Saturday, November 30, 2013


In Chicago one mother spits on another mother's child as they get into an argument over baby clothes.  In another part of the country a shopper is shot in the leg during a fight over a TV.  The greed and gluttony of the American people is an amazing, and shameful, thing to watch.

Here, in La Crosse, the folks at the mall said it was busy from 8:00 Thursday evening to 1:00 Friday morning and, after that, it was a "quiet" shopping day.  Apparently, "Black Friday" ain't what it used to be.  To quote Martha, that's a good thing.
Donnie found this.  It's a day late but too good to save it until next year.

Early morning on the computer is not a pretty sight.  I put a Band-Aid over the camera in this damned computer.

Did you see that Wal-Mart racked up 10 million cash register transactions between 6 and 10 PM yesterday.  Meanwhile, the Wal-Mart website got 400 million hits during the day.

Looks like Donnie and Linda had a tasty Thanksgiving too!

Evil Knievel died six years ago today.

While moving photos into the new computer I ran across this one I don't remember seeing before.
I haven't heard how Rita and Jacob's Christmas decorating went but I did hear from Martha.

It looks like we're in for a "good weather Saturday".  The La Crosse forecast calls for sunshine with a high near 40.
 If you're shopping today, celebrate...
Shopping the big box stores means that most of their profits go right out of your community to the big corporate offices somewhere else.  When you shop with "mom and pop" the money stays right here, where you live.
There must be a lot of people who are figuring that out.  Last year there were 50 communities, in the USA, that celebrated SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY.  This year 1500 communities will celebrate the small business holiday.

 Just like Aunt Wilda, Efrem Zimbalist, Jr.  must be living right.  He's celebrating his 95th birthday today. 

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