Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Sorry I'm late!

Another "pull your hair out morning" with the computer. When I turned it on, nothing worked.  No little arrow moving around on the screen when I moved the mouse.

Ah, hah!, I said.  It must be a dead battery.
I spent an hour trying to remember how to open up the little compartment that houses the battery.  I pushed, I shook, I pried, I pulled.  I did everything I could think of to get to the battery.  I used up my entire bad word vocabulary before I finally got it opened and changed the battery.  Believe it or not I actually had some fresh batteries.
I put one in. It still wouldn't work.  No little arrow moving around on the screen when I moved the mouse. Forget the little touch pad that you can move your finger around on.  I never have been able to figure that one out.
I couldn't believe the mouse had died.  It's only two months old and it's a Hewlett Packard mouse (same company that made the computer) so it's not some cheap, off the wall brand.  Still, even the best of companies make a dud now and then.  If there was a dud in the bunch, I would be sure to pick it out.
Finally, I noticed a little blue dot that looked like it might be something you should push.  It was one of those things that are recessed and you have to get a "sharp object" like a ball point pen to push it.  It was labeled but, of course, the label was so small it would take the Hubbell telescope to read it.
I spent another 45 minutes trying to find my reading glasses.  Once I found them I discovered the little label said "connect". What did I have to lose? I pushed.  It connected.  Here I am again.
I need to find a kid, in the neighborhood, I can rent to come up here and fix these things when there's a problem.  I know, if that kid had been here this morning it would have been fixed in 60 seconds or less.

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