Starting a new blog that you may want to check out from time to time..or maybe not. It's up to you!

Saturday, July 05, 2014
Did you know that Dragon Boat racing has been going on for more than 2,000 years!!!!
I'm not even old enough to remember that far back but Wikipedia has some fascinating history about the boat races which YOU CAN READ RIGHT HERE
Remembering the Carpenters today.
"Only Yesterday" was the Carpenters' last top-ten single on the Billboard Hot 100.
#welove70s #70s #Hits...
— We love 50's60's70's (@welove50s60s70s) July 5, 2014
The Riverfest folks have perfect weather for the Dragon Boat Races today
There's only a 20% chance for rain and that isn't expected until late afternoon so the races should be able to go on, as planned, on the Black River at Copeland Park on the Northside. It's, normally, held on the Mississippi at Riverside park but the water is too high and running too fast for that this year.
Rush, Rush, Rush this morning.
Bert is picking me up around 7:30 and I didn't wake up until nearly 5:00. It takes me two hours to wake up so that doesn't leave me much time.
I haven't slept that late in a long, long time but last night was a nightmare. The damn neighbors put on a fireworks party....right under my bedroom window and they must have bought, at least, $10,000.00 worth of fireworks..most of them the giant booming bombs...and put on a neighborhood fireworks show that lasted until 11:00 last night. There was no possible way that anybody could sleep.
So, we're starting the day with just a short nap under my belt and it will be a long day at the Dragon Boat Races which Jenny is starring in. It will be fun if I can stay awake.
Friday, July 04, 2014
My old home, sweet home. I miss you Houston!
Storm clouds are building just east of downtown. Hopefully the lightning storms miss Freedom Over Texas! #TXFreedom
— Travis Herzog (@HerzogWeather) July 4, 2014
I'm going to be even MORE confused that I usually am with the holiday today.
I keep thinking this is Saturday. I'll bet I'm not the only one thinking the same thing. I wonder what I'll think tomorrow is?
This is NOT the way it's supposed to go.
7,000 fireworks all wired up and ready to entertain the 4th of July crowd.
Alas, there was a computer malfunction and, guess what. ALL 7,000 FIREWORKS BLEW UP AT THE TIME TIME!!!!
Alas, there was a computer malfunction and, guess what. ALL 7,000 FIREWORKS BLEW UP AT THE TIME TIME!!!!
The worlds largest cargo plane, Russian built, was at the Minneapolis airport Wednesday evening.
This amazing aircraft, at 275 feet in length is just short of a football field. It has a wingspan of 300 feet.
Italians love oranges, Russians love vodka. Put them together and you've got a screwdriver, baby!
Biggest eaters of oranges: Italy. Biggest drinkers: Russia. The #WorldCup of everything else:
— Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) July 4, 2014
You might want to click on the article and check out the graph. Lot's of surprising information such as....
Most immigrants: Switzerland
Most Doctors per capita: Greece
Fastest population growth: Nigeria
Most guns per capita: USA
I'm not a very productive person.
TIME Magazine lists 6 things that productive people do to be more productive. I don't do any of these things.
A very chilly start to the 4th of July at a couple of Wisconsin cities.
At 5:00 AM, Tomahawk was reporting 36 degrees and it was 37 in Land O' Lakes. That would put some frost on your sparkler.
Something will be missing on the river for Riverfest this year.
We've hardly had any summer and look what I saw this morning.
I just saw my first "Back to School" ad!! Next thing you know the Christmas commercials will be bombarding us!
J. C. Penny offering "Back to school Deals!
Thursday, July 03, 2014
A quick reminder to DRIVE CAREFULLY this weekend!
MN State Patrol is on the scene of a crash btwn a semi & multiple vehicles on I35 north bound in Steele County.
— KARE 11 (@kare11) July 3, 2014
Just the facts please!
Continent or Country ?
— UNIMAGINABLE (@EssentialFact) May 20, 2014
The weather is beautiful.....finally....wish you were here!
Enjoy Riverfest thru Saturday!
— Discover Onalaska (@OnalaskaWi) July 3, 2014
This will spoil the holiday for a lot of folks.
#Hurricane Arthur will become a threat to the Carolina coasts.
— Weather Underground (@wunderground) July 3, 2014
A note from Rick.
"We are so happy to hear how much you enjoyed our new kittens, Kassie and Lea. They are amazing. We find ourselves just looking at them and admiring how beautiful they are."
Kids and Kittens. It doesn't get any better!
How to grow a lemon tree. This is great.
What the hell is blooming now?
My head is all stuffed up this morning. Blowing and sniffing with a touch of post nasal drip. Miserable damn allergies!
NOPE! Not buying it.
Man claims this photo real proof of Bigfoot. You be the judge -
— Houston News (@abc13houston) July 3, 2014
OK. It's not just cats that are beautiful. How could you possibly say no to a face like this?
Look at that beautiful face!
— Compassion 4 Animals (@AmyRoseKathryn) July 3, 2014
Before long, downtown La Crosse is going to be one big campus for Logistics Health Incorporated but that might not be a bad thing.
The more LHI builds, the more old, ugly empty buildings we get rid of. You may wish to continue using the term "historic buildings" but, I'm telling you, most of them are just old, ugly, empty buildings. The city has already torn down the true "historic buildings" like the Stoddard Hotel, the court house and the old library.
In any event, the city has given the OK for LHI to build another building which will be located at 2nd and Jay, behind Hooters.
What's for lunch??
There was a young man called Art,
Who thought he'd be terribly smart,
He ate ten cans of beans,
And busted his jeans,
With a loud earth-shattering.
Who thought he'd be terribly smart,
He ate ten cans of beans,
And busted his jeans,
With a loud earth-shattering.
Remember the good old days when there was really funny stuff on TV?
And, there was only 12 channels and a clicker with an "on", "Off" and "other channel" button on it instead of the one I've got now with 51 buttons on it and I can't find the one that turns the damn TV off once you have it on and I can't find the channel I'm looking for because none of the buttons seem to want to go there.
Screw the TV. I've gone back to the internet. Roger will like this one.
Screw the TV. I've gone back to the internet. Roger will like this one.
Rick and Angela's family grew by two this week.
They report: "We brought them home Monday. They are doing great and we are having so much fun with them.
They haven't met the dogs yet.".
They haven't met the dogs yet.".
How much fun can you have with a sheet of metal and a bunch of goats?
Thanks Ron!
Don't worry about the sound. There is none.....and none is needed!
Don't worry about the sound. There is none.....and none is needed!
Wednesday, July 02, 2014
Why is it so hot in Washington and so cold in Wisconsin?
We don't have the hot air coming from Congress.
Heat Index values over 100° in the DC area. 108° in Bethesda!! (via @WeatherBug)
— Jacob Wycoff (@4cast4you) July 2, 2014
I hated going out with a sweater on this morning but I wasn't alone.
Everyone is walking around in jackets and sweaters, today, wondering what the hell happened to summer??
Amazing photo.
Rush Hour, #NYC, 1909 via @HistoryInPics
— JohnnyJet (@JohnnyJet) July 2, 2014
I don't see any rain coming our way on the radar this morning. Must be something wrong with the radar.
Sioux Falls set a rain record for April. Their total of 13.70" this April broke the old record of 8.43" set in 1984.
La Crosse didn't break a record but we came close. We picked up 10.26" of rain this year. The April record was set in 1993 with 10.79".
La Crosse didn't break a record but we came close. We picked up 10.26" of rain this year. The April record was set in 1993 with 10.79".
Retire to Costa Rica ads have been running on this blog the past few days.
With 40 degree temperatures in Wisconsin in July, Costa Rica is sounding better and better all the time.
You can always find and excuse to celebrate.
Bean and Bacon Days start today in Augusta, Wisconsin. And, what do they do at Bean and Bacon Days??
Overnight temps in the 40's for the 4th of July?????
With the fourth of July right around the corner, I had to close the window, yesterday, because the breeze coming through was too cold.
You might want to throw a jacket in the car if you're coming to La Crosse for the Independence Day festivities.
Tuesday, July 01, 2014
Potts Avenue could be named after Packers head coach - Green Bay Press Gazette
— Green Bay Packers (@PackerNews) July 1, 2014
No wonder its the first thing that comes to my mind when i think about Australia
— UNIMAGINABLE (@EssentialFact) June 14, 2014
Would you believe we're coming up on the 4th of July and our high's will be in the 60's tomorrow.
This is the most miserable summer, weather-wise, I've ever seen in my life.
Hey! We got us a tropical storm on the east coast!
Tropical Depression One has been upgraded to Tropical Storm #Arthur as of 11AM. #ncwx #obxwx
— NWS Newport/Morehead (@NWSMoreheadCity) July 1, 2014
Sure wish I could be there to help you celebrate. I had some fun times on the 4th of July in Deadwood..back in the days when Wild Bill's body wasn't even cold yet.
Happy July 1! Where are you celebrating the week? We think you should be in Deadwood! Parade, awesome fireworks...
— Deadwood Chamber (@DeadwoodSD) July 1, 2014
Good deal here!
Wash out your clothes, not your wallet! Show to cashier to redeem this week's #festfoods Twitter coupon.
— Festival Foods (@festfoods) July 1, 2014
According to this, June weather wasn't as bad, this year, as a lot of other years.
La Crosse WI had a warm and wet June. It tied 1971 for the 14th warmest June (72.1F) and it was 24th wettest June (6.70").
— NWS La Crosse (@NWSLaCrosse) July 1, 2014
It's "Do or Die" day.
Big day ahead in the #WorldCup - #ARG vs #SUI at 11am, then #USA vs #BEL at 3pm -
— Houston News (@abc13houston) July 1, 2014
Did you find everything you were looking for at Whole Foods?
Whole Foods, apparently, doesn't have a "Whole training program".
Donnie asked the fellow behind the Whole Foods bread counter where he might find bread sticks. "He didn't know what I was talking about. The best he could do was point out the baguettes."
The only thing I can figure out is that we're talking Texas here. That's cowboy country. I've known a lot of cowboys in my time and I can honestly say I've never seen one of them eat a bread stick.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Looks like the whole state got hit.
Tornado threat unfounded as storms pass through southern Wisconsin
— Wis. State Journal (@WiStateJournal) July 1, 2014
EEEUUUUU...What do you think? Pineapple wine????
What the Heck is Tepache?
— Zagat (@Zagat) June 30, 2014
It's a bad day in Iowa.
Wind gusts up to 80 mph reported near Prairieburg, IA, reports NWS spotter
— (@breakingweather) June 30, 2014
So...what else is new??
It's raining again in La Crosse. That deal with Noah was just a practice run for the real thing happening NOW in Wisconsin. Give me a break!!
The big supermarkets were forced to get rid of their plastic bags in January. Now, beginning tomorrow, small stores can no longer use the plastic to bag customers items.
Here's an interesting fact:
Sexist lightning? 81% of lightning death victims over the last eight years were men:
— The Weather Network (@weathernetwork) June 30, 2014
Rain all around us this morning. I'll be surprised if we don't get some before the day is over.
There is one good piece of weather news. As of today, the National Weather service says WE'LL HAVE A SUNNY SKY ON THE 4TH OF JULY!
I Iearned something new during our marathon power outage over the weekend.
This old man can still walk down 5 flights of stairs without much problem. Walking back up 5 flights of stairs, however, is quite painful.
Rita dropped coupons off today.
When I came back upstairs, guess what I saw on the computer screen.
United got off to a bad start this morning.
United flight diverted after emergency slide opens mid-flight:
— CNBC (@CNBC) June 30, 2014
This makes me think of Uncle Jim.
Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) – International Convention — 07/01/14 at MGM Grand Hotel and Casino: Barbershop...
— Las Vegas Events (@events_vegas) June 30, 2014
June 30, 1958...56 years ago today. What were you doing?
I can tell you what I was doing!
I was living in Minneapolis and going to Brown Radio School learning how to do what I would do for the next 30 years.
Getting ready for school I had the radio on and was listening to the biggest hit of the week.
I was living in Minneapolis and going to Brown Radio School learning how to do what I would do for the next 30 years.
Getting ready for school I had the radio on and was listening to the biggest hit of the week.
Welcome to Hell.
Mondays are bad enough without having to put up with awful weather too but, like it or not, we're looking at a good possibility for damaging winds, large hail, flash flooding and a few tornadoes today.
This looks like my blue heaven!
All I have to do is come up with $400,000 and the town of Swett, South Dakota is mine!
Big excitement next weekend.
Bert and Koko are coming to La Crosse to watch Jenny compete in the Blue Dragon Boat Races. I'm going to tag along. I'll take pictures!
Sunday, June 29, 2014
I'm hearing that there were more than 7,000 homes without power last night due to the storms.
It's nice to know I wasn't the only one. As far as I'm concerned, that's enough of the big storms for this summer.
If this is true I should be happier than I am.
The unhappiest people in this world are the people who care the most about what everyone else thinks.
— Interesting Facts (@neverknownfacts) June 28, 2014
Another round of showers and thunderstorms in the forecast for tonight.
They say some of tonight's thunderstorms could, again, be severe. I'm crossing my fingers that doesn't happen. One night of that is enough.
I walked down to Riverside Park this morning waiting for the power to come on.
I don't think I've seen the water as high as it is now...except for the floods back in the 60's when the water came nearly up to 3rd street. Those were the old days before the dams were built.
13 hours without power!!
I was about to go crazy.
It was a terrible storm we had last night. Don't remember ever seeing one that intense. More trees went down in the neighborhood and the power went with them.
No way to make coffee. No hot water for a shower. No elevator so I had to WALK up and down five flights of stairs. Going down was OK but climbing back up was almost more than I could handle.
Food was a problem because no electricity to make anything and nothing to make a sandwich with. The Co-op has good sandwiches. I decided to run over there and get a couple of those. Guess what. No power at the Co-op either. They were closed too. How about Kwik Trip? CLOSED. No power. Conoco had power but no sandwiches.
We're slowly getting back to normal now but there's still bad news. More storms are forecast tonight and some could be severe. I can only hope we don't have a repeat of last night.
I could write headlines for one of those sleazy papers and get paid for it. Technically, there's really nothing that isn't true in that line above. Here's the story.
According to Donnie, "I checked out a new book from the library. I carried the book, back and forth, to several coffee shop hangouts.
One morning I splashed a DROP, literally a drop of hot chocolate on a corner of the closed book leaving a quarter inch blemish on the top edge of the last 300 pages but no stain inside or on the printing.
Upon checking out new books today, the library informed me there was "a problem" with my last return.
I'm creating more narrative than necessary but I'm venting over the fact that the library charged me $33.00 to replace the book though they retired the "damaged" volume into my hands."
Well, all I can say about that little "problem" is, that's what you get for living in those "fancy smanchy" neighborhoods!
I always enter the library trying to look poor and in need of an education in the hope of avoiding those kinds of "nasty incidents". So far it has worked just fine.
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