All the real heat is out west. Rapid City will get to 90 this afternoon, Worland will see 92. Around here they say it will hit 80 this afternoon if the sun comes out.
Starting a new blog that you may want to check out from time to time..or maybe not. It's up to you!

Saturday, July 13, 2013
How's your hair this morning?
In case you haven't checked the AccuWeather forecast, conditions are just right for a FRIZZY HAIR DAY.
Here's another case of a person who has way more money than he needs.
A renter spent $50,000 renovating an apartment. When the lease was up, the tenant paid $30,000 to undo the changes.
— Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) July 13, 2013
Here's one you gotta check out.
What's new in lawn furniture? It's a 3 in 1 hammock! CLICK HERE AND TAKE A LOOK
A walk down memory lane.
This goes back even before my time and, believe me, that's a long, long time ago! It was July 13, 1939 and Frank Sinatra made his first record, "From the Bottom of my Heart". It sure wasn't his best (or even second best) but it was his first.
I did not know Donnie had a license to work on toilets.
If ever there were a blog-worthy submission, this is it.
Today I installed three new toilet seats, made in Sheboygan, by Americans! Don't tell me America has lost its lead!
There are only 2 of them living in the house. Why do they need three toilet seats?
Kathy's birthday party was a huge success last night.
I'm thinking she'll never forget her 70th Birthday!
This looks like a happy couple!
I like Rita's new haircut.
Friday, July 12, 2013
If I had $14 million I'd buy it!
Kevin Costner is selling 1,000 acres of land near Deadwood. Asking price is $14 million. His casino, however, is not part of the deal. The Midnight Star Casino and Restaurant, which is a great place to eat.....and gamble if you like....will stay in Costner's hands.
It's a great day today with temperatures in the low 80's.
Enjoy it while you can because both the temperatures and the humidity will be going up starting tomorrow.
A Norwegian Tweet......
Why yes, my town does have a store called yah sure you betcha. And they have shirts! #norwegian
— Karla Tweeten (@karlatweeten) June 22, 2013
You can't beat a good Norwegian.
There was a Midwestern phone company that was going to hire one team of telephone
pole installers, and the boss had to choose between a team of two Norwegian guys
and a team of two Irish guys.
So the boss met with both teams and said, "Here's what we'll do. Each team will be installing poles out on the new road for a day. The team that installs the most phone poles gets the job."
Both teams headed out. At the end of the shift, Pat and Mike, the Irish guys, came back and the boss asked them how many they had installed. The said that it was tough going, but they'd put in twelve.
Forty five minutes later, Ole and Sven, the Norwegian guys came back in and they were totally exhausted. The boss asked, "Well, how many poles did you guys install?" Ole, the team leader, wiped his brow and sighed, "Sven and me, we got three in."
The boss gasped, "Three? Those two Irish guys put in twelve!"
"Yeah," said Ole, "but you should see how much they left sticking out of the ground!"
So the boss met with both teams and said, "Here's what we'll do. Each team will be installing poles out on the new road for a day. The team that installs the most phone poles gets the job."
Both teams headed out. At the end of the shift, Pat and Mike, the Irish guys, came back and the boss asked them how many they had installed. The said that it was tough going, but they'd put in twelve.
Forty five minutes later, Ole and Sven, the Norwegian guys came back in and they were totally exhausted. The boss asked, "Well, how many poles did you guys install?" Ole, the team leader, wiped his brow and sighed, "Sven and me, we got three in."
The boss gasped, "Three? Those two Irish guys put in twelve!"
"Yeah," said Ole, "but you should see how much they left sticking out of the ground!"
This is the biggest laugh you'll have all day.
Here's another awful fact about old age. You'll know when you get there because you start to lose control of your bodily functions and that's just a fact of life you can't ignore.
I just read about Japans aging population. Here's a statistic that might startle you. Adult diapers are outselling baby diapers in Japan!
With that in mind, you might want to pay close attention to this helpful ad.
Yummy, Yummy, Yummy! I love pecan pie.
It's not only Simplicity Day, it's also PECAN PIE DAY. Whenever I think of Pecan Pie, I think of Marge Terpstra. Nobody made a better pecan pie than Marge and she made a million of them at Terps Café.

This is my day! I'm as simple as they come.
12 July - Simplicity Day: think about ecological awareness, frugal consumption, personal growth #todayis #simplicity
— LiveSketching (@LiveSketching) July 12, 2013
It ain't gonna rain no more, no more!
Looks like we're in for a stretch of dry weather. This should help lower the river levels.
The forecast calls for a sunny sky today through next Tuesday with high temperatures in the mid to upper 80's. That sounds like summer to me!
The forecast calls for a sunny sky today through next Tuesday with high temperatures in the mid to upper 80's. That sounds like summer to me!
This is from the Wisconsin Historical Society.
1995 - Deadly Heat Wave Begins
From July 12-15, 1995, the Midwest was subjected to a deadly outbreak of hot and humid weather responsible for 141 deaths in Wisconsin.
According to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, this was the "greatest single event of weather-related deaths in Wisconsin history." Most of the fatalities happened in the urban southeast counties of the state, and at one point several Milwaukee-area hospitals were unable to admit more patients.
Milwaukee Temperatures (from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel): July 12: Hi=91, Lo=65 July 13: Hi=103*, Lo=78 July 14: Hi=102, Lo=84 July 15: Hi=92, Lo=69 July 16: Hi=88, Lo=68
*Some communities reported highs as high as 108. Heat Index values were 120-130 degrees.
[Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
From July 12-15, 1995, the Midwest was subjected to a deadly outbreak of hot and humid weather responsible for 141 deaths in Wisconsin.
According to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, this was the "greatest single event of weather-related deaths in Wisconsin history." Most of the fatalities happened in the urban southeast counties of the state, and at one point several Milwaukee-area hospitals were unable to admit more patients.
Milwaukee Temperatures (from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel): July 12: Hi=91, Lo=65 July 13: Hi=103*, Lo=78 July 14: Hi=102, Lo=84 July 15: Hi=92, Lo=69 July 16: Hi=88, Lo=68
*Some communities reported highs as high as 108. Heat Index values were 120-130 degrees.
[Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Randy Travis remains in critical condition in a Dallas hospital.
He had been scheduled to appear at the Mountain Grand Casino in Deadwood this week.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Here's one you'll like!
The Tax Poem
Tax his land, tax his wage, Tax his bed in which he lays. Tax his tractor, tax his mule, Teach him taxes are the rule.
Tax his cow, tax his goat, Tax his pants, tax his coat. Tax his ties, tax his shirts, Tax his work, tax his dirt.
Tax his chew, tax his smoke, Teach him taxes are no joke. Tax his car, tax his grass, Tax the roads he must pass.
Tax his food, tax his drink, Tax him if he tries to think. Tax his sodas, tax his beers, If he cries, tax his tears.
Tax his bills, tax his gas, Tax his notes, tax his cash. Tax him good and let him know That after taxes, he has no dough.
If he hollers, tax him more, Tax him until he’s good and sore. Tax his coffin, tax his grave, Tax the sod in which he lays.
Put these words upon his tomb, “Taxes drove me to my doom!” And when he’s gone, we won’t relax, We’ll still be after the inheritance tax.
~Author unknown
Don't tempt me!
We are going Kitten Krazy here, stop in and adopt one of our fantastic felines today.
— Coulee Region Humane (@couleehumane) July 11, 2013
The water is too high for the big riverboats.
I really missed the big riverboat visits to La Crosse and was looking forward to their return later this month but, alas, it's not to be.
The water is too high for the American Queen and the Queen of the Mississippi to get under our bridges so we'll have to wait for the water to go down to see those beautiful boats again.
There are still several scheduled stops in August, September and October so we should still get to see them before the snow flies again.
A blast from the past!
Born on this date: Bonnie Pointer. Here are the Pointer Sisters, live in '74.
— The '60s at 50 (@the_60s_at_50) July 11, 2013
I sure hope the little guy finds a good home and has a great life!
This was sent by a man in Rhinelander, Wisconsin
"A very eventful day around here... A once in many lifetimes experience! I saw this lil' feller run out in front of a car-- thought it was a lost baby goat. Stopped to get it, and WOW!! A real Albino Whitetail Deer. Just hours old, but doing fine. No Momma deer around. Another car nearly hit it in front of me... Well, he is THE neatest thing any of us ever saw. And such a 'freak of nature', that only 1 in more than a million are even born. He took his bottle of food, followed us around the house, doing great. So, we called the Zoo & Fossil Rim, who were both interested, but we're going to send him to a Rehab farm. Maybe he will make it in captivity somewhere and be appreciated. So rare... Sure wanted to keep him tho. but, not the thing to do. And not LEGAL either. Here are a couple of pictures to show you. He was snow white, pink eyes, ears, nose and hooves. Kids called him POWDER. He was SO small. That is my shoe lying next to him." |
Sometimes, the truth hurts.
You'd be surprised how often nothing is about you.
— Just Call Me Frank™© (@JustCallMeFrank) July 9, 2013
I'm not the only early riser.
There's a bird living right outside my window, this summer, that gets up about 3, every morning, to sing his ass off and he's the loudest and happiest singer I've ever heard.
He's the only bird in the neighborhood that gets up that early and once he's up he expects everybody to get up.
Reminds me of Mother who was, usually, the first one up and the first thing she'd do was to "get out in that kitchen and rattle those pots and pans."
I never understood why she felt the need to do that because she hated breakfast and never made it. The rest of the day she was a great cook but in the morning you were on your own.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Rita, Roger and I made a quick trip up to Viroqua this afternoon and, as usual, it was wonderful to see Aunt Wilda again and Bob was there too. Lynne couldn't make it this time and we missed her.
On the way home we stopped and had lunch. A perfect day with perfect weather.
According to The Today Show there's talk about a new TV channel just for dogs. That might be an improvement over the channels just for people.
If there's a bigger waste of time than watching TV I'd like to know what it is.
WitticismsAs I hurtled through space, one thought kept crossing my mind: Every partof this rocket was supplied by the lowest bidder.- John GlennWhen the white missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said 'Let us pray.'We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land.- Desmond TutuAmerica is the only country where a significant proportion of the populationbelieves that professional wrestling is real but the moon landing was faked.- David LettermanI'm not a paranoid, deranged millionaire. I'm a billionaire.- Howard HughesAfter the game, the King and the Pawn go into the same box.- Italian proverbThe only reason they say 'Women and children first' is to test the strength of the lifeboats.- Jean KerrI've been married to a communist and a fascist, and neither would take out the garbage.- Zsa Zsa GaborYou know you're a redneck if your home has wheels and your car doesn't.- Jeff FoxworthyWhen a man opens a car door for his wife, it's either a new car or a new wife.- Prince PhilipA computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kickboxing.- Emo PhilipsWood burns faster when you have to cut and chop it yourself.- Harrison FordThe best cure for sea sickness, is to sit under a tree.- Spike MilliganLawyers believe a man is innocent until proven broke.- Robin HalKill one man and you're a murderer, kill a million and you're a conqueror.- Jean RostandHaving more money doesn't make you happier. I have 50 million dollars butI'm just as happy as when I had 48 million.- Arnold SchwarzeneggerWe are here on earth to do good unto others. What the others are here for, I have no idea.- W.H. AudenIn hotel rooms I worry. I can't be the only guy who sits on the furniture naked.- Jonathan KatzIf life were fair, Elvis would still be alive today and all the impersonators would be dead.- Johnny CarsonI don't believe in astrology. I am a Sagittarius and we're very skeptical.- Arthur C ClarkeHollywood must be the only place on earth where you can be fired by a manwearing a Hawaiian shirt and a baseball cap.- Steve MartinHome cooking: where many a man thinks his wife is.- Jimmy DuranteAmerica is so advanced that even the chairs are electric.- Doug HamwellThe first piece of luggage on the carousel never belongs to anyone.- George RobertsIf God had intended us to fly he would have made it easier to get to the airport.- Jonathan Winters
Well, we've had a couple of hot days and now we're set to cool down some for a few days.
In Texas it doesn't really cool down much before December and there's rarely any rain to cool things off during the hot summer months. Like one Texas farmer said, "I'd sure like to see it rain. Not for myself. I've seen it before but my 7 year old would like to know what it feels like.
Here's something for the gardener that lots of money to spend. This is the neatest hose you'll ever see. There's just one thing they don't mention in the video.....that's the price. This baby sells for $650.00
Happy Piña Colada Day... if you find yourself celebrating before 9am it's probably best you seek help! #pinacolada
— National Days (@NationalDays) July 10, 2013
The next three days are going to be just about as good as it gets. Sunny and 78 today, sunny and 81 tomorrow, sunny and 83 on Friday. That's my kind of weather!!
Scientists are developing a new clock that keeps time using just one single ion. Now you ask, "what's an ion". Well, it's an atom in which the electrons and protons are not equal in number which gives the atom a positive or negative electrical charge. I'm sure most of you already knew that.
In any event, this clock is so accurate that it will lose a second, just once, in every few billion years. With my busy retirement schedule, that's just what I need.
In any event, this clock is so accurate that it will lose a second, just once, in every few billion years. With my busy retirement schedule, that's just what I need.
Tuesday, July 09, 2013
Somewhere in his reading, Donnie found a list of the fittest cities in the USA.
1. Virginia Beach, Virginia
2. Colorado Springs, Colorado
3. Austin, Texas [obviously does not include Dripping Springs]
4. San Antonio, Texas
5. Livingston, New Jersey
6. Portland, Oregon
7. El Paso, Texas
8. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
9. Tacoma, Washington
10. Albuquerque, New Mexico
1. Virginia Beach, Virginia
2. Colorado Springs, Colorado
3. Austin, Texas [obviously does not include Dripping Springs]
4. San Antonio, Texas
5. Livingston, New Jersey
6. Portland, Oregon
7. El Paso, Texas
8. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
9. Tacoma, Washington
10. Albuquerque, New Mexico
That's the list, although, I'm not quite sure what it is that these cities are fit for.
I've never lived in any of these towns which must mean that all the places I have lived have been unfit which, probably, explains why I turned out the way I did.
I just took a look at the radar and I don't see anything coming our way.
The National Weather Service has dropped the chances for another round of showers and thunderstorms down to around 20% for this afternoon and 30% tonight. That suits me just fine. We don't need no more stinkin' rain right now! That river is high enough, Mama!
On the first day, God created the dog and said, "Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. For this, I will give you a life span of twenty years."
The dog said, "That's a long time to be barking. How about only ten years and I'll give you back the other ten?"
And God saw it was good.
On the second day, God created the monkey and said, "Entertain people, do tricks, and make them laugh. For this, I'll give you a twenty-year life span."
The dog said, "That's a long time to be barking. How about only ten years and I'll give you back the other ten?"
And God saw it was good.
On the second day, God created the monkey and said, "Entertain people, do tricks, and make them laugh. For this, I'll give you a twenty-year life span."
The monkey said, "Monkey tricks for twenty years? That's a pretty long time to perform. How about I give you back ten like the dog did?"
And God, again saw it was good.
And God, again saw it was good.
On the third day, God created the cow and said, "You must go into the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves and give milk to support the farmer's family. For this, I will give you a life span of sixty years."
The cow said, "That's kind of a tough life you want me to live for sixty years. How about twenty and I'll give back the other forty?"
And God agreed it was good.
On the fourth day, God created humans and said, "Eat, sleep, play, marry and enjoy your life. For this, I'll give you twenty years."
But the human said, "Only twenty years? Could you possibly give me my twenty, the forty the cow gave back, the ten the monkey gave back, and the ten the dog gave back; that makes eighty, okay?"
"Okay," said God, "You asked for it."
So that is why for our first twenty years, we eat, sleep, play and enjoy ourselves. For the next forty years, we slave in the sun to support our family. For the next ten years, we do monkey tricks to entertain the grandchildren. And for the last ten years, we sit on the front porch and bark at everyone.
Life has now been explained to you.
There is no need to thank me for this valuable information. I'm doing it as a public service. If you are looking for me I will be on the front porch.
The cow said, "That's kind of a tough life you want me to live for sixty years. How about twenty and I'll give back the other forty?"
And God agreed it was good.
On the fourth day, God created humans and said, "Eat, sleep, play, marry and enjoy your life. For this, I'll give you twenty years."
But the human said, "Only twenty years? Could you possibly give me my twenty, the forty the cow gave back, the ten the monkey gave back, and the ten the dog gave back; that makes eighty, okay?"
"Okay," said God, "You asked for it."
So that is why for our first twenty years, we eat, sleep, play and enjoy ourselves. For the next forty years, we slave in the sun to support our family. For the next ten years, we do monkey tricks to entertain the grandchildren. And for the last ten years, we sit on the front porch and bark at everyone.
Life has now been explained to you.
There is no need to thank me for this valuable information. I'm doing it as a public service. If you are looking for me I will be on the front porch.
'Wild' animals in travelling circuses benefit no one | Karl Mathiesen
— Guardian Environment (@guardianeco) July 9, 2013
Our thoughts are with Randy Travis who is hospitalized, in Texas, in critical condition suffering from viral cardiomyopathy. Randy is such a great artist and has gone through hell the past couple of years with so many serious problems.
Monday, July 08, 2013
I Went to the store this morning and I'm glad I did. If the forecast is correct, the weather will be pretty nasty tomorrow.
The National Weather Service says thunderstorms will move in after midnight with locally heavy rains and damaging winds. There could be some flash flooding tomorrow morning.
Another round of thunderstorms with large hail and damaging winds are possible tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow night. There's also A CHANCE OF TORNADOES TOMORROW AFTERNOON.
All in all it sounds like a nasty day for Kathy's birthday!
The National Weather Service says thunderstorms will move in after midnight with locally heavy rains and damaging winds. There could be some flash flooding tomorrow morning.
Another round of thunderstorms with large hail and damaging winds are possible tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow night. There's also A CHANCE OF TORNADOES TOMORROW AFTERNOON.
All in all it sounds like a nasty day for Kathy's birthday!
Where did the summer go?
Back-to-school shopping ads have already begun. Bwahaha.
— Gawker (@Gawker) July 8, 2013
The National Weather Service says the heat index will hit 90 to 95 this afternoon. Roger won't like that!
I was, actually, sipping a cup of coffee while watching this video this morning.
It turns out that the olive oil you just paid big bucks for is, probably, no healthier for you than cheap-o canola oil. LIVE SCIENCE has the whole story. CLICK HERE
It turns out that the olive oil you just paid big bucks for is, probably, no healthier for you than cheap-o canola oil. LIVE SCIENCE has the whole story. CLICK HERE
The Wisconsin Historical Society remembers the ICE CREAM SUNDAE today.
1881 - Ice Cream Sundae Invented
On this date druggist and soda fountain owner Ed Berners of Two Rivers, Wisconsin, was asked by a customer to top a dish of ice cream with chocolate sauce, an ingredient previously used only in ice cream sodas.
The new tasty treat became very popular, though it was only served on Sundays.
According to H.L. Mencken, the sundae got its official name after a little girl demanded a dish of ice cream 'with that stuff on top' on a different day.
Numerous other locations claim to have created the first ice cream sundae, and it is unclear which community deserves the title to having invented this great American treat.
[Source: Two Rivers Historical Society]
1881 - Ice Cream Sundae Invented
On this date druggist and soda fountain owner Ed Berners of Two Rivers, Wisconsin, was asked by a customer to top a dish of ice cream with chocolate sauce, an ingredient previously used only in ice cream sodas.
The new tasty treat became very popular, though it was only served on Sundays.
According to H.L. Mencken, the sundae got its official name after a little girl demanded a dish of ice cream 'with that stuff on top' on a different day.
Numerous other locations claim to have created the first ice cream sundae, and it is unclear which community deserves the title to having invented this great American treat.
[Source: Two Rivers Historical Society]
Sunday, July 07, 2013
In case you didn't get the email, WALGREEN'S is having a SENIOR SAVINGS DAY July 9 only. 20% off all Walgreens, Nice and W Brand items. Gas up the wheelchair and get to your nearest Walgreen's on Tuesday!
Donnie and Linda had company today. Donnie said, "We toured three wineries. Lot's of tasting. Linda stayed home with the dog."
LOCAL AREA JOBS: #JobSearch Commercial Bkg Rel Manager 3-LaCrosse at U S Bank (La Crosse, WI) Find this Job&More:
— La Crosse Wisconsin (@LaCrosse_Buzz) July 7, 2013
'Despicable Me 2's' $142.1 Million Crushes 'Lone Ranger's' $48.9 Million 5-Day Domestic Debut
— Jon Thompson (@JohnnyFocal) July 7, 2013
Donnie and Linda's former neighbor is coming to Iowa. Lance Armstrong will compete in the 406 mile race across Iowa from Council Bluffs, right across the river from Omaha, to Ft. Madison, which, like La Crosse, sits on the banks of the Mississippi River. The race will be held July 21-27.
Visited Mount Rushmore with my grandson yesterday. Not for history - I wanted to prove that there are faces that move less than mine.
— Joan Rivers (@Joan_Rivers) July 7, 2013
Thanks for the mention!
The Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @FDTerp @StephanieNickel @brandonpierce
— (@mmmStuff) July 7, 2013
Remember JEFFREY HUNTER? I ran across this 21 minute biography and found it so interesting.
First of all, I didn't know that Jeffrey Hunter was a Wisconsin boy. I also didn't realize he had such a tragic life and had never heard about his connection with one of TV's greatest series, "Star Trek".
If you have 20 minutes to spare, take a look at this.
It's a cloudy morning in La Crosse. I see some rain to the north, around Eau Claire and Winona but nothing around here.
The forecast calls for a mix of clouds and sun and the high getting close to 90.
It took a while but summer is finally here as evidenced by this advisory from the National Weather Service.
I didn't get up until 4:45 this morning. For most people that's "too early to get up". For me that's like sleeping 'til noon. There's nothing like a good nights sleep, they say. Personally, I think watermelon is as good, if not better than a good nights sleep. But, that's just me.
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