Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I don't, usually, look at the spam file.  I just let them delete themselves but, today, I decided to see what I was missing.

Maria had "secret chance numbers" that would open the door to love, money and work.  The money might be nice.  The other two?  Forget it.

Another one offered me free samples of my favorite products for women.  There are so many I wouldn't know where to begin.

If I participate in their "program" the Outback will treat me to a free dinner.  Of course, with my diet the Outback doesn't have a single thing I'm supposed to eat.

Another one offered to secure my future.  Are they kidding?  I have a terminal disease and I'm 72.  My "future" has come and gone.  Been there, done that.

A. T. & T. has a new "phone package" for me.......I'll bet the do.

Another company is just gonna give me a new iPad.  I guess 'cause I'm such a neat guy.  I don't even have an old iPad.

Something called the "Resume Bucket" wants me to forward my resume by 11:58pm Pacific Standard Time.  I'm guessing they're the ones that also sent the email about securing my future.

Here's a good one.  I can save up to 50% on auto insurance.  Little do they know I've been saving 100% on auto insurance all my life.

Here's an even better one.  A group called "Christian Mingle" has "discovered  God's true work in their lives" and for a "small fee" the'll hook me up with a Christian to "mingle with".

Publishers Clearing House says there's a good chance I'll be a millionaire by August 31.  That's great.  Then I won't have to pay the fee to "Christian Mingle" because, once they find out I'm a millionaire, I'll have Christians "mingling" all over me.

Here's one that wants to know if I'm seeking a new job.  I'm not seeking any job.  I tried that for nearly 50 years and decided it took up too much of my time.

The list goes on and on and on.  Where's the "delete" button?

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