I needed a couple of things at Co-op so I checked all three Radar sites I use. All of them showed the rain had moved far to the east of La Crosse. There was nothing to the west. The forecast also said the rain would be ending so I saw no reason to drag the umbrella along.
Of course, it was pouring when I walked out of the store. By the time I got home I was soaked to the bone and looked like a drowned rat.
I'm as tired of the constant rain, this summer, as Donnie, Linda and Willard are tired of the constant dry.
Starting a new blog that you may want to check out from time to time..or maybe not. It's up to you!

Saturday, July 16, 2011
On this date in history.....
The Wisconsin Historical Society has this note on todays calendar.
1995 - Deadly Heat Wave Ends From July 12-15, 1995, the Midwest was subjected to a deadly outbreak of hot and humid weather responsible for 141 deaths in Wisconsin. According to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, this was the "greatest single event of weather-related deaths in Wisconsin history." Most of the fatalities happened in the urban southeast counties of the state, and at one point several Milwaukee-area hospitals were unable to admit more patients. Milwaukee Temperatures (from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel): July 12: Hi=91, Lo=65 July 13: Hi=103*, Lo=78 July 14: Hi=102, Lo=84 July 15: Hi=92, Lo=69 July 16: Hi=88, Lo=68 *Some communities reported highs as high as 108. Heat Index values were 120-130 degrees. NOAA’s Natural Disaster Survey Report on the outbreak is available at http://www.weather.gov/os/assessments/pdfs/heat95.pdf [Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
The National Weather Service, here in La Crosse , lists our worst heat wave as the 14 days of +90 degree weather we had way back in 1936.
1995 - Deadly Heat Wave Ends From July 12-15, 1995, the Midwest was subjected to a deadly outbreak of hot and humid weather responsible for 141 deaths in Wisconsin. According to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, this was the "greatest single event of weather-related deaths in Wisconsin history." Most of the fatalities happened in the urban southeast counties of the state, and at one point several Milwaukee-area hospitals were unable to admit more patients. Milwaukee Temperatures (from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel): July 12: Hi=91, Lo=65 July 13: Hi=103*, Lo=78 July 14: Hi=102, Lo=84 July 15: Hi=92, Lo=69 July 16: Hi=88, Lo=68 *Some communities reported highs as high as 108. Heat Index values were 120-130 degrees. NOAA’s Natural Disaster Survey Report on the outbreak is available at http://www.weather.gov/os/assessments/pdfs/heat95.pdf [Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
The National Weather Service, here in La Crosse , lists our worst heat wave as the 14 days of +90 degree weather we had way back in 1936.
I like to learn something new every day.
Here's what I learned today:
If you're having a rough day and you're stressed out, touch your lips with one or two fingers. There are parasympathetic fibers spread across your lips. When the fibers are touched, they stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system and, once you stimulate that baby, it produces a calming effect on both mind and body.
So, when the heat gets you down, the next few days, and you start to get irritable and anxious, take a deep breath, touch your lips and pop a top on your favorite brew. If that doesn't work, pop a top on a few more brews.
If you're having a rough day and you're stressed out, touch your lips with one or two fingers. There are parasympathetic fibers spread across your lips. When the fibers are touched, they stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system and, once you stimulate that baby, it produces a calming effect on both mind and body.
So, when the heat gets you down, the next few days, and you start to get irritable and anxious, take a deep breath, touch your lips and pop a top on your favorite brew. If that doesn't work, pop a top on a few more brews.
Donnie is hurting this morning.
"I woke at 2:00 with a headache, of the sinus variety. This often happens when the weather changes, high to low pressure and vice versa. I casually thought our months of sunny heat might break, and looked at the report--sure enough, rain chance up to 30%, the highest we've seen in months. That doesn't mean it will rain. In my record-keeping here, 30% most often means 0%. We have had 100% predictions turn up dry. So it seems more accurate just to apply the "chance of rain" numbers to my head--I do indeed have a 30% headache.
Because my headaches seem so pressure-realted, I have always thought they are "sinus" and not migraine. But I recently saw a news item that some sources now consider sinus headaches to be migraines. Whatever it's called, they hurt, though not nearly as badly as in earlier years, when I was often laid up for 12 hours, and wanted to die."
Tiger Woods ex-wife seems to be doing JUST FINE with the divorce behind her.
Read the story in the Global Post
Ft. McCoy is coming to La Crosse!
The story is in the La Crosse Tribune this morning. The film was shot around Ft. McCoy and there was a night scene that was shot in front of the old Hollywood Theater here in La Crosse. The story, in the paper, explains why it's taking so long to see it here. Click on the Tribune link above to read all about it.
Remember that old song "...what's behind the green door"?
Well, in this case, it's what's behind the yellow door? This is a photo Donnie took in Cartegena, Colombia.
The National Weather Service says we haven't seen a heat wave this intense for, at least, 10 years and precautions against over heating should be taken very seriously.
The forecast calls for a high near 88 with a heat index of 99. I guess this means we fire up the A/C early and wear as few clothes as the law allows.
The forecast calls for a high near 88 with a heat index of 99. I guess this means we fire up the A/C early and wear as few clothes as the law allows.
And this is just the warm-up. Tomorrow's high will be 95 with a heat index of 107.
Friday, July 15, 2011
I was looking at this picture and kept thinking, "somebody is missing".
Then it hit me. It was Uncle Ed. On closer inspection, however, I found him. He was just hiding. Can you name everybody?
Solberg Family-1950
This is actual dialog from an episode of the old TV series "Batman" that ran, I guess, back in the 60's.
Batman: "Nobody wants war."
Robin: "Gee, Batman. Belgravia's such a small country. We'd beat them in a few hours."
Batman: "Yes, and then we'd have to support them for years."
Things haven't changed as much as you thought, have they?
Robin: "Gee, Batman. Belgravia's such a small country. We'd beat them in a few hours."
Batman: "Yes, and then we'd have to support them for years."
Things haven't changed as much as you thought, have they?
Another new business coming to the downtown area and I'm all excited about this one.
It's called Crunch and, for you old timers, it's going to be in the location where the old Fanny Farmer used to be. On the corner, across the street from State Bank and Doerflingers.
They're describing it as a high end cafeteria that will cater to the business lunch crowd and they'll also feature take out for folks heading home from work. Every time I walk by the Bodega I remember how great that used to be and I wish it was still there.
Anyway, work on the new cafeteria was really in high gear when I walked past this morning. A ton of trucks and workers all over the place.
They plan on opening in September. Every time I walk around town these days I see something new happening. I really believe the downtown area is coming back to life and, I think, LHI insurance coming to town has had a lot to do with it.
Speaking of downtown, it's CRAZY DAYS! Lots of bargains!
They're describing it as a high end cafeteria that will cater to the business lunch crowd and they'll also feature take out for folks heading home from work. Every time I walk by the Bodega I remember how great that used to be and I wish it was still there.
Anyway, work on the new cafeteria was really in high gear when I walked past this morning. A ton of trucks and workers all over the place.
They plan on opening in September. Every time I walk around town these days I see something new happening. I really believe the downtown area is coming back to life and, I think, LHI insurance coming to town has had a lot to do with it.
Speaking of downtown, it's CRAZY DAYS! Lots of bargains!
Willard is all excited. A 50% chance for rain is big news in Texas!
"A 50% chance for rain today Just checked radar and there's a big blob in the Gulf moving this way."
I was hoping Donnie and Linda would get some too but there's no chance for rain in Austin today and only a 20% chance tomorrow.
Excellent article in USA TODAY this morning.
I've been hoping someone would stop quoting congressmen without checking the facts. USA TODAY did just that. The Article in USA Today quotes Congressman Michael McCaul from Texas saying the Texas-Mexico border has never been more violent.
USA today lays out the facts based on reports from 1,600 law enforcement agencies from California to Texas that show violent crime along the US-Mexico border has been "falling for years". And, the decline in crime was happening even before the U.S. Security buildup. Of course, those kinds of stories don't build an audience for the TV advertisers so you won't hear much about the actual facts.
USA today lays out the facts based on reports from 1,600 law enforcement agencies from California to Texas that show violent crime along the US-Mexico border has been "falling for years". And, the decline in crime was happening even before the U.S. Security buildup. Of course, those kinds of stories don't build an audience for the TV advertisers so you won't hear much about the actual facts.
A Bob Hope joke that is still as funny (and true) today as it was back then.
"I love flying. I've been to almost as many places as my luggage."
I guess I'm not the only one who has never seen a Harry Potter movie.
The poll in the La Crosse Tribune asks, "How many Harry Potter movies have you seen?" And, by a big margin, the answer is NONE.
Advisory from the National Weather Service:
Thursday, July 14, 2011
The Blue Stars blew me away!!
I had heard they were good but, except for knowing that the Blue Stars Drum and Bugle Corps was based in La Crosse, I knew nothing about the group. So I was SHOCKED by what I saw and heard this afternoon.
There are 150 performers that make up the Blue Stars and they come from all over the United States plus three foreign countries this year. There were 600 that auditioned for this years tour so the 150 that you see are the best of the bunch and they are outstanding.
There are 150 performers that make up the Blue Stars and they come from all over the United States plus three foreign countries this year. There were 600 that auditioned for this years tour so the 150 that you see are the best of the bunch and they are outstanding.
They perform here in La Crosse tomorrow night and in Minneapolis Sunday night. Following that they do 2 shows in Illinois and one in Arkansas before moving on to Texas for a show in The Woodlands July 21, Houston July 22, San Antonio July 23 and Dallas July 25 and then on to Mississippi.
If you'd like to learn more about the group, this is their website http://www.bluestars.org/
By the way....The rain held off until the end of the show. It was about the last note when I felt the first sprinkle. I was smart enough to take the umbrella and it was just a light, gentle shower so I was still dry when I got back home.
Hats off to Gunderson Clinic!
They're about to become the first health care facility in the nation to be 100% supplied with renewable energy.
Read the story here: http://www.wxow.com/story/15077214/onalaska-clinic-to-run-solely-on-methane-gas
Read the story here: http://www.wxow.com/story/15077214/onalaska-clinic-to-run-solely-on-methane-gas
Want to spend a special night at a really nice hotel in a really nice room?
How about the penthouse suite at the Four Seasons Hotel in New York. You might think it's a bit "pricey" at $34,000 per night but you get 9 rooms and a beautiful view.
If you want to have something a bit nicer you'll have to fly to Brussels where you can stay in the penthouse suite at President Wilson Hotel for just $53,000 per night. If you stay 24 hours that breaks down to $2,208.00 an hour.
What do you get for that kind of money??? Check it out here: http://www.dirjournal.com/info/10-most-expensive-hotel-rooms-in-the-world/
And here, all along, you thought YOU were living high on the hog. There are hogs out there you haven't even dreamed of!
If you want to have something a bit nicer you'll have to fly to Brussels where you can stay in the penthouse suite at President Wilson Hotel for just $53,000 per night. If you stay 24 hours that breaks down to $2,208.00 an hour.
What do you get for that kind of money??? Check it out here: http://www.dirjournal.com/info/10-most-expensive-hotel-rooms-in-the-world/
And here, all along, you thought YOU were living high on the hog. There are hogs out there you haven't even dreamed of!
A cool breeze was coming through the window this morning.
In fact, the breeze was SO cool I had to SHUT the window!! Temperatures were down in the 60's.
Our high today will only be around 75 so we can't complain about the heat. While heat is not a big problem, rain could be a problem through Saturday.
It looks like the biggest chance for severe weather is tomorrow. Strong winds, hail and heavy rain could cause flooding through Saturday.
Our high today will only be around 75 so we can't complain about the heat. While heat is not a big problem, rain could be a problem through Saturday.
It looks like the biggest chance for severe weather is tomorrow. Strong winds, hail and heavy rain could cause flooding through Saturday.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
According to Donnie......
"Linda says the only Norwegian we need to know is Uff Da !"
Perhaps that's true but you might want to hang on to Lutefisk too, just in case.
Perhaps that's true but you might want to hang on to Lutefisk too, just in case.
Love the Marilyn Monroe sculpture on Michigan Avenue in Chicago
Can't wait to see the top half unveiled Friday. Check out the bottom half here! http://chicago.metromix.com/events/essay_photo_gallery/photos-marilyn-on-the/2720591/content
Don, the landscaper, says::
I saw a book yesterday with which to learn Norwegian, almost bought it, but figured it probably isn't best use of time or money, at this point in life. Instead, I bought $400 worth of bricks for landscaping. That may be the only thing we have purchased this year for the yard that won't die in the heat and drought. Even so, we will have to work fast. One afternoon I picked up a brick already lying in the yard, and dropped it, too hot to hold.
I've put this on my calendar for tomorrow. If the weather is good, I'll be there!
The La Crosse Drum and Bugle Corps, which is one of the best in the country, is back from a three week tour across the midwest and will present a free noon concert at Riverside park tomorrow. That should be a great treat!
Orson Wells said it best:
Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what's for lunch.
Where would you go if you wanted to take a Musk Ox safari?
You'd go to NORWAY, of course. In fact, Norway is one of the few places in the world where you can still see the musk ox. The safari's are conducted June through September. The height of the summer and they tell you to bring warm clothes so it sounds like the perfect trip for those of you who hate the heat. If you want to know more, go to http://www.visitnorway.com/en/Articles/Theme/What-to-do/Safari/Musk-ox-safaris/
This sounds, to me, like something Paul would like to do.
This sounds, to me, like something Paul would like to do.
Today OK but storms, followed by heat, is on the way.
A warm front moving in will bring thunderstorms tomorrow. The front will also bring more hot and humid weather for the weekend. Heat indices will hit 100 or higher. And, to make matters worse for those of you who hate the heat, there's a good chance that the heat wave will stay with us through much of next week. Iced tea, anyone?
By the way, today is the anniversary of the hottest temperature ever recorded in Wisconsin. On July 13, 1936 it warmed up to 114 degrees at Wisconsin Dells.
By the way, today is the anniversary of the hottest temperature ever recorded in Wisconsin. On July 13, 1936 it warmed up to 114 degrees at Wisconsin Dells.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
I was sorry to read about the death of Methuselah.
The 130 year old giant tortoise has been entertaining tourists at the Reptile Gardens near Rapid City since 1954. Methuselah came to the Black Hills from the Galapagos Islands. I'm guessing that some of you probably visited Methuselah over the years.
I don't think they named it after Uncle Garfield but.....
I just learned that the main drag through Willow Lake, South Dakota is named Garfield Street. Donnie needs to get a picture of that!
Willow Lake is a small town of 234 souls southwest of Watertown.
This all came up because I noticed they had a bad fire on Garfield Street early this morning. Three businesses were destroyed.
Willow Lake is a small town of 234 souls southwest of Watertown.
This all came up because I noticed they had a bad fire on Garfield Street early this morning. Three businesses were destroyed.
I didn't see the first one in 2009 but I may be tempted to go to the movies for the sequel.
Two of my favorite actors are in it. Robert Downey, Jr. as Sherlock Holmes and Jude Law as Dr. Watson. And, you can't beat a good Sherlock Holmes story. This is a sequel to the 2009 picture. This latest episode will be in theaters in December.
Hey! We're pretty skinny in Wisconsin!
Apparently it takes more than beer and cheese to be a FAT STATE.
The latest percentage figures for obese people, state by state show:
Texas 30.1
South Dakota 28.7
Iowa 28.1
North Dakota 28.0
Illinois 27.7
Nebraska 27.6
Wisconsin 27.4
Wyoming 25.4
Minnesota 25.3
The latest percentage figures for obese people, state by state show:
Texas 30.1
South Dakota 28.7
Iowa 28.1
North Dakota 28.0
Illinois 27.7
Nebraska 27.6
Wisconsin 27.4
Wyoming 25.4
Minnesota 25.3
Normal ain't what it used to be.
The National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) is responsible for producing 30 year climate normals for U.S. locations. As a result, the average temperature across the United States is now approximately 0.5 F degrees warmer than the 1971-2000 period. However, this warming is not uniform across the country or from season to season. For instance, the 1981-2010 average high temperature for the mid section of the U.S. is cooler in July compared to the previous set of normals. Meanwhile, the January normal lows are much warmer across the Northern Plains and Upper Mississippi River Valley compared to 1971-2000. The graphics below illustrate the changes, along with the overall warming by state from the old set of normals to the new set.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Sounds like they had quite a storm around Janesville last night.

Leave it to Carl to find the good ones.
As we get older we, sometimes, begin to doubt our ability to "make a difference" in the world. It is at these times that our hopes are boosted by the remarkable achievements of other "seniors" who have found the courage to take on the challenges that would make many of us wither.
Harold Schlumberg is such a person
"I've often been asked, 'what do old folks do now that they're retired? Well, I'm fortunate to have a chemical engineering background and one of the things I enjoy most is converting beer, wine and vodka into urine. I do it every day and I really enjoy it."
Harold should be an inspiration to us all.
Harold Schlumberg is such a person
"I've often been asked, 'what do old folks do now that they're retired? Well, I'm fortunate to have a chemical engineering background and one of the things I enjoy most is converting beer, wine and vodka into urine. I do it every day and I really enjoy it."
Harold should be an inspiration to us all.
From the way it came down, I figured we got a lot of rain this morning.
The town of Holland got the most at 1.70". In La Crosse we got around 1.30"
The town of Holland got the most at 1.70". In La Crosse we got around 1.30"
The worst of the morning storms were down south of us. Early reports from Iowa show significant damage after winds of 60 to 80 MPH roared through parts of the state.
I see a La Crosse man was arrested TWICE IN THE SAME DAY for driving drunk over the weekend.
Would that lead one to believe drunk driving laws are a bit lax in Wisconsin? As Albert Einstein said, "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the former."
Wanna know what garbage tastes like???
This comes from the USA TODAY website.
This comes from the USA TODAY website.
A line of thunderstorms woke me around 2 this morning.
There was pretty heavy rain between La Crosse and Decorah with a few places reporting pea size hail and wind gusts to 40 MPH. The rest of the day should be hot and steamy with heat index values as high as 95.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
We stopped at McDonalds and had one of their big salads. Those things are good!
Moving along, we crossed the river and ended up at Paul and Dorothy's where Rita got some more flowers to plant.
Dorothy had some blackberries from their garden that she made into a delicious dessert topped with whipped cream. It was so good I brought a piece home.
I always think it's nice when the family gets to see me.
My dog sleeps about 20 hours a day.
He has his food prepared for him.
He can eat whenever he wants.
He meals are provided at no cost to him.
He visits the Dr. once a year for his checkup, and again during the year if any medical needs arise. For this he pays nothing, and nothing is required of him.
He lives in a nice neighborhood in a house that is much larger than he needs, but he is not required to do any upkeep.
If he makes a mess, someone else cleans it up.
He has his choice of luxurious places to sleep.
He receives these accommodations absolutely free.
He is living like a King, and has absolutely no expenses whatsoever. All of his costs are picked up by others who go out and earn a living every day.
I was just thinking about all this, and suddenly it hit me like a brick in the head.......
I think my dog is a member of Congress!!!
He has his food prepared for him.
He can eat whenever he wants.
He meals are provided at no cost to him.
He visits the Dr. once a year for his checkup, and again during the year if any medical needs arise. For this he pays nothing, and nothing is required of him.
He lives in a nice neighborhood in a house that is much larger than he needs, but he is not required to do any upkeep.
If he makes a mess, someone else cleans it up.
He has his choice of luxurious places to sleep.
He receives these accommodations absolutely free.
He is living like a King, and has absolutely no expenses whatsoever. All of his costs are picked up by others who go out and earn a living every day.
I was just thinking about all this, and suddenly it hit me like a brick in the head.......
I think my dog is a member of Congress!!!
Quote of the day from Sam Goldwyn:
"I can answer you in two words. Im-possible".
It comes from folks on Twitter. There's some interesting stuff on here.
We got hit with a real downpour between 7:30 and 8:00 A.M.
I heard a lot of thunder in the distance but there wasn't any close by and we didn't get any wind either. Just very heavy rain for a short time.
Looks like there's some good news for unemployed folks in Chicago.
Walgreen's will be opening several new and upgrading other Walgreen's stores in the Chicago area which will create about 600 new jobs in Chicago over the next two years.
Atlantis will be docking with the space station for the last time this morning.
To watch live coverage from space go to the NASA website at http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html
Rick and Angela should be celebrating today!
Cooler weather ahead...but first....THE STORMS.
Storms were already firing up around Mankato and they were moving our way when I got up this morning. The next couple of days will still be brutally hot with highs around 90 and heat index values in the mid to upper 90's. Behind the storms, however, temperatures will drop to around 80 on Tuesday and then the mid-70's the rest of the week.
Damaging winds and large hail is a good possibility with today's storms so it will be a good idea to keep your eye on the sky and the radar screens.
Damaging winds and large hail is a good possibility with today's storms so it will be a good idea to keep your eye on the sky and the radar screens.
A great story from Paul.

Let me recommend this excellent book by Dan O'Brien. Not only a great author, Dan is also one of the best known falconers in the USA. He lives on a ranch, in western South Dakota, near Bear Butte.
Among the many books he has written is this one which I read some time ago. I didn't know anything about falcons until I read this and I've been fascinated by them ever since.
If you want to read more about these birds and South Dakota and Dan's life with these great creatures, it's available at the La Crosse Public Library.
Dan's latest book, that I'm aware of, is "Buffalo for the Broken Heart". http://www.randomhouse.com/book/123150/buffalo-for-the-broken-heart-by-dan-obrien
It's Dan's account of turning his ranch (The Broken Heart Ranch) into a home for the buffalo to roam. It's also available at the library and I plan on reading that, later this week as soon as I finish the book I'm now reading.
Dan's latest book, that I'm aware of, is "Buffalo for the Broken Heart". http://www.randomhouse.com/book/123150/buffalo-for-the-broken-heart-by-dan-obrien
It's Dan's account of turning his ranch (The Broken Heart Ranch) into a home for the buffalo to roam. It's also available at the library and I plan on reading that, later this week as soon as I finish the book I'm now reading.
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