Friday, November 29, 2013


A note to Donnie and Linda
How long can you keep the Thanksgiving left overs?  WCCO says 3 days is the limit and if you're in doubt...throw it out!  GET MORE FOOD TIPS BY CLICKING HERE
Rita and Jacob are decking the halls and putting up the Christmas decorations today.  I expect to get pictures.
PLEASE NOTE: The Royals are decorating too. They already sent pictures.


Hope you all had a beautiful Thanksgiving.  Rita made a tasty, traditional, Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings. I brought home lots of leftovers!

So far I hadn't  tried to save any of my pictures to the new computer.  I've been afraid to tackle it because I have no idea what I'm doing.  This morning, I threw caution to the wind and gave it a try.  It was surprisingly easy to come up with this shot of Rita and Roger's tasty bird.

I'm slowly figuring out how to navigate through Windows 8.  The more I learn the more I like it but, believe me, it's not easy to get used to.

Ron called, yesterday, wanting to know how I was getting along with the new windows.  He's in the market for a new computer.  While Windows 8 is tricky, at first, it's here to stay so we might as well learn to live with it.
We, probably, won't get above freezing today but, at least, we'll see some sunshine.  Tomorrow looks like a better day with high's close to 40.

They may be a bit "stuffy" in some ways butiwhen it comes to comedy it's hard to beat the Brits.

Donnie writes:  "We had some three dozen robins in the yard, frolicking in the rain.  One day only.  They were, probably, going farther south."
 George Harrison died 12 years ago today.
I'll pass on this swing.  This is Ecuador.  Wonder if Donnie has seen it.

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