Monday, November 11, 2013


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I opened the blinds and what did I see?  The first snowflakes of the season coming down.  'Tis the season!!

Duane says Rapid City is getting some snow, this morning, too.

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Oh, yes!  Take me back to the old days when the comedians on TV were really funny.  This is a great clip with the SMOTHER'S BROTHERS.

There was a note from Lynne in my email this morning.
"Daniel and Jon are back from vacation and came for their Delilah.  She was so excited when she saw their car pull in.
They had a wonderful time with Dawn.  Derrick and Jennifer visited her a few weeks ago on their trip.  We will be going to Dawn's in the spring after Bob has recuperated from his second knee surgery.
Talked with Mom today.  She is doing well.  She attended the church service.  She's enjoying the better food they're now serving.
We'll visit her the weekend after Thanksgiving.  Surely wish she could be here with us."
I just read that Matt Damon was paid $3 million for a 20 second commercial for Nespresso.  That means they paid him $150,000 per second.  And, you thought you were making pretty good money!!  If I could find a job like that I'd come out of retirement and go back to work.  I'd settle for just 5 seconds of work!
You got that right!

Donnie spent some time in the Alamo City over the weekend.
"Schilo's Deli in downtown San Antonio.  I was there last night for a concert.
Schilo's sounds exotic but, actually, was a German family in Texas in the early 1800's.  The picture was taken with my cell phone.  Very poor quality."
I think this is some good booze advice.

I think I've lived in this apartment longer than any other place I've ever lived.  I just couldn't find any other place that I liked better....until now.  I've finally found a new home that fits, perfectly, with my lifestyle.  I thought you might like to see it so sit back and take a tour.  Let me know which weekend you want to come for a visit.
I don't think you were able to see this centerpiece photo I had on the blog yesterday so I'll run it again.  You should be able to see it this time.  I think this is really neat.

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