Wednesday, May 02, 2012

"Dear Lord, just give me one day with no computer fights!!

I thought the new modem would give me, at least, one day that I wouldn't have to fight with this damn computer...but it was not to be.

I was typing along, this morning, when a WARNING sign popped up telling me the battery was low and the computer was about to shut down.....which it did.  I was, suddenly, staring at a black screen.

I suppose there was a "cutsy" icon showing, someplace, that I was on battery power and not A/C but I don't know what any of those "cutsy" icons clue.  I've tried clicking on a few but it always ends in disaster.

I quickly realized that after I had hooked up the new modem, yesterday, I had forgotten to plug the computer back into the wall plug.

Of course, all of the thousands of cords attached to the TV, DVD player, computer, and all the other electrical devices, that make our lives so much more "care free" than the cave man had it, are hidden behind all the furniture and the only way to attack a problem with the wiring (that looks exactly like a plate full of spaghetti) is to move all the furniture to get to the one cord, that's tangled up with all the rest, that will put me back into cyberland.

So, while you were snoring away at 4 A.M., I was playing the part of the Bekins moving and storage guy and re-arrainging the living room AGAIN.

I'm sure you've already guessed that I have totally failed my participation in NATIONAL GRUMP OUT DAY because, if you think I'm going to run around all day with a smile on my face, you've got another think coming.

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