lets's face it. There are people who have a few bucks. Then there are people who have MONEY.
Friday, October 14, 2011
If it ain't one thing it's another. My "mouse" is dying. I have a sneaking hunch I've dropped it on the floor one too many times. I'm just hoping it hangs in there until I can run out and get another one next week.
"THE THING" is back! "The Thing (From Another World)" first showed on screens in 1951. I was 11 years old and I remember us going to see it. Then "The Thing" showed up, again, in 1982. And now, "The Thing" is back again only this time the movie is a prequil to the first two. The 1951 film is, of course, an all time classic. I'll bet these last two will never be tagged with that title. Check out the preview.
Well, now I'm really depressed. It was bad enough when I finally accepted the fact that I'd never make as much money as Bill Gates has. NOW, I find out he can do something else that I will never achieve. Watch this.
Donnie says, "We now have an eerie addition to our nights. Until the pipeline is buried, it is perched atop quite precarious-looking piles of railroad ties. At night, when there are few other sounds out here, the steel pipes will occasionally generate a loud, echoing PING, like wind chimes. The sound is rather pleasant, but it is so unnatural and unexpected that it's also rather creepy--puts us in the mind to look for space aliens. I'm guess the rings are caused by the pipes settling on their supports, or the now-sudden and considerable temperature changes as the sun sets."
Dwight Eisenhower was born in Denison, Texas on this date in 1890.
I just got an e-mail from Walgreen's. All of their Halloween costumes are 25% off. I don't need a costume this year. I'm going trick or treating as an old guy.
You can skip these treatments.
They have been tried before and didn't work.
In the Bible, Elisha, and his buddies, rubbed bear grease on their scalps to grow hair. Actually, this one was used for several centuries....much to the dismay of the bears.
The Greek philosopher, Hippocrates, tried sheeps urine. Smelly but no hair.
The early Romans frosted their domes with chicken dung. No hair but they crowed at sunrise.
In the Bible, Elisha, and his buddies, rubbed bear grease on their scalps to grow hair. Actually, this one was used for several centuries....much to the dismay of the bears.
The Greek philosopher, Hippocrates, tried sheeps urine. Smelly but no hair.
The early Romans frosted their domes with chicken dung. No hair but they crowed at sunrise.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
I'm including this video as a public service for several members of the family. You never know when you may need this knowledge in an emergency.
The folks in Florida are waiting for the Whooping Cranes that have spent the summer in Wisconsin. Click here to read the story on
It will be interesting to see the outcome in the fight between Ryan O'Neal and the University of Texas at Austin. It's over an Andy Warhol portrait of Farrah Fawcett.
O'neal has the painting and says it was jointly owned by Farrah and him. UT argues that it was bequeathed to the university on her death.
It's a Warhol so it's, obviously, valuable but I don't know why. I like Warhol's work but the Fawcett portrait doesn't look anything like her.
O'neal has the painting and says it was jointly owned by Farrah and him. UT argues that it was bequeathed to the university on her death.
It's a Warhol so it's, obviously, valuable but I don't know why. I like Warhol's work but the Fawcett portrait doesn't look anything like her.
Anyone want to visit Donnie and Linda? I'm seeing round trip air fares as low as $278 this afternoon. That's from Minneapolis to Austin.
Interesting to note that Harley-Davidson is opening an office in Miami and they plan to heavily concentrate on introducing their bikes to Latin America from Argentina to northern Mexico.
I looked out the window at 7 A.M. and it was still dark out! I can take the ice, snow and cold but the long nights are just too much.
The Houston Zoo has opened a new habitat for their elephants and they've taken some great shots of the happy residents in their new surroundings. Take a look right here.
James Ramsay MacDonald, who was Prime Minister of Great Britain in the 20's and 30's said, "We have all taken risks in the making of war. Isn't it time that we should take risks to secure peace?"
I'm not aware that anyone has tried that yet. Probably because peace isn't as profitable as war.
From what I've read, I kind of think Jesus would be on the side of peace. Alas, I haven't heard any of the "Christians" running for office talk about that.
I'm not aware that anyone has tried that yet. Probably because peace isn't as profitable as war.
From what I've read, I kind of think Jesus would be on the side of peace. Alas, I haven't heard any of the "Christians" running for office talk about that.
The MGM GRAND is spending $160 million to remodel all 3,570 guest rooms and 642 suites to give them all a fresh new look.
Maybe Ron or Penny remember but I think we stayed at the MGM Grand, one time, where we saw Liberace. Of course, that was, at least, a century ago so I could be wrong. I usually am.
Maybe Ron or Penny remember but I think we stayed at the MGM Grand, one time, where we saw Liberace. Of course, that was, at least, a century ago so I could be wrong. I usually am.
It's been raining, off and on, since yesterday afternoon. It was still raining when I got up this morning. That's a lot of wet hours but it hasn't amounted to much rain. As of 10, last night, La Crosse had only picked up .45".
It's been a long time since Mother was working in the hot lunch program at the old school in West Salem. Too bad she missed a trip to the White House!
The West Salem Elementary School is one of only seven schools in the country to receive the Gold Award of Distinction in the Healthier US School Challenge for good nutrition and fitness.
For winning the award, the schools nutrition director, the school principal and the cook will all attend a reception at the White House on Monday.
The West Salem Elementary School is one of only seven schools in the country to receive the Gold Award of Distinction in the Healthier US School Challenge for good nutrition and fitness.
For winning the award, the schools nutrition director, the school principal and the cook will all attend a reception at the White House on Monday.
Today is World Sight Day. Click here for more information. I've got an appointment with my opthamologist in November. Then, keeping my fingers crossed, I'm done with doctors until spring which, right now, seems like a very long time from now.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
"Wind has come up. Some strong gusts. More leaves and needles are coming down on the decks. Definitely fall temps now. Glad the furnace has been serviced."
"Wind has come up. Some strong gusts. More leaves and needles are coming down on the decks. Definitely fall temps now. Glad the furnace has been serviced."
I just heard a great joke. A man is kneeling beside the bed, hands folded, looking up toward heaven. A pained expression on his face. He prays, "I asked you, as nicely as I could, to make me a better person. You, apparently, can't be bothered."
This is from Rita and it's a classic. The reason it's so funny is that it's sooooo true!
Rita wrote: I found this really funny, especially since I received it almost immediately after I called my bank to redo my password because I forgot it - again.
"I just flunked my bank's identity test. You know, the one that interrogates you about your life. I failed to identify my favorite cousin, former address and the name of my maternal grandfather. I'm sure that the person monitoring my efforts thought I was either an identity thief or a complete imbecile.
The problem is, I lost my cheat sheet, a ratty piece of paper on which I had scrawled cryptic clues to my user names and passwords. It looks like a string of comic book obscenities: "Xxxxxx###," "Xxx@#Xx," "X##%@#xx!"
The clues are phrases like "snack food dot high school home room number" or "not dog under '70's license plate," which stand for Combos.223 and KiTTy_982K59, respectively. Mostly, these complex constructions succeeded only in locking me out of my own life.
Which is why, when I am confronted with questions such as the name of my first pet, I am stymied. Are we counting the turtle I had for three weeks before it died? Or the deformed hamster rescued from a research lab? For favorite food, are we talking about when I'm counting calories or eating leftover chocolate cake for breakfast? And as for the city I'd most like to visit, is it Machu Picchu, perched high in the Peruvian mountains (my choice years ago), or a flat Mid-western metropolis, since I now suffer from bad knees?
Then there are those made-up, spam-filtering words that look like they went through the washing machine. No matter how much I squint, I fail to interpret "WaDdle09" or "Sluggert55" as anything but a line of scribbles. Then I find myself yelling at the computer: "C'mon, give me one more try. Let me buy a vowel. Can I phone a friend? State Capitals? I'll take hometowns for $500."
Of course one could always take the streamlined approach and choose the same password for every account. This was my strategy for many years. Oh yeah, good ole "IP4395," my aunt's old license plate number, which I read as "I pee for $3.95." It was my favorite joke when I was 8 years old. That one served me well. But after reading too many articles on identity theft, I was scared straight and devised a system so complex that it denied me access to my own bank account.
In fact, I managed to access it only after surrendering my Social Security number to a supervisor and explaining that the name of my favorite cousin changes almost weekly, that I'd changed residences several times and that my mother's father was a scoundrel we try to forget.
The supervisor asked if I wanted to choose new security questions. I told her no, that I was investing in a memory improvement seminar so that as long as I can always remember who I am today, I can always become a different person tomorrow.
Now, if I could only find that ratty piece of paper."
Written by: Julia Anne Miller
Rita wrote: I found this really funny, especially since I received it almost immediately after I called my bank to redo my password because I forgot it - again.
"I just flunked my bank's identity test. You know, the one that interrogates you about your life. I failed to identify my favorite cousin, former address and the name of my maternal grandfather. I'm sure that the person monitoring my efforts thought I was either an identity thief or a complete imbecile.
The problem is, I lost my cheat sheet, a ratty piece of paper on which I had scrawled cryptic clues to my user names and passwords. It looks like a string of comic book obscenities: "Xxxxxx###," "Xxx@#Xx," "X##%@#xx!"
The clues are phrases like "snack food dot high school home room number" or "not dog under '70's license plate," which stand for Combos.223 and KiTTy_982K59, respectively. Mostly, these complex constructions succeeded only in locking me out of my own life.
Which is why, when I am confronted with questions such as the name of my first pet, I am stymied. Are we counting the turtle I had for three weeks before it died? Or the deformed hamster rescued from a research lab? For favorite food, are we talking about when I'm counting calories or eating leftover chocolate cake for breakfast? And as for the city I'd most like to visit, is it Machu Picchu, perched high in the Peruvian mountains (my choice years ago), or a flat Mid-western metropolis, since I now suffer from bad knees?
Then there are those made-up, spam-filtering words that look like they went through the washing machine. No matter how much I squint, I fail to interpret "WaDdle09" or "Sluggert55" as anything but a line of scribbles. Then I find myself yelling at the computer: "C'mon, give me one more try. Let me buy a vowel. Can I phone a friend? State Capitals? I'll take hometowns for $500."
Of course one could always take the streamlined approach and choose the same password for every account. This was my strategy for many years. Oh yeah, good ole "IP4395," my aunt's old license plate number, which I read as "I pee for $3.95." It was my favorite joke when I was 8 years old. That one served me well. But after reading too many articles on identity theft, I was scared straight and devised a system so complex that it denied me access to my own bank account.
In fact, I managed to access it only after surrendering my Social Security number to a supervisor and explaining that the name of my favorite cousin changes almost weekly, that I'd changed residences several times and that my mother's father was a scoundrel we try to forget.
The supervisor asked if I wanted to choose new security questions. I told her no, that I was investing in a memory improvement seminar so that as long as I can always remember who I am today, I can always become a different person tomorrow.
Now, if I could only find that ratty piece of paper."
Written by: Julia Anne Miller
A fellow "tweeter" and "blogger" just sent me this blog site with some really stunning photos of the Coulee Region. I Love it!
See the blog here.
See the blog here.
Big doings in Decorah this week.
Their royal Majesties, King Harald V and Queen Sonja of Norway will be in town, Thursday, to dedicate a new gallery at the Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum in Decorah and to celebrate the sesquicentennial of Luther College. Now, that's something I would enjoy. I'll bet there will be a Solberg or two in the crowd.
Their royal Majesties, King Harald V and Queen Sonja of Norway will be in town, Thursday, to dedicate a new gallery at the Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum in Decorah and to celebrate the sesquicentennial of Luther College. Now, that's something I would enjoy. I'll bet there will be a Solberg or two in the crowd.
Sorry to show my ignorance but I thought Don Rickles was dead. I'm happy to see that, not only is he very much alive, he's very much on tour.
He'll be at the Orleans Showroom in Las Vegas November 12 and 13 and it's already a sell-out. And, on New Years Eve, he'll entertain the folks at Harrah's in Atlantic City and, the last I heard, there are less than 10 tickets left for that show.
He'll be at the Orleans Showroom in Las Vegas November 12 and 13 and it's already a sell-out. And, on New Years Eve, he'll entertain the folks at Harrah's in Atlantic City and, the last I heard, there are less than 10 tickets left for that show.
It was October 12, 1810 and the very first Oktoberfest ANYWHERE was held in Munich to celebrate the marriage of Crown Prince Ludwig of Bavaria to Princess Therese of Saxe-Hildburghausen.
A Rhode Island pumpkin grower won the New England regional pumpkin contest, this year, with a 1,661 pound pumpkin but that's 150 pounds lighter than the WORLD RECORD that was set, last year, right here in Wisconsin. Nobody has topped that one, yet, that came in at 1,810.5 pounds.
It's getting to be that time of year. I see overnight temperatures falling into the upper 30's by next week.
The annual Wisconsin Sweat Sale begins today at the La Crosse Center. CLICK HERE and save on your Christmas shopping. They've got some really great bargains here.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
O'Hare has been named the most dangerous airport in the USA. READ MORE HERE
TAKE MY WORD FOR IT. Mother Nature is going to dump some good rains on us tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow night.
Are any of you men taking VITAMIN E? You may want to read this article from webMD
There's no record of exactly where it was but we know it was taken here in La Crosse in 1939. This is from the LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ARCHIVES.
The colors are starting to come alive on the hills surrounding Rita and Rogers home. And, before we know it, this will all be white with snow!
Maybe it's s sign of the times but it's still hard to believe. A 20 year old college student was robbed and beaten while walking on 3rd street, Saturday, at 1:30 in the afternoon! 1:30 in the morning I could understand but 1:30 in the afternoon?? In lovely, Lively La Crosse?? I think it's getting a little too lively.
I didn't think I'd have to have eyes in the back of my head, when I was out in public, after I left Houston but I guess I was wrong. It seems to be just as violent in the country as it was in the city.
I didn't think I'd have to have eyes in the back of my head, when I was out in public, after I left Houston but I guess I was wrong. It seems to be just as violent in the country as it was in the city.
I got a kick out of a T-shirt I saw yesterday. It said, "I May be left handed but I'M ALWAYS RIGHT".
Monday, October 10, 2011
Here's something to keep in mind if you're planning to fly out of MSP any time soon. You can now order food, from one of three food outlets at the airport, and have it delivered to your departure gate. HERE'S MORE INFO FROM MPR
I had no idea there was an art gallery at GRAND RIVER STATION, the new downtown bus terminal. Here's a website for the current show GRAND RIVER STATION GALLERY. You learn something new every day! I'll have to check it out.
The Lone Ranger and Tonto went camping in the desert. After they got their tent all set up, both men fell sound asleep.
Some hours later, Tonto wakes the Lone Ranger and says, 'Kemo Sabe, look towards sky, what you see? '
'The Lone Ranger replies, 'I see millions of stars.'
'What that tell you?' asked Tonto.
The Lone Ranger ponders for a minute then says, 'Astronomically speaking, it tells me there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets.
Astrologically, it tells me that Saturn is in Leo.
Time wise, it appears to be approximately a quarter past three in the morning.
Theologically it tells me that the Lord is all-powerful and we are small and insignificant.
Meteorologically, it seems we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What's it tell you, Tonto?'
'It tell me someone stole the tent.'
Some hours later, Tonto wakes the Lone Ranger and says, 'Kemo Sabe, look towards sky, what you see? '
'The Lone Ranger replies, 'I see millions of stars.'
'What that tell you?' asked Tonto.
The Lone Ranger ponders for a minute then says, 'Astronomically speaking, it tells me there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets.
Astrologically, it tells me that Saturn is in Leo.
Time wise, it appears to be approximately a quarter past three in the morning.
Theologically it tells me that the Lord is all-powerful and we are small and insignificant.
Meteorologically, it seems we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What's it tell you, Tonto?'
'It tell me someone stole the tent.'
This video was shot by a camera mounted on the dashboard of a delivery truck. The driver escaped before his truck sank. The vehicle was recently recovered and video experts were able to save this much of the footage.
This video was shot by a camera mounted on the dashboard of a delivery truck. The driver escaped before his truck sank. The vehicle was recently recovered and video experts were able to save this much of the footage.
"A dramatic fish-eye birds-eye view of the new Canal construction--imagine the scale!"
"A dramatic fish-eye birds-eye view of the new Canal construction--imagine the scale!"
I'm going to make a run to K-Mart today and spend some time outside. I'm thinking this is going to be about our last day to enjoy that "summertime feeling".
The temperatures will start falling tomorrow, we'll have rain by Wednesday and highs will only be in the 50's by Friday.
I know it's time for that sort of thing but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
The temperatures will start falling tomorrow, we'll have rain by Wednesday and highs will only be in the 50's by Friday.
I know it's time for that sort of thing but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
What are the other Canadian holidays? CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT.
Happy to see that Shirley MacLaine will recieve a LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD from the American Film Institute next June. She can put that award next to the Academy Award she won for her performance in "Terms of Endearment".
I'm just finishing her latest book, "I'm over all that", and it was a delight to read.
By the way, she had a quote from her Father in the book that I sure agree with. He said, "It's too bad we have to get so close to dying before we understand what it's all about in the first place."
I'm just finishing her latest book, "I'm over all that", and it was a delight to read.
By the way, she had a quote from her Father in the book that I sure agree with. He said, "It's too bad we have to get so close to dying before we understand what it's all about in the first place."
Dr. Dolan works in Internal Medicine at Gunderson Lutheran, here in La Crosse, but he took the summer off to treat patients on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota and he plans to go again next summer.
I've visited the reservation many times and have seen the need for medical services with my own eyes. Thank you Dr. Dolan! Read the article about Dr. Dolan's experience in the La Crosse Tribune.
I've visited the reservation many times and have seen the need for medical services with my own eyes. Thank you Dr. Dolan! Read the article about Dr. Dolan's experience in the La Crosse Tribune.
Great article in the La Crosse Tribune this morning. HOLMEN KIDS HELP SPREAD PRAIRIE, LEARN ABOUT NATURE
I see Brett Farve was born on this date in 1969. 1969??
On the day he was born I was already 29 and pushin' 30!
Here he is, body all achin' and wracked with pain and he's still a child.
Hey! It may not have been from football but I've been knocked down, fallen down, been hit by cars, spent a little time in jail, been through forest fires, floods, hurricanes and a tornado. AND, I've lived 29 more years than he has.
When you look at it that way, my body has held up pretty damn good!
On the day he was born I was already 29 and pushin' 30!
Here he is, body all achin' and wracked with pain and he's still a child.
Hey! It may not have been from football but I've been knocked down, fallen down, been hit by cars, spent a little time in jail, been through forest fires, floods, hurricanes and a tornado. AND, I've lived 29 more years than he has.
When you look at it that way, my body has held up pretty damn good!
"A beautiful skunk strutted across the lawn a couple days ago, broad daylight, first time we've seen one of those. They are large critters, and quite elegant, tuxedo black, large bushy tail. (Yes, I know this photo is a fox. I didn't have time to get the skunk on film.)"
High temperatures across the area this weekend made it into the lower to middle 80s as abundant sunshine and southerly winds prevailed. Rochester, MN set a record high temperature with 84 degrees on Friday, while La Crosse tied their record on Saturday with 83 degrees. Temperatures climbed into the upper 70s to lower 80s Sunday, and will make it into the upper 70s to lower 80s today.
It is somewhat unusual to have highs in the 80s this late in the season since the days are becoming shorter and the sun angle is getting lower on the horizon. The average last occurrence of a high temperature of 80 degrees or warmer is September 30th at Rochester and October 2nd at La Crosse. The latest occurrence of an 80 degree or warmer reading is Oct 29th, 1950 at Rochester (80), and the 1st of November, 1933 at La Crosse (80).
More interesting temperature facts: At Rochester, the maximum temperature has now reached 80 degrees or higher for 7 consecutive days (October 3-9). This is longest stretch of 80 degree or higher days in October since records began in 1886 (previous record stretch was 4 days set in 1947 and 2010). At La Crosse, the current streak is 5 (October 5-9), while the record is 7 consecutive days (October 2-8, 1997).
Cooler temperatures will invade the region on Tuesday as a slow moving cold front makes its way eastward through the Upper Midwest, eventually bringing to an end the unseasonably warm temperatures.
Sunday, October 09, 2011
The perfect autumn drive for Wisconsin color, right now, is on Highway 13 from Ashland to Bayfield.
Sunny and warm. I walked over to WALGREEN'S in my shirt sleeves.
About Wednesday we'll be getting what Rapid City has today. Duane said, "Dreary, wet, cold day. The decks are covered with pine needles."
About Wednesday we'll be getting what Rapid City has today. Duane said, "Dreary, wet, cold day. The decks are covered with pine needles."
At a recent wedding party, someone yelled, "All the married men please stand next to the one person who has made your life worth living."
The bartender was crushed to death.
The bartender was crushed to death.
They got about a half inch of rain in Austin yesterday and over an inch has fallen this morning. There will be celebrations in the capitol city of Texas today!
I haven't heard from Donnie yet but they're getting some Good rains in Austin this morning and it looks like some of it is falling on Dripping Springs too. That should put some smiles on their faces. The Austin folks on TWITTER are going crazy over seeing the rain!!
You've got to read this story out of St. Joseph, Missouri about the TV commercial aimed...not at the owner the dog!
I was just checking TWITTER and Cher posted her last "tweet" of the night just after 3 A.M. She was on her way to bed. She and Lynne should get together. Both night owls.
If you know anyone looking for a loving companion, PLEASE pass this website along to them. COULEE HUMANE SOCIETY
The very best Autumn Drive, right now, is Highway 13 from Ashland to Bayfield, Ferry to Mad Island, back on #13 west to Cornucopia to Iron River.
So for you BAD Norwegians, Click here to learn about the man who really discovered America.
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