Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I suppose, everyone, as they grow older, has the same feeling.  Everything changes too fast and you can't keep up anymore.

Donnie wrote, "Will be very hard to get me on many travels anymore.  Way too complicated.  Trying to make a hotel reservation for one night in Maryland was a horror.  Took, at least, 20 minutes by phone.

The woman's accent was so heavy I could hardly understand her.  The phone was scratchy.  She was, probably, overseas, representing a reservations service in Dallas for a motel in Maryland.  Globalization.

I had to spell my name a dozen times and she'd keep talking over me so I'd have to start again.  I have to give personal and financial data to these people!  No such thing as "customer service" anymore.  Everything is designed to move money from customer to company."

I spent a "few" years in customer service and I can assure you, it's still there.  The difference is that it's now reserved for only the very wealthy.  Having worked for one of the most expensive hotel chains in the world, I can tell you that the most expensive cost for any company is "customer service" and those that can afford it, get it.  And, when it comes to reservations, rich people don't make reservations.  They have servants who talk to to other servants who make the reservations.

This was bound to happen when we stopped shopping at the LOCAL stores owned by LOCAL people who were our friends and neighbors and decided we'd rather save ten cents shopping at HUGE, UGLY factory type boxes who have so many millions of customers in so many countries that they could care less if you ever come back or not.

It's not any politicians fault or any company's fault.  IT'S OUR FAULT for making the choices we've made...all in the name of one of the seven deadly sins.....GREED.

The old saying is more true today than ever before.  "You get what you ask for".

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