Monday, April 07, 2014

Omaha native, Stew Magnuson has written a new book I'm on the LOOKOUT for.

The first in a series of books, coming out soon, is "A Journey Through Time down U.S. Route 83: The Dakotas".

The series will cover stories, along the highway, which starts in Westhope North Dakota and runs all the way down to Brownsville, Texas.

This first volume, of the three book series, features stories of Lawrence Welk, Lewis and Clark and Casey Tibbs among others.

The highway runs right down the center of South Dakota and I think Donnie has traversed quite a bit of that route in his travels.

1 comment:

det said...

I've driven both 83 and 183 several times. Unfortunately, Mr. Magnuson beat me to the book. Have you noticed how much attention the Dakotas are finally getting? Ah, the joy of knowing we've always been ahead of the times!