Wednesday, August 07, 2013

I'm ashamed of Wisconsin. #5 is just NOT good enough.

A Yahoo! article lists the 10 beer drinkingist states in the USA.  You have to realize that I don't drink beer anymore and Rita and Roger don't drink near as much as they used to but that can't, possibly, account for Wisconsin showing up with the 5th highest number of beer drinkers in America.
I never thought I'd see the day that we couldn't out-drink any state in the union but, apparently, that day has come.  I would think, if Wisconsin couldn't out-drink any other state it would be Texas that could take the honor but they're much punier drinkers than we are.
Here's the Top 10 beer drinking states:
#1 North Dakota
#2 New Hampshire
#3 Montana
#4 South Dakota
#5 Wisconsin
#6 Nevada
#7 Vermont
#8 Nebraska
#9 Texas
#10 Main

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