This one in Texas as shoppers..or a better description might be animals..totally destroy a DVD display. I'm sorry, friends, but this is about as sick as it gets. What in the world has happened to us?
Starting a new blog that you may want to check out from time to time..or maybe not. It's up to you!

Saturday, November 26, 2011
Donnie sent another Panama tourist promo.
I only include it here because the pictures are so sensational it almost looks like they're in 3D. I've never seen anything like it.
Updated Show Reel from Colibri Productions on Vimeo.
Updated Show Reel from Colibri Productions on Vimeo.
Ain't it the truth?
Ben Franklin said, "Life's tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late."
At 7 AM it was still so dark the street lights remain on.
It must be very heavy clouds that are bringing our rain which continues this morning. Good day to be at home with a good book and a movie. I have both plus pork ribs in the crockpot. Am I ready or what?
Donnie recommended this video.
Rita will recognize a few of the scenes. "Yo tengo de Panama" translates to "I come from Panama".
Time Magazine has published their list of the 25 most powerful women of the past century.
The list runs the gamut from Hillary Clinton to Madonna, Eleanor Roosevelt to Martha Stewart and Mother Teresa to Oprah.
Good news from Donnie.
"Another overnight of prolonged rain. November my save a few trees."
22 in Worland this morning.
"I was just thinking, if it is really religion with these nudist colonies, they sure must turn atheists in the wintertime."
Will Rogers
Will Rogers
In addition to the pepper spray incident at a Wal-Mart in L. A......
I was just reading there were also several shootings at Wal-Mart stores around the country. I knew there was a reason I hadn't been inside a Wal-Mart store in years. They get all the "classy" shoppers.
I was saying to Roger, yesterday.....
I miss the little corner grocery store, cafe, full service filling station and all the rest of the small businesses that used to dot the city of La Crosse. Remember service? That's the thing mom and pop took with them when they were forced out of business by the big boxes.
Celebrate small business day. Take a trip around town and see if you can find one anymore.
Reader comment:
I now understand why so many old people are grumpy. We remember that old-fashoned thing called personal service, and miss it, resent it when clerks nowadays mostly ignore us. Once upon a time the customer was always right. Now, you are on your own.
Celebrate small business day. Take a trip around town and see if you can find one anymore.
Reader comment:
I now understand why so many old people are grumpy. We remember that old-fashoned thing called personal service, and miss it, resent it when clerks nowadays mostly ignore us. Once upon a time the customer was always right. Now, you are on your own.
A quote for today:
"The measure of a country's greatness should be based on how well it cares for its most vulnerable populations."
Where would you like to spend the winter?
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC has a new list of TOP 10 WINTER TOWNS that's interesting. You, probably, won't be surprised to see that Green Bay and Minneapolis are on the list.
I think La Crosse should have been on the list but, alas, it's not.
Donnie and I, however, won't be surprised to see that Medellin, Colombia did make the list. I wonder if Donnie has any pictures of the Medellin lights??
Let me tell you folks who haven't been there, that this is one VERY BEAUTIFUL city with a climate that is out of this world. They're just at the right altitude, in the Andes Mountains, so it's never too hot and never too cold. It's always "Just right". The city of eternal spring.
I think La Crosse should have been on the list but, alas, it's not.
Donnie and I, however, won't be surprised to see that Medellin, Colombia did make the list. I wonder if Donnie has any pictures of the Medellin lights??
Let me tell you folks who haven't been there, that this is one VERY BEAUTIFUL city with a climate that is out of this world. They're just at the right altitude, in the Andes Mountains, so it's never too hot and never too cold. It's always "Just right". The city of eternal spring.
I didn't think they made music like this any more.
One of the most viewed clips on YOU TUBE is the Nickleback hit that they performed during the half time of the Packers Thanksgiving Day game. I sat up and listened when they came on. It took me back to my old radio days in the 60's. If they had more music like this, I might start listening to the radio again!
Friday, November 25, 2011
A nice note from Gladys.
"Went to Lake Madison and spent Thanksgiving with the Nelson Families. So grateful I can still drive that distance.
Jeff's son and family came last Wednesday. They helped get my boxes of Christmas stuff down from the shelves in the garage. Now, if I can just get it all in place.
Right after they called I went to retrieve something from one of my freezers and discovered the freezer had died. Erik got the spoiled food all hauled out and cleaned the freezer. I was so thankful for his help. If alone, I would still be struggling to get it done.
Jeff's son and family came last Wednesday. They helped get my boxes of Christmas stuff down from the shelves in the garage. Now, if I can just get it all in place.
Right after they called I went to retrieve something from one of my freezers and discovered the freezer had died. Erik got the spoiled food all hauled out and cleaned the freezer. I was so thankful for his help. If alone, I would still be struggling to get it done.
It was a surprisingly fun morning.
Roger took Rita to work, this morning, and then came over here and took me to the new Festival Foods in Baken Park. WOW! What a store! Much bigger than the Festival on Copeland Avenue with a deli that is out of sight. And, there's a bank and drugstore you can go to without going back out into the elements.
On the way home we stopped by and had coffee with Carl and Kathy. Kathy sent me home with some home-made pumpkin pie. That will be my dessert for lunch.
From there we stopped in to say hello to Rhonda. She's looking better than ever!
When I got home Thunder let me know, after galavanting around the past couple of days, I had better plan to stay home and entertain him for the rest of the weekend. That's just what I'll do!
On the way home we stopped by and had coffee with Carl and Kathy. Kathy sent me home with some home-made pumpkin pie. That will be my dessert for lunch.
From there we stopped in to say hello to Rhonda. She's looking better than ever!
When I got home Thunder let me know, after galavanting around the past couple of days, I had better plan to stay home and entertain him for the rest of the weekend. That's just what I'll do!
How true it is!
If you can start the day without caffeine
If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains
If you can resist complaining and boring people with your problems
If you can eat the same food every day and be grateful for it
If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time
If you can take criticism and blame without resentment
If you can conquer tension without medical help
If you can relax without alcohol
If you can sleep without the aid of drugs
Then you are more than likely
The family dog.
If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains
If you can resist complaining and boring people with your problems
If you can eat the same food every day and be grateful for it
If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time
If you can take criticism and blame without resentment
If you can conquer tension without medical help
If you can relax without alcohol
If you can sleep without the aid of drugs
Then you are more than likely
The family dog.
Willard has a good point. Listen up OCEAN SPRAY!
"Speaking of cranberries, why they are associated with New England when the main Ocean Spray plant is in Wisconsin is beyond me. At least Cheese is the Wisconsin image. That's OK with me. All I buy is Wisconsin cheese."
Kenny Rogers is on tour, again, with his Christmas show.
The closest performance to La Crosse will be Black Bear Casino Resort in Carlton, Minnesota.
This is an interesting bit of history
Have you ever heard about the Wisconsin Scandinavian volunteer regiment? This was news to me and I thought it was interesting.
Donnie writes......
"Amused by your re-run of my Thanksgiving 2010 walk so I went out to update that to see if I've aged. The clothes are the same, and the weather."
This is a pretty sad state of affairs.
Interesting story in the La Crosse Tribune this morning. We don't elect people to a political office. They just buy the political office so that they can tell us there isn't enough money to provide basic services. But, it seems, there's MORE than enough money to get yourself elected.
There's something very wrong with this picture. But, I suppose it's to be expected. When you make politics a profession rather than a service to your country you can expect the politician to work for him or her self and not for the people. Which party they belong to has nothing to do with it. The system, itself, is busted.
There's something very wrong with this picture. But, I suppose it's to be expected. When you make politics a profession rather than a service to your country you can expect the politician to work for him or her self and not for the people. Which party they belong to has nothing to do with it. The system, itself, is busted.
At 2 A.M. our temperature was still 53 degrees.
Are you sure this is November? Can this really happen in La Crosse, Wisconsin?
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.
We had a great meal, the Packers won...again and the weather was perfect. What more could you ask for? Plenty, I suppose, but I'm thankful for what I got!
National Day of Listening is sponsored by National Public Radio.
It's a day to call attention to the "Story Core" project on NPR. To learn more, CLICK HERE.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
A special message from Donnie:
"In our endless cleaning I have uncovered several recorded books about the Great Plains--great listening for drives across the Dakota prairies or R & R travels west.
If anyone wants these before I give them to Goodwill, let me know"
If anyone wants these before I give them to Goodwill, let me know"
I talked to Donnie this morning.
They're having Thanksgiving dinner at home and then going to the neighbors, for dessert, later.
Every once in a while I find something I really like.
I found something I really like yesterday!
Since my kidneys started to fail my skin has become so dry and itchy it's enough to drive me up the wall.
I tried something new this morning. It's St. Ives triple butters body wash. Wow! Really great stuff! My skin feels better than it has for a long time and it will get better the more I use it (I hope). And to make it better, it smells like of my favorite fragrances.
I can't want until tomorrow morning to take another shower. ST. IVES TRIPLE BUTTERS LINK
Since my kidneys started to fail my skin has become so dry and itchy it's enough to drive me up the wall.
I tried something new this morning. It's St. Ives triple butters body wash. Wow! Really great stuff! My skin feels better than it has for a long time and it will get better the more I use it (I hope). And to make it better, it smells like of my favorite fragrances.
I can't want until tomorrow morning to take another shower. ST. IVES TRIPLE BUTTERS LINK
You might remember one or two of these.
Here is a list of the top 10 Thanksgiving Day storms that just totally ruined the holiday. STORM LINK HERE
Who can you trust? Nobody!
Do you realize that companies pay people to post fake comments, etc. on social networks, such as Facebook, to create false impressions about what people are thinking concerning current issues? You might want to learn more here BBC NEWS LINK
This is a surprise!
If the La Crosse Tribune daily poll is any indication, Black Friday might not be quite so jolly for the merchants this year.
The question, today, is "Do you plan to go shopping tomorrow".
7% of those responding said yes.
93% said NO
The question, today, is "Do you plan to go shopping tomorrow".
7% of those responding said yes.
93% said NO
I wonder how many of you know that many of the Pilgrims who came to America lived in the city of Leiden, the Netherlands, before beginning their voyage. It was there that they recorded their births, marriages and deaths.
Every year, on our Thanksgiving Day, in the United States, they hold a non-denominational Thanksgiving Day service at the PietersKerk in Leiden to commemorate the hospitality the pilgrims enjoyed in that city before they jumped on the boat and headed west in search of the nearest Wal-Mart.
By the way, you probably figured out that "PietersKerk" refers to the church in Leiden that has quite a history and what a church it is. To learn more about the church and see some pictures click here PIETERSKERK
Every year, on our Thanksgiving Day, in the United States, they hold a non-denominational Thanksgiving Day service at the PietersKerk in Leiden to commemorate the hospitality the pilgrims enjoyed in that city before they jumped on the boat and headed west in search of the nearest Wal-Mart.
By the way, you probably figured out that "PietersKerk" refers to the church in Leiden that has quite a history and what a church it is. To learn more about the church and see some pictures click here PIETERSKERK
Thanksgiving Day with Rita and Roger this year.
We'll gobble gobble up the turkey, Roger will watch the football game and Rita and I will set up the outdoor manger scene. Let the ho, ho, ho's begin.
Not good news for Thanksgiving Day.
The Labor Department reports that more jobs were lost in Wisconsin in October than any other state in the Union.
Don't forget to watch for the Mt. Rushmore float with Neil Diamond in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on NBC!
La Crosse Thanksgiving weather history.
The following statistics comprise 137 years of data. From 1919 through 1950, the data came from various locations in downtown La Crosse. Since 1950, the data has been gathered at La Crosse Regional Airport. Due to the office being officially closed in 1985, no observations were available for this year. |
Thanksgiving Day in La Crosse, WI (Period of Record 1872-2009) | ||||
Means | Records | |||
Maximum Temperature | 35.9 F | Warmest High Temperature | 65 F | November 26, 1914 |
Coldest High Temperature | 4 F | November 28,1872 | ||
Minimum Temperature | 21.9 F | Warmest Low Temperature | 42 F | November 24, 1966 |
Coldest Low Temperature | -10 F | November 25, 1880 November 28, 1872 | ||
Average Temperature | 28.9 F | Warmest Average Temperature | 53.0 F | November 26, 1914 |
Coldest Average Temperature | -3.0 F | November 28, 1872 | ||
Precipitation | 0.07" | Wettest | 1.10" | November 26, 1896 |
Snowfall | 0.3" | Snowiest | 5.5" | November 28, 1918 |
Snow Depth at 7 AM | 0.9" | Most Snow of Ground at 7 AM | 15" | November 28, 1991 |
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Donnie sent me a piece about Jewel Cave in the Black Hills.
Did you know that's the second longest cave in the world and they keep finding new passageways every year.
Ole strikes again!
After having dug to a depth of 10 feet last year, New York scientists found traces of copper wire dating back 100 years and came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network more than 100 years ago.
Not to be outdone by the New Yorkers, a California archaeologist dug to a depth of 20 feet and shortly after, a story in an LA newspaper read: "California archaeologists' discover 200 year old copper wire, have concluded that their ancestors already had an advanced high-tech communications network a hundred years earlier than the New Yorkers."
One week later, a local newspaper in North Dakota reported the following: "After digging as deep as 30 feet in his pasture near Center, ND, Ole, a self-taught archaeologist, reported that he found absolutely nothing. Ole, has therefore concluded that 300 years ago, North Dakota, had already gone wireless."
Not to be outdone by the New Yorkers, a California archaeologist dug to a depth of 20 feet and shortly after, a story in an LA newspaper read: "California archaeologists' discover 200 year old copper wire, have concluded that their ancestors already had an advanced high-tech communications network a hundred years earlier than the New Yorkers."
One week later, a local newspaper in North Dakota reported the following: "After digging as deep as 30 feet in his pasture near Center, ND, Ole, a self-taught archaeologist, reported that he found absolutely nothing. Ole, has therefore concluded that 300 years ago, North Dakota, had already gone wireless."
It was on this date, November 23, 1889:
The first juke box the world ever saw was installed at the Palais Royale in San Francisco. That was just a bit before I lived there so, unfortunately, I missed it.
Enjoy it while it lasts!
We'll come close to 50 today and be in the 50's tomorrow and Friday (that's about 15 degrees above normal). Amazing considering that most of the Thanksgivings, since I've been here, we've had at least a touch of snow on the ground and cold temps. Of course, it ain't gonna last. Highs will be in the 30's by Sunday.
There's an amazing piece of trivia in the La Crosse Tribune this morning.
The KWIK TRIP on Cass Street, just a couple of blocks from me, sells 22 semi-loads of bananas a week. That's a hell of a lot of bananas!
As Xavier Cugat used to say, "I would rather play Chiquita Banana and have my swimming pool than play Bach and starve."
Did you know???
The Algonquin Indians of Wisconsin called the cranberry "Atoqua".
A great Thanksgiving drink would be the CRANBERRY KISS.
The Recipe:
Wisconsin produces more cranberries than any other state and it's our state fruit.
A great Thanksgiving drink would be the CRANBERRY KISS.
The Recipe:
- 6 oz. cranberry juice
- 1 oz. orange juice
- 1 oz. vodka (to kill any germs)
- top with club soda
Wisconsin produces more cranberries than any other state and it's our state fruit.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
If you do any flying on DELTA you can now track your checked luggage while in the air!
Check out this quick video.
It has finally started to clear off.
The sun came out around 11:30. It improved my mood immediately!
The readers poll in the La Crosse Tribune, today, asks readers to grade the US Congress.
Of the more than 600 readers who have responded, so far, 77% give Congress an F.
Thought for the day:
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci
One of my kidney websites passed this article along.
It's a little reminder about all the salt there is in a Thanksgiving feast. One "for instance" is that, while turkey is low in sodium, a lot of producers inject salt water into the breast to "plump" it up. It does, indeed, plump the bird and you end up paying a heafty price for the salt water. Plus, it really PLUMPS up the salt content. You'll find more "salty spots" in your Thanksgiving meal right here.
My radar was right.
"A well-muscled thunderstorm, at last, gave us a good soaking last night. Some relief even for the trees, we hope."
"A well-muscled thunderstorm, at last, gave us a good soaking last night. Some relief even for the trees, we hope."
No wonder Carl has been playing golf all these years.
According to the ECONOMIST website, a recent study found that executives who don't play golf are paid 17% less on average than executives who do play golf.
The Law of Biomachanics:
The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach.
I know where I was 48 years ago today. I'll bet you do to.
I was in Key West, Florida. It was November 22, 1963. The day JFK was assassinated. Where were you?
Donnie and Linda should be happy.
Radar was showing some rain over Dripping Springs this morning.
Speaking of cold......
The highest court in Switzerland has ruled that local communities can fine people for hiking, nude, through the Alps. A man who was fined for walking, naked as a jay bird, past a group of young people at a Christian facility tried to get out of paying the fine but the high court said no way, Adam (or whatever your name is). Public nudity isn't against the law in Switzerland but you have to use not walking in front of kids at a religious camp.
You should be at Henry, Antarctica to celebrate Antarctic Day!
At 2 A.M. the temperature at Henry was 20 below zero and, even with sunshine today, the high will only reach 18 below. Obviously, if you were in Henry you'd probably be celebrating indoors.
Here's an absolutely delightful video from Antarctica that almost makes me want to go!
Here's an absolutely delightful video from Antarctica that almost makes me want to go!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Roger sent this picture.
This is from their South Dakota phesant hunt. He knows what I think of the Great Plains. To most people this is just a whole lot of nothing. To me it's a whole lot of heaven!
And, this is a great picture of
Rick and Angela
The Weather Service keeps telling me we're going to have a sunny to partly sunny sky. This isn't my idea of a "sunny sky".
"Loved your Hello Day comment, had to send it to others. You have identified (and chosen to live in) the unfriendliest place in America. But, you may have to count me among the grouches--my complaint is too many "hello" sayers. Out here in the country even every car requires a wave. (Linda gets mad when I refuse to return a wave). Seinfeld's Uncle Lew was famous for saying "hellooooo".
I think it's neat that the White House Christmas Tree comes from Wisconsin and the two turkeys to be pardoned by the President come from Minnesota. Those lucky birds will spend the rest of their lives living it up at George Washingtons estate, Mount Vernon.
Marlo Thomas is 74 today. She once said, "Fame lost its appeal when I went to a public restroom and a fan handed me a pen and paper under the stall door."
I have to say something that you may not like but I have to say it anyway. I have lived in a lot of places, Sioux Falls, Armour, Marion, Rapid City, Minneapolis, San Francisco, Deadwood, Key West, Edinburg, Houston and here..and I may have missed one or two.
Of all those places, it's only here, that when I pass someone on the street or in the hallway of my very own apartment building, I say hello. Most of the time they walk by as though I don't even exist. The rest of the time they glare and give me a look as if to say, "If you dare to speak to me one more time I will kill you."
If it was just the young kids I would understand how they feel about old people. I felt that way when I was young too. But here, little old ladies refuse to acknowledge my hello, just like the kids.
I first I thought it was just me. Then, when I worked at the hotel, I talked with people who had moved here from other places. They have ALL had the same experience.
What's up with that? I have no idea but I will continue to say hello, every time I pass someone, just because I know it pisses them off and ruins their day.
Of all those places, it's only here, that when I pass someone on the street or in the hallway of my very own apartment building, I say hello. Most of the time they walk by as though I don't even exist. The rest of the time they glare and give me a look as if to say, "If you dare to speak to me one more time I will kill you."
If it was just the young kids I would understand how they feel about old people. I felt that way when I was young too. But here, little old ladies refuse to acknowledge my hello, just like the kids.
I first I thought it was just me. Then, when I worked at the hotel, I talked with people who had moved here from other places. They have ALL had the same experience.
What's up with that? I have no idea but I will continue to say hello, every time I pass someone, just because I know it pisses them off and ruins their day.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
The problem with "sound advice" is that it's usually 99% sound and 1% advice.
They say "MY WEEK WITH MARILYN" starring Michelle Williams will be a hit in the theaters AND at the Oscars! From the scenes I've seen on TV she sure has the Monroe look down pat.
Minnesota produces more turkeys than any other state in the USA.
Rochester reported its first snowfall of the season yesterday. Not much (0.2") but enough to measure. Their first snow usually occurs by November 3rd.
At 4 A.M. their temperature was +6 with a wind chill of 4 below.
Advanced Style: Age and Beautyfrom Ari Cohen on
The United Nations established UNIVERSAL CHILDREN'S DAY in 1954. It's goal is to promote togetherness and awareness among children around the world.
BEER BUTT ROSEMARY CHICKEN sounds good. Get the recipe here.
Unless it really warms up, I think, they can expect plenty of white stuff to get over the river and through the woods. Duane said, "The snow is really piled up. A good 8 inches on the ground. The decks are covered. House is chilly."
We've had some heavy snows, around here, this early, too. Back in 1970 Rochester got 6.5" of snow on November 20.
We've had some heavy snows, around here, this early, too. Back in 1970 Rochester got 6.5" of snow on November 20.
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