Starting a new blog that you may want to check out from time to time..or maybe not. It's up to you!

Saturday, August 03, 2013
Here's an astounding watermelon fact.
There are 1200 different varieties of watermelon grown around the world and I think I've only eaten one of them.
I took a walk down to Riverside Park this morning.
The river is still running pretty full even though we haven't had any rain in a few days.
Even when the park is full of people like it was this morning, you can find a quiet spot.
Here's a piece about driving in Houston (Texas, that is) and with all the years I lived in that great city I can tell you this hits the nail on the head!
The third picture down was taken just a few blocks from where I used to live. It brings back great memories.
I think this is just what I need.
I'm going to be house sitting at Rita and Rogers place in about a week and Roger has all those birds. This might be the perfect time to try it out.
Bird Poop Facial Will Set You Back $180 In Manhattan -
— Inquisitr News (@theinquisitr) August 3, 2013
Now, here's the real deal. I had a bird poop on my head once but it was nothing like this.
A Packers TWEET from last night.
Friday night lights at #Packers training camp
— Green Bay Packers (@packers) August 3, 2013
Tonight is Family Night at Lambeau Field.
The big event is totally sold out but you can still see it on TV. In the La Crosse area the show will start at 6:30 on WLAX-TV.
This is just great. Now I find out how to have a trim belly but it's 30 years too late.
Burn more fat: Stay hydrated, Eat #watermelon, Get more vitamin D, Drink coffee or tea, Eat #breakfast, Drink cold water, Eat more protein!
— Trim Belly Over 40 (@TrimBellyOver40) August 3, 2013
Hey, guys! It's National Watermelon day!!
It's a good day to ask if you know why watermelons have such fancy weddings. They have fancy weddings because they cantaloupe.
There was a farmer who grew watermelons. He was doing pretty well, but he was disturbed by some local kids who would sneak into his watermelon patch at night and eat his watermelons. After some careful thought, he came up with a clever idea that he thought would scare the kids away for sure.
He made up a sign and posted it in the field. The next day, the kids showed up and they saw the sign which read, "Warning! One of the watermelons in this field has been injected with cyanide."
The kids ran off, made up their own sign and posted it next to the farmer's sign. When the farmer returned, he surveyed the field. He noticed that no watermelons are missing, but the sign next to his read, "Now there are two!"
As far as the weather goes, it's going to be a perfect weekend.
We're looking at sunshine with highs around 80 today. Maybe a few degrees cooler but, still, lots of sun tomorrow. By Monday the chance for thunderstorms will return and we may need the umbrella Tuesday and Wednesday as well. I think I might try to get down to the river today or tomorrow.
This is so wonderful, for all my aging friends.
Walk with me while I age
........Very Special thoughts.
Friday, August 02, 2013
Rita and Roger even ended up on TWITTER!
We got some homemade pie in the #Amish country outside La Crosse #Wisconsin.
— Doug Terpstra (@FDTerp) August 2, 2013
Rita, Roger and I made a run up to Viroqua this afternoon.
Bob and Lynne were there too so we had a nice visit. Aunt Wilda looks so good and she's much more alert than I am. Of course, that's not saying much. The big Indian statue at Riverside Park is more alert than I am.
On the way home we took the scenic back roads and stopped at an Amish Farm and bought some goodies. I got a blueberry pie and Rita and Roger went for the peach and berry pie.
Roger struck a pose with his pie coming out of the Baked Goods house.
What's in a name?
Coming home from Festival this morning I got to wondering about why the folks gave me the middle name of Douglas. If I ever asked them I don't remember.
The only thing I can think of is that we were living in Armour when I was born and Armour is in Douglas County. Do you think they'd name me after a county??? Wouldn't that be a little strange?
If, by chance, that's the case, we were living in Marion when Donnie was born and Marion is in Turner County so they should have named him Donald Turner Terpstra. When I think about it, that name does have a ring to it.
It's just a good thing we weren't living in Douglas County when he was born. He might have ended up with DDT for his initials and who would want to be named after a bug spray?
Happy Anniversary "American Graffiti".
If you'd like to watch the full movie you'll find it on YouTube.
Just caught a "tweet" from Ron Howard.
A pal sent this & reminds me American Graffiti released 40yrs ago today. Real beer as I recall :-) good memories
— Ron Howard (@RealRonHoward) August 2, 2013
In the fast lane with the rich and famous.
I see Paris Hilton, who is famous for being Paris Hilton, left Los Angeles for Spain with 21 pieces of luggage. That would be around $2,100 in extra baggage fees but when you're worth $100 million, what's a couple thousand dollars?
How did she get $100 million? She picked the right family to get born into.
Another weekend coming up and it looks like it will be a beauty.
We'll see lots of sun with high's around 80. Can't find any fault with that. I'll have to find something else to bitch about.
Thursday, August 01, 2013
A new report from the National Kidney Foundation.
The latest study shows that 59% of Americans will develop kidney disease.
Here's an article comparing today's Airline prices and the airline prices of the 1950's.
The article is trying to make the point that it's, actually, a lot cheaper to fly today than it was in the 1950's.
Read the article here.
It may be true that a lot more people can afford to fly these days but I have a suspicion that the person who wrote the article wasn't around to actually fly in the '50's and 60's. I was.
In those "olden days" the meals were truly "gourmet", served on real china with real silver and I remember, on Northwest flights, there was a fresh rose...a real rose...on every tray.
The service you got on coach, in those days, was Far superior to the first class service you get today. I know. I flew coach in the old days and flew first class, in recent times, when I lived in Houston and the coach in the old days was "more for the buck".
Todays prices may be cheaper, when you account for inflation, but in the '50's you got what you paid for. You ain't gettin' what you pay for now.
I really think the word "service" should be taken out of today's dictionaries because service today is about as rare as cheap gas.
It may be true that a lot more people can afford to fly these days but I have a suspicion that the person who wrote the article wasn't around to actually fly in the '50's and 60's. I was.
In those "olden days" the meals were truly "gourmet", served on real china with real silver and I remember, on Northwest flights, there was a fresh rose...a real rose...on every tray.
The service you got on coach, in those days, was Far superior to the first class service you get today. I know. I flew coach in the old days and flew first class, in recent times, when I lived in Houston and the coach in the old days was "more for the buck".
Todays prices may be cheaper, when you account for inflation, but in the '50's you got what you paid for. You ain't gettin' what you pay for now.
I really think the word "service" should be taken out of today's dictionaries because service today is about as rare as cheap gas.
Here are the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally webcams.
If you can't make it to Sturgis, you can save this page and check the rally web cams to get a look at the action.
Click here for Rally Web Cams
Click here for Rally Web Cams
135 years and still praying.
From the Wisconsin Historical Society:
August 1,1878 - Perpetual Praying Begins in La Crosse
On this date the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration began their perpetual adoration of the eucharist.
Tag-team continuous prayer of praise, thanksgiving, and petition keeps at least two sisters at the altar, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The order was founded by members of the Third Order Secular Franciscans who left Ettenbeuren, Bavaria in 1849 to do missionary work in America.
Bishop Martin Henni of Milwaukee welcomed them into his diocese.
In 1868 a new diocese was formed in La Crosse.
In 1871 sisters built a new motherhouse, St. Rose Convent, in La Crosse. The sisters assumed the title, Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, on August 1, 1878.
[Source: Oddball Wisconsin by Jerome Pohlen, p.45]
August 1,1878 - Perpetual Praying Begins in La Crosse
On this date the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration began their perpetual adoration of the eucharist.
Tag-team continuous prayer of praise, thanksgiving, and petition keeps at least two sisters at the altar, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The order was founded by members of the Third Order Secular Franciscans who left Ettenbeuren, Bavaria in 1849 to do missionary work in America.
Bishop Martin Henni of Milwaukee welcomed them into his diocese.
In 1868 a new diocese was formed in La Crosse.
In 1871 sisters built a new motherhouse, St. Rose Convent, in La Crosse. The sisters assumed the title, Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, on August 1, 1878.
[Source: Oddball Wisconsin by Jerome Pohlen, p.45]
Cases of head lice are showing up in La Crosse County.
I think you have to have hair to get head lice so Roger and I shouldn't have to worry. I just thought of something. How come Carl still has hair?
Time to flip another page on the calendar.
August is National Immunization Awareness Month. It's also National Back to School Month....and where did the summer go?
I don't know about you but, so much of the spring and summer was cold, this year, it doesn't seem like we had a summer at all. Let's face it. At 73, I don't have a lot of summers left and I don't like missing one.
August is also National Goat Cheese Month, unless you live in Wisconsin. In Wisconsin every month is cheese month (forget the goat).
And, lest we forget, August is Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Month. The rally is always held the first full week in August. Just a few days from now the hills will be alive with the sound of motorcycles!
I don't know about you but, so much of the spring and summer was cold, this year, it doesn't seem like we had a summer at all. Let's face it. At 73, I don't have a lot of summers left and I don't like missing one.
August is also National Goat Cheese Month, unless you live in Wisconsin. In Wisconsin every month is cheese month (forget the goat).
And, lest we forget, August is Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Month. The rally is always held the first full week in August. Just a few days from now the hills will be alive with the sound of motorcycles!
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
The word of the day from Donnie:
Gephyrophobia which is a fear of bridges. People who have this phobia will try to find a route, from here to there, with no bridges.
You might be surprised to know that several heavily traveled bridges have people who will drive your car across the bridge if you let them know you're coming.
One of those bridges is Mackinac Bridge Authority which many of you have traveled over. You'll be interested to know that about a thousand people a year ask for the service.
You might be surprised to know that several heavily traveled bridges have people who will drive your car across the bridge if you let them know you're coming.
One of those bridges is Mackinac Bridge Authority which many of you have traveled over. You'll be interested to know that about a thousand people a year ask for the service.
Here's a Packers Tweet
McCarthy-(TE Andrew) Quarless is getting there. He still has some hurdles to clear, he's catching the ball better. This is what he needs.
— Green Bay Packers (@packers) July 31, 2013
Coach McCarthy's press conference at Lambeau Field has finished. For info about practice & more news, go to #Packers
— Green Bay Packers (@packers) July 31, 2013
I'm moving to Alaska!
As of yesterday Fairbanks has had temperatures at 70 or above for the 14th day in a row. That breaks an all time record for the most consecutive days with temperatures that warm.
Of course they have all that warm weather. All their COLD weather is down here.
Of course they have all that warm weather. All their COLD weather is down here.
If the council approves it the La Crosse Municipal Airport will get a new name.
The plan is to change the name to the La Crosse Regional Airport which, more accurately, reflects the larger area the airport serves.
Dogs can make more faces than I can.
Dogs have the ability to make about 100 different facial expressions.
— UberFacts (@UberFacts) July 31, 2013
It's going to be a little warmer today with the high getting up around 80.
I think I'll get out and enjoy the warm weather while we have it because another strong shot of cold air is coming down from Canada and we'll see lows in the 30's and 40's toward the end of next week. That's enough to make the preacher swear. I already brought the jackets to the front of the closet but if it's going to be in the 30's I'd better get the parka out too.
Oh, by the way, there's a 50% chance for thunderstorms today.
Oh, by the way, there's a 50% chance for thunderstorms today.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
How True!
The most dangerous worldview is the worldview of those who have not viewed the world.
*Alexander von Humboldt*
*Alexander von Humboldt*
Great photo of Wisconsin skies!
Spring storm, Wisconsin.
— Earth Pics (@Earth_Pics) July 30, 2013
Why is there 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour?
Because the Babylonians said there was 6,000 years ago and we've been using those numbers to tell time ever since. There is no other reason for 60 minutes to make an hour. Any other number would have worked just as well.
That's what I've learned, so far, from the new book I'm reading; "A Little History of Science" by William Bynum who is Emeritus Professor of the History of Medicine at University College in London.
That's what I've learned, so far, from the new book I'm reading; "A Little History of Science" by William Bynum who is Emeritus Professor of the History of Medicine at University College in London.
How can anyone be so ignorant, self-centered and cruel to let something like this happen?
24 kids have died from heatstroke in hot cars so far in 2013.
— Patrick Terpstra (@PatrickTerpstra) July 30, 2013
If even a small part of this is true it is OUTRAGEOUS.
Disabled Man Claims Delta Forced Him to Crawl - Yahoo! via @YahooNews #Delta #airlines This is outrageous.
— Doug Terpstra (@FDTerp) July 30, 2013
Love this tweet from Cabin Coffee which has a shop in downtown La Crosse.
Donnie and I stopped in for coffee the last time he was in town. It's good coffee.
Sign #56 it's time to switch to decaf: You just completed another sweater, and you don't know how to knit.
— Cabin Coffee - LC (@CCC_LaCrosse) July 30, 2013
Good one from Rita and Roger this morning.
Subject: Word problem for a member of Mensa
I am sending this only to my friends who I believe to be intelligent enough to actually correctly answer the question below.
As I understand it, only a true member of Mensa can actually solve this word problem
Think long and hard before looking at the answer.
You are on a horse, galloping at a constant speed.
On your right side is a sharp drop off.
And on your left side is an elephant traveling at the same speed as you.
Directly in front of you is another galloping horse but your horse is unable to overtake it.
Behind you is a lion running at the same speed as you and the horse in front of you.
What must you do to safely get out of this highly dangerous situation?
See answer below:
Get your drunk ass off the merry-go-round
It looks like we're in for a few days of gray skies.
There is some rain, this morning, way up north of Eau Claire but we should be rain free until tomorrow when another cold front moves through, as if it hasn't been cold enough already. I've just about given up on any more summer. Time to move the jackets and parka back to the front of the closet.
First a computer that doesn't work, then a lousy weather forecast and a dark cloudy morning. Don't expect to see any smiles on my face today.
Sorry I'm late!
Another "pull your hair out morning" with the computer. When I turned it on, nothing worked. No little arrow moving around on the screen when I moved the mouse.
Ah, hah!, I said. It must be a dead battery.
I spent an hour trying to remember how to open up the little compartment that houses the battery. I pushed, I shook, I pried, I pulled. I did everything I could think of to get to the battery. I used up my entire bad word vocabulary before I finally got it opened and changed the battery. Believe it or not I actually had some fresh batteries.
I put one in. It still wouldn't work. No little arrow moving around on the screen when I moved the mouse. Forget the little touch pad that you can move your finger around on. I never have been able to figure that one out.
I couldn't believe the mouse had died. It's only two months old and it's a Hewlett Packard mouse (same company that made the computer) so it's not some cheap, off the wall brand. Still, even the best of companies make a dud now and then. If there was a dud in the bunch, I would be sure to pick it out.
Finally, I noticed a little blue dot that looked like it might be something you should push. It was one of those things that are recessed and you have to get a "sharp object" like a ball point pen to push it. It was labeled but, of course, the label was so small it would take the Hubbell telescope to read it.
I spent another 45 minutes trying to find my reading glasses. Once I found them I discovered the little label said "connect". What did I have to lose? I pushed. It connected. Here I am again.
I need to find a kid, in the neighborhood, I can rent to come up here and fix these things when there's a problem. I know, if that kid had been here this morning it would have been fixed in 60 seconds or less.
Row, Row, Row your boat....
Monday, July 29, 2013
According to FORBES, Angelina Jolie gets $33 million per film which makes her the highest paid actress in the movie biz.
Isn't this a great old photo?
Don't know what year this was but it's a long time ago. How could there have ever been so much business at the "shoe department" in West Salem that it took TWO clerks to handle the crowds?
I don't know where Donnie found this one but it's a classic.
In regard to the "Beer Can House", Donnie sent these photos.
"Remember this, the soda bottle house in La Crosse? Wonder if it still survives."
And then Donnie added, "Good Grief! I just realized that was 20 years ago."
Yes, I reminded him that time goes fast when you've entered your "golden years".
I was just reading about that the other day. Why does time seem to go faster the older you get?
The folks in the lab tell me that, when you're young, everything you see is something new, every experience is something new so your mind pays far closer attention to each detail to record it in our memory.
The older you get the less that you see and do is new. The brain sort of says, "Been there, Done that" and lets it pass right past those old memory banks.
Since you're, more or less, skipping over a lot of stuff that happens during your day it gives you the illusion that time is going faster.
I remember when we were little kids, summers seemed to go on and on forever. Now, it seems like a week and we're back to winter again.
Martina McBride is celebrating her 47th birthday today.
One of her hits is a classic country song of domestic abuse and this is a classic country video.
Back in the days when John Milkovisch was still alive his home was in a regular, modest, working class neighborhood in the Memorial Park area of Houston, Texas. That was back in the 1970's.
Now, the Memorial Park area of town is an up-scale, trendy (very expensive) part of town with lofts and condos. Johns old house doesn't quite fit in. BUT, a non-profit art group now owns the house and is determined to save it as a piece of original folk art and I think it's a good thing. It's been restored and is now open to the public.
I, often, made trips through that area when I lived in Houston and I know Donnie has visited that part of town too but I don't remember him mentioning the beer can house. I think the next time he visits Houston he should take a few pictures.
In the meantime, here's a good video that gives you a chance to see this masterpiece of art.
Now, the Memorial Park area of town is an up-scale, trendy (very expensive) part of town with lofts and condos. Johns old house doesn't quite fit in. BUT, a non-profit art group now owns the house and is determined to save it as a piece of original folk art and I think it's a good thing. It's been restored and is now open to the public.
I, often, made trips through that area when I lived in Houston and I know Donnie has visited that part of town too but I don't remember him mentioning the beer can house. I think the next time he visits Houston he should take a few pictures.
In the meantime, here's a good video that gives you a chance to see this masterpiece of art.
Someone on Twitter posted a tweet that reminded me of Mother.
"You don't have a different point of view. You're wrong. There is a difference."
The weather man says it will be warmer today with a high around 78.
I sure hope the forecast is right. There are several months, ahead, that I can "enjoy" the cold weather. If I wanted to freeze my ass off in July, I'd move to the South Pole.
Wednesday and Friday.
I'll say one thing about this weather. It's good for sleeping!
Lynne wants to know, "What's happening to our weather? It's freezing today. Bob read that Anchorage had 89. Something wrong with that picture. After all, this is supposed to be summer."
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Beep! Beep!
Donnie catches the Roadrunner up close and personal.

Here he get's a look at a reflection of himself in the window.
Here he get's a look at a reflection of himself in the window.
This sounds tasty!
BEER HEAVEN comes to Madison #Wisconsin Aug 9-10 GR8 TASTE OF the Midwest Beer Fest -
— TravelWisconsin (@TravelWisconsin) July 26, 2013
Up until yesterday, the coldest July 27 we ever had in La Crosse was 69 in 1981.
Well, we shot that all to hell yesterday with a high on only 62 to become the coldest July 27 we've ever seen in La Crosse. That makes me feel good knowing that I was perfectly justified in bitching all day about how cold I was. I fully intend to keep bitching today because chances are good we'll break the record again.
New record lows established at Sioux Falls (44), Huron (44) and Sioux City (45), and tied at Mitchell (47). More likely to come! #sdwx #iawx
— NWS Sioux Falls (@NWSSiouxFalls) July 28, 2013
A new week begins with the last days of July and the first days of August.
Two major events this week. Anne and Morgan celebrate their anniversary on Wednesday and Angela celebrates a birthday on Friday.
The summer is going much too quickly, especially with these cold days we're having, reminding us that all too soon the snow will be flying again.
Here's a beautiful video I want to share with you, if you have the time.
From the PBS Nature series, Cloud: Wild Stallion of the Rockies is about 50 minutes long but it's well worth your time if you love horses and the beauty of the west. Enjoy!
Still too cold for me.
Our average temperature for July 28 is 83. We'll be lucky to hit 70 today so we're still well below average.
At 3:00 AM it was 52 which was 10 degrees below the normal low of 62. The good news is that we'll see more sun today than we did yesterday.
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