"Bob says yes. Mulligan's does carry Pinnacle Vodka and also Rainbow Sherbet Vodka. They have five flavored ones now.
Still way too cold and windy. Love the sunny skies though. It may make 40 but the wind chill is cold."
Starting a new blog that you may want to check out from time to time..or maybe not. It's up to you!

Saturday, April 20, 2013
"I saw a robin feeding on the patio yesterday. I have never seen a robin in Houston. Must have migrated South to get out of the La Crosse weather."
I'm delighted to see that the airline industry and the pilots union are suing the FAA over the decision to furlough air traffic controllers in smaller airports across the USA, including La Crosse.
To infer that shutting down the control towers won't compromise safety is ridiculous and to predict this won't cause delays is laughable.
It's clear that the Federal agencies and congress would rather play political games than concern themselves with the safety and convenience of the American people.
To infer that shutting down the control towers won't compromise safety is ridiculous and to predict this won't cause delays is laughable.
It's clear that the Federal agencies and congress would rather play political games than concern themselves with the safety and convenience of the American people.
U.S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT has an article listing the "Best doughnuts in the U.S.A." The article is flawed, of course, because they fail to list KWIK TRIP'S GLAZERS which, probably, aren't mentioned because this is only the best in the USA. Glazers are, of course, the best in the world.
Although they missed Glazers, I noticed they do list a doughnut that's only about 20 miles away from Donnie and Linda. It's ROUND ROCK DOUGHNUTS (CLICK HERE FOR THEIR WEBSITE)
Next time Donnie comes I'm going to get him to bring me a dozen and we'll see how they stack up against Glazers.
Although they missed Glazers, I noticed they do list a doughnut that's only about 20 miles away from Donnie and Linda. It's ROUND ROCK DOUGHNUTS (CLICK HERE FOR THEIR WEBSITE)
Next time Donnie comes I'm going to get him to bring me a dozen and we'll see how they stack up against Glazers.
I spend 38% of my day figuring out where my mouse pointer is hiding.
— I am CanadianCyn (@CanadianCyn) April 20, 2013
Where do you have to go to get a $40,000.00 cocktail?
If you're thinking there is no such thing as a $40,000 martini you're wrong. CLICK HERE TO CHECK OUT THIS GOODIE
If you're thinking there is no such thing as a $40,000 martini you're wrong. CLICK HERE TO CHECK OUT THIS GOODIE
Earth Day is Monday but the celebration begins today with Neighbors Day Spring Cleaning.
Volunteers will meet at the Black River Beach Neighborhood Center, this morning, and then spread out to clean up the town. Even though it's a "spring cleaning" they'll have to wear their winter clothes this year.
It was 27 degrees when I got up this morning. Considering the average low for this time of year is 40 I would call 27 too damn cold.
Even though we'll have a sunny day, the high will only get up to about 42. So, our high, today, will be what our low should be and our forecast low should be in January!
The sun will last for one day only. Tonight, snow will return and it will be a combo of rain and snow continuing through Tuesday night.
There's just no end in sight, folks!
Even though we'll have a sunny day, the high will only get up to about 42. So, our high, today, will be what our low should be and our forecast low should be in January!
The sun will last for one day only. Tonight, snow will return and it will be a combo of rain and snow continuing through Tuesday night.
There's just no end in sight, folks!
Friday, April 19, 2013
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Rita and I are going to get a little culture this weekend. We're going to see A CHORUS LINE, the show that ran for almost 15 years on Broadway. One of the longest running shows in theater history.
This is a production of the Viterbo Theater Department which has had several students go on to professional careers in theater and music. The choreography is directed by Shane Rhodes who is a professional actor and dancer and has performed in national tours of the show.
So, we're looking forward to a good performance.
Sioux Falls set two records on Apr. 18 - one for snowfall at 2.9 in., the other for coldest maximum temperature at 32 degrees.
— NWS Sioux Falls (@NWSSiouxFalls) April 19, 2013
A nice way to call someone a ‘bast*rd’
A guy was getting ready to tee off on the first hole when a second golfer approached and asked if he could join him. The first said that he usually played alone, but agreed to the twosome.
They were even after the first few holes. The second guy said, “We're about evenly matched, how about playing for $5 a hole?” The first guy said that he wasn't much for betting, but agreed to the terms.
The second guy won the remaining sixteen holes with ease. As they were walking off number eighteen, the second guy was busy counting his $80.00. He confessed that he was the pro at a neighboring course and liked to pick on suckers. The first fellow revealed that he was the Parish Priest.
The pro was flustered and apologetic, offering to return the money. The Priest said, “You won fair and square and I was foolish to bet with you. You keep your winnings.”
The pro said, “Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?” The Priest said, “Well, you could come to Mass on Sunday and make a donation….. And, if you want to bring your mother and father along, I'll marry them.”
A guy was getting ready to tee off on the first hole when a second golfer approached and asked if he could join him. The first said that he usually played alone, but agreed to the twosome.
They were even after the first few holes. The second guy said, “We're about evenly matched, how about playing for $5 a hole?” The first guy said that he wasn't much for betting, but agreed to the terms.
The second guy won the remaining sixteen holes with ease. As they were walking off number eighteen, the second guy was busy counting his $80.00. He confessed that he was the pro at a neighboring course and liked to pick on suckers. The first fellow revealed that he was the Parish Priest.
The pro was flustered and apologetic, offering to return the money. The Priest said, “You won fair and square and I was foolish to bet with you. You keep your winnings.”
The pro said, “Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?” The Priest said, “Well, you could come to Mass on Sunday and make a donation….. And, if you want to bring your mother and father along, I'll marry them.”
Micah and I would get along just fine. I feel the same way about TV news as he does.
OK - I have to get some sleep. Watching reporters speculate on things they know nothing about just to fill time, is hurting my head. #TV
— Micah Johnson (@TV_Agent) April 19, 2013
I get up, this morning, and the news is bad, the weather is bad. It's hard for me to keep my sunny disposition in times like these.
Speaking of sun. None of that around here today. What we will get is a little RAIN a little SNOW and a lot of WIND with gusts to 30 MPH. The temperatures will stay in the 30's all day.
There's no good weather in sight. These miserable, wet, winter days will continue all of next week too.
Donnie said, "Now you know how we feel with the drought week after week after week."
Speaking of sun. None of that around here today. What we will get is a little RAIN a little SNOW and a lot of WIND with gusts to 30 MPH. The temperatures will stay in the 30's all day.
There's no good weather in sight. These miserable, wet, winter days will continue all of next week too.
Donnie said, "Now you know how we feel with the drought week after week after week."
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Who are the rich guys that own their own island?
I like Johnny Depp's the best.
I like Johnny Depp's the best.
Ameren electric company's website reports nearly 3,000 homes without power in Illinois.
— (@breakingweather) April 19, 2013
The heavy rain in Chicago is really awful today. They've had 4 to 6 inches in the past 24 hours. O'Hare had almost 6 inches of rain by mid-morning. This is the most rain Chicago has ever received in a single day.
There are lots of flooded basements, several roads are underwater, several areas around the city have declared a state of emergency.
I used to love spring. NOT THIS YEAR!
There are lots of flooded basements, several roads are underwater, several areas around the city have declared a state of emergency.
I used to love spring. NOT THIS YEAR!
"We had 2.3" rain and it has stopped for now. Some areas got lots more than we did.
At one point Sandy had water all the way around her home. Luckily none into her home but she doesn't want any more rain.
Water runs off the hill right into her yard. She lives on Lake Como, the small lake outside Lake Geneva. Como has been very low from the last couple years so rain is helping fill it again."
At one point Sandy had water all the way around her home. Luckily none into her home but she doesn't want any more rain.
Water runs off the hill right into her yard. She lives on Lake Como, the small lake outside Lake Geneva. Como has been very low from the last couple years so rain is helping fill it again."
"Just a reminder that if you watch the Antique Road show starting next week on PBS, the next three weeks are from Rapid City.
I sent in three items but was not selected and did not win tickets in the drawing. Our neighbor is supposed to be on with a salesman's sample of some kind with Noel Barrett and I guess it was worth a couple of thousand dollars or so. We are looking forward to seeing it.
They go to Mt Rushmore, Sylvan Lake one of our favorite places in the Black Hills and one day to Sturgis where the big motorcycle rally is held each year."
I sent in three items but was not selected and did not win tickets in the drawing. Our neighbor is supposed to be on with a salesman's sample of some kind with Noel Barrett and I guess it was worth a couple of thousand dollars or so. We are looking forward to seeing it.
They go to Mt Rushmore, Sylvan Lake one of our favorite places in the Black Hills and one day to Sturgis where the big motorcycle rally is held each year."
MEDIA NEWS RELEASE:ALERT!!Skimming Devices on ATM Machines-Read details on our
— Oshkosh Police Dept (@oshkoshpd) April 18, 2013
Crazy people are never boring, so I have that going for me.
— Chrisanna4real (@chrisanna4real) April 17, 2013
Things only heard in #wisconsin..."he applied at three different cheese factories."
— Justin Swanson (@svenjera) April 18, 2013
Rain and snow through tomorrow. Sunny Saturday. Then rain and snow Sunday through Wednesday.
If someone had told me the weather could go on like this....week after week after week....soon to be month after month....I would have said they were crazy.
I think I'm going to have to double up on the antidepressants. This is enough to even make those goofy, always jolly, people cry.
I will be wearing my "piss and moan" T-Shirt today.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
We have had 1" rain so far and a crack of lightning and thunder that made me jump. I didn't see any trees hit but it was nearby.
No snow, just rain here so we surely lucked out with great weather yesterday.
STAR MAGAZINE has published a list of the 20 most hated celebrities WHICH YOU CAN SEE RIGHT HERE
Some I agree with, some I don't ....and I'm so out of it....There are several I've never even heard of.
Some I agree with, some I don't ....and I'm so out of it....There are several I've never even heard of.
Mickey Mantle played his first Major League Baseball game on April 17, 1951.
I read a quote, this morning, that I think says it all. "Most people are good. The problem is that the bad scream so loud."
I would add to that, it's the bad screaming into the camera that sell more corn flakes on the evening news so they're the ones that get the coverage.
TV news is not about what's happening. It's about what's selling. But, I guess, that's the American way.
I would add to that, it's the bad screaming into the camera that sell more corn flakes on the evening news so they're the ones that get the coverage.
TV news is not about what's happening. It's about what's selling. But, I guess, that's the American way.
LOCAL AREA JOBS: #JobSearch Order Builder (Loader) Part Time- Seasonal at Coca-Cola... Find this Job&More:
— La Crosse Wisconsin (@LaCrosse_Buzz) April 17, 2013
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Rita, Roger, Carl, Uncle Bob and I went to Viroqua this afternoon. Bob and Lynne were in town and they brought Aunt Wilda home so we were able to visit her in her own surroundings and what a great time that was.
I had forgotten how noisy a room full of Solbergs could be. And, everybody talking at the same time. My ears are still ringing.
I had forgotten how noisy a room full of Solbergs could be. And, everybody talking at the same time. My ears are still ringing.
Another snowstorm bears down on South Dakota. Up to 15 inches of snow in southwest.
— argusleader (@argusleader) April 16, 2013
“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself” - Leo Tolstoy.
— Book Quotes (@medaBookMan) April 16, 2013
I was reading that the hottest drink in the beverage industry, these days, is the "energy drink". It's a 12.5 billion dollar business.
I don't quite understand it. I can't believe the young folks need a drink to get energy. I had plenty of energy in my 20's or 30's.
And, when you get older? Listen, kids. There aren't enough energy drinks in the world to get your motor running again when you hit your 70's.
But, if a good ad campaign makes you believe you have more energy, go for it, baby!
Rita, Roger, Uncle Bob and I are heading to Viroqua, today, to see Aunt Wilda and, for once, our timing is perfect. The day should be sunny with highs in the upper 40's.
Our next storm system arrives tomorrow with rain that will continue to fall on Thursday. They say we could get one to three inches of precipitation.
You know, rain is a good thing in the spring but there's such a thing as too much of a good thing!
Our next storm system arrives tomorrow with rain that will continue to fall on Thursday. They say we could get one to three inches of precipitation.
You know, rain is a good thing in the spring but there's such a thing as too much of a good thing!
Then snow returns Thursday night into Friday. I'm crossing my fingers that it misses us. It's most likely that southeast Minnesota and northcentral Wisconsin will get 6 or more inches of new snow.
Monday, April 15, 2013
We're seeing a little bit of sun today but the clouds are trying their best to keep it hidden. We've got one more day with the sun, tomorrow, before the next round of rain and snow arrives Wednesday and hangs around through Friday.
Carl and Kathy are back home but I'll bet they wish they had stayed in New Mexico a few more weeks.
Carl and Kathy are back home but I'll bet they wish they had stayed in New Mexico a few more weeks.
Guess I'll have to stay out of Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana. They've passed a law making it illegal to wear low hanging or "saggy" pants.
I don't have any saggy pants but my body is sagging in the pants I've always worn so they just look saggy. The law doesn't say anything about saggy bodies but I'll stay out of town anyway.....just in case.
Did you see that Bismark had an ALL TIME RECORD 24 HOUR SNOWFALL during this last storm. They ended up with almost twelve and a half inches.
We're going to Viroqua tomorrow and, I don't know how we did it but, we couldn't have picked a better day.
Our Tuesday weather will be sunny with a high near 50. The rest of the week turns awful again with cold temperatures, rain and snow Wednesday through Friday.
Our Tuesday weather will be sunny with a high near 50. The rest of the week turns awful again with cold temperatures, rain and snow Wednesday through Friday.
1887: The year Grandma was born:
On February 5 it snowed in San Francisco. On February 8, the first ski club in the USA was started in Red Wing, Minnesota.
Chester Greenwood, of Maine, got the patent for earmuffs on March 13.
On April 10, President Lincoln was re-buried, with his wife, in Springfield, Illinois.
On June 21 Great Britain celebrated the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria.
On December 2, Charles Dickens was in New York and gave his first reading in the USA.
And, in 1887, the Murphy Library at the University of Wisconsin in La Crosse published this photo (CLICK HERE) of the dock on the Mississippi River at La Crosse.
It will still be much colder than it should be but WE'RE GOING TO SEE SOME SUN TODAY!
Now, don't get too excited. We'll also have WIND GUST TO 30 MPH and our high will only be in the upper 40's which is much colder than normal.
It will be partly sunny tomorrow too. Then THE RAIN AND SNOW HITS THE FAN, AGAIN, WEDNESDAY.
Enjoy the sun while we have it!
Now, don't get too excited. We'll also have WIND GUST TO 30 MPH and our high will only be in the upper 40's which is much colder than normal.
It will be partly sunny tomorrow too. Then THE RAIN AND SNOW HITS THE FAN, AGAIN, WEDNESDAY.
Enjoy the sun while we have it!
List of national retailers with #free goodies on April 15 #tax day: -via @aarpmoney
— AARP (@AARP) April 14, 2013
Sunday, April 14, 2013
RT @ariannahuff: There are more Chinese restaurants in the US than McDonald's, Burger King and KFC combined #TEDWeekends...
— Travel/Food/Events (@WeBlogtheWorld) April 14, 2013
Note: This is Severe Weather Awareness Week (April 14/15-19/20) in Colorado, Minnesota, Montana, Wisconsin and Wyoming
— Johnny Kelly (@stormchaser4850) April 14, 2013
"We got a new puppy. She is a three month old Yorkie poo. We call her Koko. She doesn't bark and is a sweetie."
Think you know everything there is to know about your body? Think again! There's a bunch of stuff in you that you didn't know you had! CLICK HERE TO SEE WHAT YOU'VE BEEN MISSING
Plan on a wintry mix of snow, sleet and some freezing rain moving
into the area through 7 am.
Any glaze icing from the freezing rain is expected to be confined to mainly exposed surfaces such as trees and flag poles... but expect a few slippery spots on roadways and sidewalks as well.
Look for this wintry mix to change over to all rain by mid morning. If traveling this morning... use caution and be alert for slippery conditions.
Any glaze icing from the freezing rain is expected to be confined to mainly exposed surfaces such as trees and flag poles... but expect a few slippery spots on roadways and sidewalks as well.
Look for this wintry mix to change over to all rain by mid morning. If traveling this morning... use caution and be alert for slippery conditions.
The Travel Wisconsin website is asking "which summer event, in Wisconsin, are you most excited about?" One person wrote in, Not shoveling.

I don't think it's gotten this pricey in La Crosse yet but $10.00 to $15.00 cocktails are becoming pretty standard across the country. An article on the Yahoo! finance page says New York cocktails run from $18.00 to $25.00 a drink. I remember the days when you could drink all night for $25.00. I don't remember much but I remember.
Today's forecast calls for snow, then rain, then rain mixed with snow, then rain, then thunder, then wind gusts to 25 MPH.
Meanwhile, a major winter storm will blow across the north central part of the country where snowfalls of 6 to 12 inches are possible with parts of North Dakota getting up to 15 inches of snow. Strong winds will lead to near blizzard conditions. The map shows the area of severe winter weather.
Meanwhile, a major winter storm will blow across the north central part of the country where snowfalls of 6 to 12 inches are possible with parts of North Dakota getting up to 15 inches of snow. Strong winds will lead to near blizzard conditions. The map shows the area of severe winter weather.
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