Friday, December 21, 2012

Got a note from Ron and Penny.
"We have squirrels and cats who drink out of our bird baths just like Donnie and Linda have.
Yesterday, we finally saw an Albino squirrel run across the road into the cemetery.  Other people have seen it too.  Pure white.  Wish we would have had our camera."
Interesting that they mentioned Donnie and Albino Squirrels in the same email considering that it was in Austin, at the University of Texas,  that the "Albino Squirrel Preservation Society" was formed in 2001.  The club was formed because of the dwindling population of albino squirrels found on the University of Texas campus.  There are now chapters of the Society at other colleges around the country.
White or albino squirrels are protected in some cities across the USA and Canada where killing one is punishable by law.
White squirrels are rare and most are found in Thailand and east Asia.
It's important to remember that Squirrels come in several different colors and white is one of them.  The only way you can tell if it's a white squirrel or an albino squirrel is to look at their eyes.  An albino squirrel will have pink or blue eyes.  A regular white squirrel will have black eyes.

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