The low of 47 in Sioux City, Iowa breaks the daily record of 50 set in 2005. This is the coolest July temperature since 47 on 7/25/04
— NWS Sioux Falls (@NWSSiouxFalls) July 27, 2013
Starting a new blog that you may want to check out from time to time..or maybe not. It's up to you!

Saturday, July 27, 2013
Cold in Soux City too.
The weather gets more miserable as the day goes on.
By 4:00 PM our temperature was down to 57 with a wind chill of 47 To make it even more miserable, there's a lot of rain in the area. C'mon, Mother Nature, this is JULY. Give me a break!
Donnie seems to be suffering from the same condition I have.
"I'm taking several pair of dress pants to a tailor, to be "let out," that is, "released" from the pressure of my waist.
I haven't had a suit on in years, so when I excavated one from the closet for a more professional appearance at last week's career fair, I discovered some clothing adjustments are required."
I haven't had a suit on in years, so when I excavated one from the closet for a more professional appearance at last week's career fair, I discovered some clothing adjustments are required."
WOW! It was a shock when I stepped out the door this morning.
There's not a "cool breeze" blowing, this morning, it's a COLD WIND! The temperature is 58 but the wind makes it feel like 52. More like late September than late July. We are not pleased with this at all. Tomorrow should be a little better with some sun and a high near 70.
It's cold in Rapid City too. Duane said he opened the door when he got up this morning but had to shut it. Too Cold outside.
We're not alone fighting the cold.
A bitter cold wave has hit South America. At least 6 people have died in Argentina, Santiago, Chile got down to 28 last night and snow flurries were reported in northern Brazil.
It's cold in Rapid City too. Duane said he opened the door when he got up this morning but had to shut it. Too Cold outside.
We're not alone fighting the cold.
A bitter cold wave has hit South America. At least 6 people have died in Argentina, Santiago, Chile got down to 28 last night and snow flurries were reported in northern Brazil.
The first BUGS BUNNY cartoon was released on this date in 1940.
Do you know what this means? Even Bugs Bunny is younger than I am!
If I could be anywhere in the world today I would want to be in Deadwood!
(The Deadwood Stage)
For the 91st year, the DAYS OF '76 parade will roll down the Main Street of Deadwood at 10 A.M. I remember taking part in that parade back in the days when I lived there.
No doubt this will be a wild Saturday night in Deadwood but I'd venture to guess it won't be anything like the old days when I lived there.....before the law moved in and closed down some of the more notorious businesses in town.
I remember the day they put the padlocks on the doors. I don't think anyone living there at the time will forget that day!
What would Stalin think?
You think a few days in New York is expensive? If you do, don't even THINK about Moscow. Even a Tsar couldn't afford to live there anymore. A cup of coffee will cost you $8.29. Want to live there? A luxury 2 bedroom apartment will run you around $4,600 a month. And, even if you had that kind of money....haven't you heard about those Russian winters??
As you will see on the right sidebar, today is the DAY OF THE COWBOY.
To celebrate, I'm going to spend the day watching the great old westerns on MEtv. Gunsmoke, Bonanza, The Big Valley, The Rebel and more. Every Saturday afternoon MEtv takes you back to the good old days in the west.
If you haven't watched Memorable Entertainment Television look for it on your cable system. Besides the great old westerns there are the old comedy shows like Mary Tyler Moore and the Bob Newhart show. You remember those great old days when half hour comedy shows were actually FUNNY!
If you haven't watched Memorable Entertainment Television look for it on your cable system. Besides the great old westerns there are the old comedy shows like Mary Tyler Moore and the Bob Newhart show. You remember those great old days when half hour comedy shows were actually FUNNY!
Is the HOT summer weather over for this season?
According to AccuWeather (which is the best weather service on the planet as far as I'm concerned) the answer to that question is YES. No heat waves in sight from now to the middle of August and mid to late August will be downright COOLER THAN NORMAL:(
Friday, July 26, 2013
Microsoft is taking some blows.
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer reportedly admits Surface tablet was a flop, says Windows 8 sales are disappointing:
— Yahoo! (@Yahoo) July 26, 2013
LOCAL AREA JOBS: #JobSearch Residential Treatment Therapist at Gundersen Lutheran (La Crosse,... Find this Job&More:
— La Crosse Wisconsin (@LaCrosse_Buzz) July 26, 2013
The 88th Annual Chincoteague Pony Swim was another big success this week.
I first heard of the Chincoteague Pony Swim from Rita and Roger who actually saw the ponies a few years ago. The ponies live on Assateague Island part of which is in Maryland and the other part is in Virginia.
For more about the pony swim you can READ THE ARTICLE HERE in the Huffington Post.
Below is a great video of the 2011 pony swim.
For more about the pony swim you can READ THE ARTICLE HERE in the Huffington Post.
Below is a great video of the 2011 pony swim.
Happy Birthday to Mick Jagger who turns 70 today!
I had some big birthday parties in my younger years which Ron, Penny, Gary and Duane could testify to but I don't think any were quite as big as this one Mick had.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
#JobSearch Station Agent - American Eagle Airlines - La Crosse, WI Find this Job & More
— La Crosse Wisconsin (@LaCrosse_Buzz) July 25, 2013
This TWEET is from Casper, Wyoming
Twin mule deer fawns in the @CSTribune parking lot. #Wyoming perks.
— Alan Rogers (@alanmrogers) July 25, 2013
We have been getting some good rains all afternoon.
There were some severe weather watches issued but I haven't heard of any damage yet, although there was some hail reported on the North Side. Around here there was some thunder, now and then, in the distance. Otherwise, is was just some good rain which the lawns and flowers needed.
What are Donnie and Linda doing today?
"Today handymen come to fix the cracks in our walls. I am filled with anxiety."
We've got 3 more hybrid busses on the street.
They're more fuel efficient and require less maintenance and I like the fact that they're a lot more quiet to ride in.
It seems like the older I get the less noise I can tolerate. It's one reason I can't stand to watch TV anymore. The non-ending parade of screaming commercials that are always several decibels higher than the program content is more than I can stand, not to mention the fact that the program content gets more inane by the day.
LOCAL AREA JOBS: #JobSearch Registered Rep at Edward Jones (La Crosse, WI) Find this Job&More:
— La Crosse Wisconsin (@LaCrosse_Buzz) July 25, 2013
If you're having some flu like symptoms, it might not be the flu and it won't go away without seeing a doctor.
It's a new bug that's cropped up and more than 200 cases have been reported in 8 states including Wisconsin. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS
I see, in the paper, that West Salem is getting some new business.
A new building is going up on highway 16 that will house a 42 unit apartment complex along with a Chinese restaurant, a B. A. Burrito, a chiropractor and one more business to be announced later.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Those people who don't like hot weather should love today.
We were in the mid-50's this morning and todays highs will be in the mid-70's with partly sunny skies.
Our next chance for storms will come tomorrow afternoon and into Friday.
Our next chance for storms will come tomorrow afternoon and into Friday.
Here's another old picture of a gas station.
Look at the employees pumping gas and washing the windows. We'll never see that again!!!!
I've been in the New York subway system during rush hour and thought THAT was a nightmare but it's NOTHING like this.
This is the Beijing subway system at rush hour. Can you even begin to imagine what it would be like to try to get to work every morning in this mess??
You know what they say......WATCH YOUR ASS!
One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a
well... The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey. He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey didn't
realized what was happening and cried
horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off, stomp it down and take a step up. As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off, stomp it down and take another step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and happily trotted off! ***** Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a steppingstone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up! Shake it off and take another step up. Remember the five simple rules to be happy: 1. Free your heart from hatred - Forgive. 2. Free your mind from worries - Most never happen. 3. Live simply and appreciate what you have. 4. Give more. 5. Expect less NOW .......Enough of the crap. The donkey later came back, and bit the farmer who had tried to bury him. The gash from the bite got infected and the farmer eventually died in agony. MORAL FROM TODAY'S LESSON: When you do something wrong, and try to cover your ass, it always
comes back to bite you........
Is this the first sign of Autumn?
This morning is the first time in the last 3 weeks since La Crosse WI has had a temperature below 60. At 3 am, temp was 58F. #wiwx
— NWS La Crosse (@NWSLaCrosse) July 24, 2013
LOCAL AREA JOBS: #JobSearch Class A CDL Truck Drivers needed immediately Up to $3,000 Sign... Find this Job&More:
— La Crosse Wisconsin (@LaCrosse_Buzz) July 24, 2013
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
If you're thinking about buying a new PC or Tablet you might want to read this article first.
The word from Motley Fool is that the days of Windows are over and Microsoft is losing money like crazy. Folks have moved on to other systems. GET THE FULL SCOOP IN THIS ARTICLE.
They've had NINE MONTHS to figure out a name.
How is it possible that they still haven't made up their mind?
Nom! National Hot Dog Day is finally upon us. There is only one way to celebrate. This is not it. #hotdogday #hotdog
— National Days (@NationalDays) July 23, 2013
Are you celebrating Hot Dog Day?
Q: What does a man consider a seven-course meal?
A: A hot dog and a six pack of beer.
A: A hot dog and a six pack of beer.
A guy walks into the doctor's office.
A hot dog in one of his ears, a pretzel in the other ear.
The man says, "Doc, this is terrible. What's wrong with me?"
The doctor says, "Well, first of all, you need to eat more sensibly."
A hot dog in one of his ears, a pretzel in the other ear.
The man says, "Doc, this is terrible. What's wrong with me?"
The doctor says, "Well, first of all, you need to eat more sensibly."
Leave it to the Norwegians!
The little Norwegian town of Rjukan goes without sunlight for five months during the winter time but this year they will see a bit of sun. The town has placed three huge mirrors on top of the mountains surrounding the town. The mirrors will be able to reflect sunlight unto the town square!
Donnie and Linda will be cookin' today.
The Texas weather maps are showing 100+ temperatures all across the state.
100 degree heat expands across TX today, but we'll dodge it for another day...I hope. #abc13
— Travis Herzog (@HerzogWeather) June 27, 2013
Yesterdays stormy weather around Winona.
RT@severestudios Wisconsin tornado earlier today:
— (@28storms) July 23, 2013
I know just how she feels.
My dog is always running up to people, jumping on them & licking their faces. I do it just ONE time, and now I'm the weirdo at the park?
— K T (@Kylie119K) January 3, 2013
We're going to have some very nice weather in the next few days.
Temperatures will be cooler than normal for the next few days with high's in the 70's. Along with the cooler temperatures, skies will be mostly sunny so I think I'll get out and enjoy!
Monday, July 22, 2013
This first case is in Dane County.
First West Nile virus case reported in Wisconsin this year
— Wis. State Journal (@WiStateJournal) July 22, 2013
Big doings in Holmen!
Concerts in the Park Series. Free Concert Sunday, July 28, 5pm-7pm: West Salem Adult Jazz Band at the Halfway...
— Holmen Park & Rec (@HolmenParkRec) July 22, 2013
I got a birthday report from Donnie.
"My first birthday indulgence this morning is to have Oreos with my tea. But I do that often.
What I don't do often is buy a new computer, and I hope to get to that today. I am using Linda's old Dell, 15 years old, and it is very slow."
What I don't do often is buy a new computer, and I hope to get to that today. I am using Linda's old Dell, 15 years old, and it is very slow."
Dear Kean
God bless you for the beautiful radio I won at your recent senior citizens luncheon. I am 84 years old and live at the Sprenger Home for the Aged.
All of my family has passed away.. I am all alone now and it's nice to know that someone is thinking of me. God bless you for your kindness to an old forgotten lady.
My roommate is 95 and has always had her own radio, but before I received one, she would never let me listen to hers, even when she was napping.
The other day her radio fell off the night stand and broke into a lot of
pieces. It was awful and she was in tears. Her distress over the broken
radio touched me and I knew this was God's way of answering my prayers.
She asked if she could listen to mine, and I told her to kiss my ass.
Thank you for that opportunity.
God bless you for the beautiful radio I won at your recent senior citizens luncheon. I am 84 years old and live at the Sprenger Home for the Aged.
All of my family has passed away.. I am all alone now and it's nice to know that someone is thinking of me. God bless you for your kindness to an old forgotten lady.
My roommate is 95 and has always had her own radio, but before I received one, she would never let me listen to hers, even when she was napping.
The other day her radio fell off the night stand and broke into a lot of
pieces. It was awful and she was in tears. Her distress over the broken
radio touched me and I knew this was God's way of answering my prayers.
She asked if she could listen to mine, and I told her to kiss my ass.
Thank you for that opportunity.
Geraldo Rivera posts a half nude photo of himself on TWITTER and I saw it...only by accident. There goes my appetite! He tweets that "70 is the new 50".
No it's not, Geraldo, and the picture proves it. GROW UP.
No it's not, Geraldo, and the picture proves it. GROW UP.
This web page made my mouth water.
Check out these recipes for FROZEN COCKTAILS ON A STICK. Some of these sound too good to be true, especially the Strawberry Banana Margarita!
Let's talk dog for a minute.
If you want to know how old your dog is forget that old 7 year formula.
Your dog ages quickly the first couple of years of life. A 2 year old dog is 21 in human years. After two, however, aging slows down for your four legged buddy. It's more live 4 human years for every dog year.
Dog Whisperer Cesar Millan says the best way to estimate a dogs age is to use this formula; Subtract 2 years from your dogs age, multiply that by 4 and add 21.
Your dog ages quickly the first couple of years of life. A 2 year old dog is 21 in human years. After two, however, aging slows down for your four legged buddy. It's more live 4 human years for every dog year.
Dog Whisperer Cesar Millan says the best way to estimate a dogs age is to use this formula; Subtract 2 years from your dogs age, multiply that by 4 and add 21.
That's a whole lot of bubbly!
#RoyalBaby Fact: An estimated 3 million bottles of champagne are expected to be purchased in the U.K. alone in honor of the baby
— Good Morning America (@GMA) July 22, 2013
What's up this week?
Three birthdays to celebrate. Donnie today, Nick and Daniel tomorrow. Wednesday we celebrate COUSINS DAY and Rick and Angela, and the five dogs, arrive to spend a week, or so, with Rita and Roger.
We'll have a partly sunny Monday, around here, until late this afternoon when thunderstorms move in.
The storms could continue into this evening. We might get, at best, a quarter inch of rainfall.
South Avenue will be reduced to one lane each way beginning today.
They're doing road work which is expected to be done by August 5.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
There's a new book I want to read.
It's called "Full Upright and Locked Position: Not so comfortable truths about air travel today", by Mark Gerchick.
It's probably not the best reading for someone who's nervous about flying in the first place but it sounds like interesting reading to me.
CLICK HERE TO READ THE REVIEW by Ellen Creager of the Detroit Free Press.
It's probably not the best reading for someone who's nervous about flying in the first place but it sounds like interesting reading to me.
CLICK HERE TO READ THE REVIEW by Ellen Creager of the Detroit Free Press.
Yusuf Islam is celebrating his 65th birthday today.
Back in the '70's we knew him as CAT STEVENS and he was one of my very favorite singers. He recorded a song called "If you want to be free" that I just love and it was used as the title tune for, probably, my most favorite movie of all time, "HAROLD AND MAUDE". I've lost count of how many times I've seen that movie or listened to that song.
Here's another interesting item regarding the land in Chile Donnie is talking about.
This 30 second Bud commercial was filmed at Tunquen, Chile which is where their property is.
There are some spotty showers around this morning.
Clouds will come and go today and there may be a thundershower or two.
Tomorrow is the day we'll have to be on the lookout for some nasty storms. The forecast says we can expect strong afternoon thunderstorms with damaging winds and possibly an isolated tornado.
Tomorrow is the day we'll have to be on the lookout for some nasty storms. The forecast says we can expect strong afternoon thunderstorms with damaging winds and possibly an isolated tornado.
The Black Hills got some hail yesterday.
Duane said
"I was napping and heard hail. When I got up the decks were covered with quarter and fifty cent size hail. Leaves and branches down. What a mess!"
"I was napping and heard hail. When I got up the decks were covered with quarter and fifty cent size hail. Leaves and branches down. What a mess!"
I love this song.
38 years ago today. It was 1973 and this song by Three Dog Night was #4 on the Hot 100.
Have I got a deal for you!
Here's a note from Donnie that you may be interested in or you may know someone who might be interested. I'm thinking Derrick might know a client who's looking for something like this.
"We are thinking about selling our little piece of land in Chile. It is 2.5 acres overlooking the Pacific Ocean, in central Chile, two hours from Santiago, one hour from Valparaiso, in the Casablanca wine area.
It is located in a fairly exclusive community of mostly weekend homes of urban professionals and artists, mostly Chilean, of course, but a few American and other nationalities.
Some of the homes have been featured in international architecture and style publications. (See "Tunquen" on YouTube.) Solar power and well water, little infrastructure, but near some major resorts. Dramatic rocky coast, plus marsh estuary with wide beach, wildlife."
Here is a video of the beach Donnie is talking about. Not everyone can have a view like this in their back yard! And, just think, this is a back yard you won't have to mow!
Here is another quick video of the area we're talking about. This is a home that was featured on HGTV
"We are thinking about selling our little piece of land in Chile. It is 2.5 acres overlooking the Pacific Ocean, in central Chile, two hours from Santiago, one hour from Valparaiso, in the Casablanca wine area.
It is located in a fairly exclusive community of mostly weekend homes of urban professionals and artists, mostly Chilean, of course, but a few American and other nationalities.
Some of the homes have been featured in international architecture and style publications. (See "Tunquen" on YouTube.) Solar power and well water, little infrastructure, but near some major resorts. Dramatic rocky coast, plus marsh estuary with wide beach, wildlife."
Here is a video of the beach Donnie is talking about. Not everyone can have a view like this in their back yard! And, just think, this is a back yard you won't have to mow!
Here is another quick video of the area we're talking about. This is a home that was featured on HGTV
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