Friday, November 11, 2011

Donnie's visit to the doctor sounds like a Marx Brothers routine.

"Spent the morning at a clinic, a periodic general exam. Won't know anything until lab results back, but everything the doctor could feel with his hands and fingers seems to be okay.

The nurse/tech who did the preliminary height/weight/blood pressure was an older woman who appeared to be new to the job! She measured my height--"71 inches, now that would be 6 feet 1 and 1/2 inches...." I said I thought 72 inches is 6 feet. She muttered a bit, then said again 6 feet 1 and 1/2. As she already had me bending over to fit under the measuring stick, I could see there was no way this was going to get accurate.

Then she took my temperature. In recent years I've had this done in a couple seconds, in the ear. She resorted to an old-fashioned under-the-tongue thermometer, and stood there holding it in my mouth. And holding. "It's not moving," she said. "93.6." It's been so long since anyone held a thermometer in my mouth that I was a bit confused myself. "What's normal?" I asked. Again she hemmed and hawed, and never did give me an answer. But I guess I never got past 94 degrees. We Scandinavians are colder than normal people."

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