BOB SAYS THE KNEE WORKS AND THERE'S NO PAIN WHEN HE WALKS "Merriter Hospital in Madison took care of me and they were great. Good to get home and sleep in our own bed tonight."
IT'S A GOOD MORNING NOT TO BE IN CHICAGO: WGN is reporting big time delays and accidents during the morning rush hour due to the snow.
Today! December 12 is.....
You can't have Christmas without a poinsettia
You gotta love the poinsettia. More than 65 million were sold last year. That's a third of all of the potted plants sold.
The poinsettias natural home is Mexico and Central America. And, let's get the story straight; The poinsettia is not toxic to pets and humans. That's an old wives tale. Wouldn't you love to meet some of those old wives who keep spreading these false tales?
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When you buy your next pizza, make sure it's not DiGiorno Pizza.
Wisconsin farm will no longer supply cheese for DiGiorno pizzas after undercover investigation
— HuffPost Green (@HuffPostGreen) December 11, 2013

I just got off the phone with a friend living in North Dakota near the Canadian Border.
She said that since early this morning the snow has been coming down, it is nearly
waist high and is still falling.
The temperature is dropping way below zero and the north wind is increasing to
near gale force.
Her husband has done nothing but look through the kitchen window and just stare.
She says that if it gets much worse, she may have to let him in.
With all this cold weather, it makes me feel a little bit better to know that the all time low for La Crosse in December was 30 below zero in 1983 and that wasn't wind chill. That was the real temperature.
Isn't this a cutie???
"Hey there!" (it's our dog Lucky) #dogs #animals
— Elena Bugrova (@sunny_color) November 14, 2013
I was just looking at a current map of Marion (South Dakota). Back in the days of ancient history, when we lived there, the streets didn't have any names. There were hardly enough people living there to call it a town...why would you have to name the streets?
Nowadays, I guess, every wide spot in the road has to have a name so the streets of Marion now have names and they're some pretty impressive names too. What we used to think of as "Main Street" is now called "Broadway" and the next street over, to the west, which we used to think of as "the next street over to the west" is now called South Park Avenue.
Now I ask you, how many people do you know who can actually say they used to live on Park Avenue??
Today in 1915: Singer Frank Sinatra is born in Hoboken, N.J. Photo of Sinatra from our archives:
— amhistorymuseum (@amhistorymuseum) December 12, 2013
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