Peach and orange slices in glass topped with vanilla simple syrup and vodka. #Cheers
— Betty Crocker (@BettyCrocker) March 22, 2014
Starting a new blog that you may want to check out from time to time..or maybe not. It's up to you!

Saturday, March 22, 2014
No doubt about it. That is cute!!!
A bunch of baby pandas in a crib!
— That's Cute (@ThatsCute) March 20, 2014
I got a snow report from Duane. It's coming down in Rapid City.
"They're forecasting 5 inches. It's fluffy. I've swept the decks and the upper part of the driveway.".
Amen to this Tweet!
— Mayo Clinic (@MayoClinic) March 22, 2014
Happy #WorldWaterDay! To celebrate, raise a toast, snap a pic and share it with #ToastToWater
— Coca-Cola (@CocaCola) March 22, 2014
"When the well runs dry, we shall know the value of #water." – Benjamin Franklin #WorldWaterDay
— U.S. Embassy Jordan (@USEmbassyJordan) March 22, 2014
So, tell me again what you have to bitch about??
On average, women in Africa and Asia have to walk 3.7 miles to collect water.
What I want to know is, HOW MUCH LONGER CAN THIS GO ON???
This is a winter like I've never seen. It may say "spring" on the calendar but it's 100% winter when you walk out the door.
Just look at these High temperatures for the next four days:
Does that look anything like spring to you?
But, you know what they say. It could be worse.
Deadwood is expecting to get 3 to 6 inches of SNOW TODAY.
But, you know what they say. It could be worse.
Deadwood is expecting to get 3 to 6 inches of SNOW TODAY.
Friday, March 21, 2014
If you have a problem ask Donnie.
He drinks a lot of tea and I just read in Men's Health that drinking tea can make you more creative in problem solving.
Where does the time go? Didn't we just have a weekend?
The Thermometer touched on 50 today. Maybe there is hope for some summer, after all.
First, however, a little more winter. The forecast calls for a high of 27 tomorrow and 26 on Sunday.
If you're in the market for a new house I'll bet you could get a great deal on this one!
Billy Joel is selling his Hamptons home. You know, the one in danger of falling into the ocean
— Page Six (@PageSix) March 21, 2014
Lynne tells me Bethel Home is closed to the public due to an outbreak of diarrhea.
That's the bad news. The good news is that Aunt Wilda is doing just fine and, so far, the malady has passed her by. In the meantime, no visitors from the outside..
We're hearing a lot about heroin use in La Crosse, Wisconsin, Chicago and the rest of the midwest.
I hear people asking how this can happen in our part of the world? Here's a statistic that might explain part of the problem. According to a survey reported in the New Republic, four out of five new heroin addicts say they got hooked on prescription pills before they ever took heroin.
As long as we continue to allow these giant drug companies to advertise prescription drugs like they're the latest version of M & M's we're going to see the problem continue and get worse. And, of course, the advertising will continue as long as the lobbyist's in Washington continue to spread hundreds of thousands of dollars around the halls of Congress every year.
And the lobbyists will continue with business as usual as long as we keep believing that all we have to do is close the borders in order to make the problem go away.
My favorite headline of the day:
I kid you not. I saw it in the Chicago Sun-Times.
You don't even want to know how he got the woman to take her shoes off and sit there long enough for him to do it.......or do you?
It's a sad day.

Rita and Roger gave me that parka, for Christmas, the first year I was back in the cold country. It served me well. Now, I've got a few months to replace it before the next arctic invasion which will surely come.
I missed an anniversary yesterday.
It was the 50th anniversary of the opening of the first "Pink Panther" movie. I don't remember getting up this morning but I remember, as clear as a bell, seeing that movie at the old RAPID THEATER in downtown Rapid City and then going to the Red Lion for drinks afterward.
Alas, the Rapid Theater and the Red Lion are long gone but the memories remain.
We gotta start thinking about saving what little drinking water we have because we sure can't live without it!
There's some really interesting stuff about water here.
Oh! This looks NASTY!
Lightning Strike over the Pacific. by Craig Hudson #photo
— Reg Saddler (@zaibatsu) March 21, 2014
According to the latest WORLD HAPPINESS REPORT, Denmark is the happiest country in the world followed by Norway, Switzerland, Netherlands and Sweden.
I wish our ancestors had stayed where they were. And, I wish I was 21 again and moving back to the homelands.
Happy Birthday Twitter!
TWITTER was born on March 21, 2006 when co-founder Jack Dorsey typed out the very first tweet.
Guess I'd better get out and do whatever I do today. Tomorrow will be another "STAY IN" day.
We could see some rain late in the day but most of the day will be beautiful. A sunny sky with a high of 51 degrees! Tomorrow we keep the sun but lose the heat. Saturdays high will only be 31.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Not good news!
Southern Wisconsin showing signs of drought
— Winona Daily News (@WinonaDailyNews) March 20, 2014
You know me and cats. I love this picture.
There is a story that the Buddha, in a previous life, gave his body to a Tiger so she could feed her staving cubs.
— Buddhism Now (@Buddhism_Now) March 20, 2014
Norwegians first!
New: A Norwegian ship has reached the area in the Indian Ocean off Australia where possible #MH370 debris was spotted - @WilliamsJon
— ABC News (@ABC) March 20, 2014
Don't be fooled.
We'll hear about this annual myth tomorrow. Don't believe it. Equinox does not mean magically balancing an egg.
— Vince Condella (@VinceCondella1) March 20, 2014
I wish Grandpa had stayed in Norway
The high in Oslo today will be 54. The high in La Crosse will be 44. The really dumb Norwegians are in La Crosse.
A touch of spring from Norway.
Norwegian Light by Max Rive #spring
— Gabriele Corno (@Gabriele_Corno) March 19, 2014
Who are the dumb ones? Think about it.
Life cannot be classified in terms of a simple neurological ladder, with human beings at the top; it is more accurate to talk of different forms of intelligence, each with its strengths and weaknesses.
This point was well demonstrated in the minutes before last December's tsunami, when tourists grabbed their digital cameras and ran after the ebbing surf, and all the 'dumb' animals made for the hills.
--B.R. Myers, author (b. 1963)
--B.R. Myers, author (b. 1963)
Hey! We've still got winter in Wisconsin but we'll eventually catch up to the rest of the world.
I sure hope they're right about this. I can barely remember my name, let alone paswords and pin numbers.
Soon, pins and passwords will be replaced by wearable tech that will verify your identity. #FutureOfWearables
— Intel (@intel) March 11, 2014
#MH370 Satellite image from Australian government of objects in Indian Ocean.
— CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) March 20, 2014
Happy First Day of Spring! Vernal equinox today
— J. Paul Getty Museum (@GettyMuseum) March 20, 2014
First day of spring and it will, actually, feel like it, in La Crosse, with a sunny sky and a high close to 50.
Don't get too used to it. This will last for a couple of days before we return to winter. By Sunday our highs will be in the 20's.
This video is 18 minutes long but I hope you take the time to watch it. It's truly inspiring.
Chris Hadfield is a Canadian who flew on two space missions, one in 1995 and the other in 2001. He tells you what it was like to be inside the shuttle at lift-off and he tells the story of how he went blind while on a space walk outside the space station.
Watch and enjoy.
'Tis the season of watching "Ole Man River" roll by and the arrival of the riverboats.
I'm not sure the arrival of the riverboats will look quite like this is La Crosse but it will be close.
Music is amazing stuff. I can't remember what I did an hour ago but play a song, for me, and I can tell you where I was and what I was doing years ago.
When this song hit the charts I was sitting on the banks of another river. The Rio Grande. I spent the '80's in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. The Culture Club brings back some great memories.
I'm not sure the arrival of the riverboats will look quite like this is La Crosse but it will be close.
Music is amazing stuff. I can't remember what I did an hour ago but play a song, for me, and I can tell you where I was and what I was doing years ago.
When this song hit the charts I was sitting on the banks of another river. The Rio Grande. I spent the '80's in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. The Culture Club brings back some great memories.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
I love him!
Did you know that baby Puffins are known as "Pufflings" - Cutest thing I ever heard #wildlife #animals Please RT
— Ryan Barry (@hikingtours) March 19, 2014
Walgreen's on TWITTER! I think the photo was taken before Daniel's time!!
The "good old days" at Walgreen's.
Innovating for over 100 years! Now Walgreens Brand Health + Wellness Products are as effective as any available.
— Walgreens (@Walgreens) March 19, 2014
Snow north of La Crosse. Just a few flakes around here that melted as soon as it hit the ground.
#SkyWarn13 Snowfall totals so far. Hayward got 9"! Lesser amounts south. Eau Claire got 0.5" with 1.0" in La Crosse.
— WEAU 13 News (@WEAU13News) March 19, 2014
I can't take much more of this.
Tomorrow night, we begin to see Arctic air flood the Prairies once again, and it will be feeling more like January than late March.
— The Weather Network (@weathernetwork) March 19, 2014
It's an anniversary for Nevada today. They legalized gambling on this date in 1931.
There have been a few changes in Las Vegas since then!
We got a few flakes of snow overnight.
I see some stuck to the tops of the cars but the rest melted as soon as it hit the ground. The National Weather Service says all it did was to produce some slippery spots on the highways this morning.
Great for a rainy day!
The saddest dog in the world
— ShortList Magazine (@ShortList) March 19, 2014
Donnie made a call to Washington yesterday.
A real, nearly-live person answers the phone: "Hullo..." and a pause, no identification, no sounds, might have been a sleeping residence.
Surprised that I must actually engage a biological creature, I inquire, "Uh, Retirement?--I'm calling to make an address change."
"Ah, well, this is the right place, but, uh, we're nearly closed now." It was 4:47 Washington time.
"Okay," I surrendered, "I'll try again tomorrow."
Funnier thing is, this was the most expeditious call I made all day. Every other bank and insurance company and government entity (Medicare, Social Security) either sent me on long trails of recorded messages, or into labyrinths of web sites.
Simply searching "address change" gets one nowhere. We must navigate through numerous pages and links. It will take most of 2014 for our move to get recorded by all those who send us things, though losing a few dozen catalogs along the way is a benefit.
Surprised that I must actually engage a biological creature, I inquire, "Uh, Retirement?--I'm calling to make an address change."
"Ah, well, this is the right place, but, uh, we're nearly closed now." It was 4:47 Washington time.
"Okay," I surrendered, "I'll try again tomorrow."
Funnier thing is, this was the most expeditious call I made all day. Every other bank and insurance company and government entity (Medicare, Social Security) either sent me on long trails of recorded messages, or into labyrinths of web sites.
Simply searching "address change" gets one nowhere. We must navigate through numerous pages and links. It will take most of 2014 for our move to get recorded by all those who send us things, though losing a few dozen catalogs along the way is a benefit.
Donnie sent this clever email.
A little boy goes to his father and asks 'Daddy, how was I born?'
The father answers, 'Well, son, I guess one day you will need to find out anyway!
Your Mom and I first got together in a chat room on Yahoo. Then I set up a date via e-mail with your Mom and we met at a cyber-cafe. We sneaked into a secluded room, and googled each other. There your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive. As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall, and since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine months later a little Pop-Up appeared that said:
The father answers, 'Well, son, I guess one day you will need to find out anyway!
Your Mom and I first got together in a chat room on Yahoo. Then I set up a date via e-mail with your Mom and we met at a cyber-cafe. We sneaked into a secluded room, and googled each other. There your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive. As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall, and since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine months later a little Pop-Up appeared that said:
"You've got male"
The roadrunner is sorry we are leaving!
When I pulled into the our parking space, I heard him cooing nearby. I went into the house, and spotted him out on the driveway. Moments later I heard him very loudly outside my office window, but couldn't see him.
Finally I walked out the garage door, and there he was on the garage roof, looking down at me with those big inquiring eyes, and making that mournful cooing.
The roadrunner is sorry we are leaving!
When I pulled into the our parking space, I heard him cooing nearby. I went into the house, and spotted him out on the driveway. Moments later I heard him very loudly outside my office window, but couldn't see him.
Finally I walked out the garage door, and there he was on the garage roof, looking down at me with those big inquiring eyes, and making that mournful cooing.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
It's a very white Duluth!
At least 15" of snow has been on the ground for 104 days and counting in Duluth, MN (5th longest record streak)
— Johnny Kelly (@stormchaser4850) March 18, 2014
Carl and Kathy are still "suffering through winter" in New Mexico.
"Hate to relate too much as I can feel your pain when I talk about sunny skies and temps in the mid 80's. Haven't had long pants on since the first of February".
"Hate to relate too much as I can feel your pain when I talk about sunny skies and temps in the mid 80's. Haven't had long pants on since the first of February".
This makes me happy!
Notice on the right side-bar. Over 1,000 blog views in the past seven days! That makes it worth the effort!
“Paranoid old weirdo is not a term of endearment.” @debbrownbooks
— Claude Bouchard (@ceebee308) March 18, 2014
Donnie and Linda have a new view of the setting sun.
Donnie says, "New sunset view from our apartment. We never had much of a sunset view from the house."
Winter won't leave Rapid City either.
Duane said, "Woke up to 4 inches of wet snow and wind. Hate this S**t!"
We're not alone. It's still WINTER in South Dakota too!
Several areas are under advisories and warnings today: #kelowx
— KELO News (@keloland) March 18, 2014
OH BOY! This brings back great memories. Donnie, Linda and I have all been there and done that.
The Sacred Valley viewed from Machu Picchu Inca ruins Peru
— Barbara Weibel (@holeinthedonut) March 18, 2014
And, what did Plato think?
Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty.
A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers.
He was a wise man who invented beer.
A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers.
He was a wise man who invented beer.
Just looking.
Over-Friendly Wildlife Photography #Fashion
— Trend Hunter (@trendhunter) March 18, 2014
Wilson Pickett died of a heart attack in 2006. Had he lived, he would have been 73 years old today.
He left us with a lot of great memories.
Here's a job for you.
#JobSearch I Miss My Clean House. Can You Help Me Find It? - West Salem, WI Find this Job & More
— La Crosse Wisconsin (@LaCrosse_Buzz) March 18, 2014
Winter, winter. GO AWAY!!
It's going to be a nasty day in Minneapolis with 3 to 5 inches of snow expected. Rapid City is looking at 1 to 4 inches of snow. Closer to home it will be Rain for La Crosse late this afternoon and a little touch of snow tonight.
Today is a day I can really relate to.
I've had, at least, a million awkward moments. In fact, most of the moments I've ever had could fall into that category.
Monday, March 17, 2014
That 4.4 earthquake that shook Los Angeles this morning was located right near Westwood.
That's the Los Angeles area where Donnie lived when he was in California.
More SNOW STORM advisories coming in.
A winter storm will be moving into Northwestern Wisconsin tonight...bringing 6-8 inches of snow!
— ReadyWisconsin (@ReadyWisconsin) March 17, 2014
From the Wisconsin Better Business Bureau:
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
— Wisconsin BBB (@WisconsinBBB) March 17, 2014
Duane says they're waiting for a winter storm in the Black Hills. "12 inches of snow forecast for Deadwood/Lead. 1 to 2 inches in Rapid City with wind.
Farther west, in Wyoming, Worland will get light rain today and light snow tonight.
Here in La Crosse, we've had rain six years out of the past ten on St. Patrick's Day.
Founder of the LOVIN' SPOONFUL, John Sebastian, is 70 today. John is on the keyboard doing the vocal.
This is from the summer of 1966.
Here's an interesting article about what foreign countries warn their citizens about before coming to the United States.
Sad, but true. What comes to mind when people in other countries think of the USA? Crime and weather tops the list.
Hey! TRONDHEIM. Didn't "our people" come from somewhere around there?
RT @247impressions: welcome to #trondheim. remember the good times.#inspiredbythemoment @lufthansa @visitnorway
— Visit Norway (@visitnorway) March 17, 2014
I just started reading a fascinating book, "Thinking in Numbers", by Daniel Tammet.
Tammet is a best selling author and a mathematical savant who writes, in this book, about the Piraha tribe who live on the banks of the Maici River in the Amazon Rain Forest.
These people have no knowledge, whatsoever, of numbers. There are no words in their language for measuring either time or quantity.
Parents can tell you all the names of their children but if you ask them how many children they have, they have no idea what you're talking about.
They have no creation myths and no concept of past or present. They live, totally, in the present moment and beyond that moment they think of past or future as "the time when nothing happens".
I'm thinking of moving to their village and moving into a grass hut. I think these folks are on to something!
I saw this on a T-shirt: In dog beers I've only had one.
Thomas Jefferson declared that "all men are created equal" while owning and keeping 300 African slaves.
— Facts (@TheFactsBook) March 17, 2014
Sunday, March 16, 2014
GERGE: I was in the pool!! 🍀
— Seinfeld Current Day (@Seinfeld2000) March 16, 2014
I'm making chicken soup in the crockpot. Still too cold for the spring season cookbook.
Love this photo.
Seeing double #TravelCat
— Jason Rabinowitz (@AirlineFlyer) March 16, 2014
What the hell is she talking about??
"You are the Presence. No thought is who you are".For me THIS is the secret to who you are. Thanx for reminding @EckhartTolle
— Oprah Winfrey (@Oprah) March 16, 2014
Ron sent a good one this morning.
Gun Control - It has already started at Dick's Sporting Goods.
When I was ready to pay for my purchases of a new rifle and bullets, the cashier said, "Strip down, facing me."
Making a mental note to complain to the NRA about the gun control whackos running amok, I did just as she had instructed.
When the hysterical shrieking, security, and alarms finally subsided, I found out that she was referring to how I should place my credit card in the card-reader. Also, I have been asked to shop elsewhere in the future.
When I was ready to pay for my purchases of a new rifle and bullets, the cashier said, "Strip down, facing me."
Making a mental note to complain to the NRA about the gun control whackos running amok, I did just as she had instructed.
When the hysterical shrieking, security, and alarms finally subsided, I found out that she was referring to how I should place my credit card in the card-reader. Also, I have been asked to shop elsewhere in the future.
I remember the Arenz Shoe Company on Pearl Street that closed many years ago.
I didn't know, however, there were several Arenz shoe stores around the Coulee Region and there's still an Arenz shoe company in business in Sparta. There's an interesting article about it in THE LA CROSSE TRIBUNE this morning.
An EARTHQUAKE in Kansas this morning. What next?
4 - KANSAS: Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 08:46:20 UTCLat/Lon: 37.2019/-97.8843Depth: 5.99
— Earthquake & Tsunami (@EQTW) March 16, 2014
I swear! I think all the cold air in the world is stuck, right here, in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
Even with sunshine, this is going to be a damn, brutal day with a high of 26 degrees and a WIND CHILL OF 2 BELOW ZERO with just a couple of weeks to April. Enough is enough, already!
And it just keeps getting worse. This is the latest advisory from the National Weather Service.
And it just keeps getting worse. This is the latest advisory from the National Weather Service.
The March full moon is known as the "Worm Moon". It's the time of the year when the earth gets soft and earthworms appear again inviting the robins to return as well.
The exact time this months full moon is 12:09 P.M. CDT.
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