Sunday, January 15, 2012


I mentioned, the other day, that Thunder had claimed the old rocking chair as his own.  Yesterday, I forgot that.

I was sitting on the love seat, watching a movie, and got up to get a glass of 7up.  I guess I was so engrossed in the movie that I forgot where I was sitting, when I came back.

Watching the screen, instead of my seat, I went to the rocker and, slowly, started to sink down.  With less than a millimeter from "contact", Thunder let out a blood curdling "MEOW".  He flew out of the chair and, like a rocket, ran to safety under the bed.

Apparently, he woke up, just in the nick of time, saw a huge butt descending from above and saved himself from certain doom.

He stayed under the bed for a good hour before coming back out to forgive me but still fully aware that he's now down to 8 lives.

After I went to bed he, apparently, decided it was safe.  When I got up, this morning, he was back on the rocker, curled up and fast asleep.

I've learned my lesson.  LOOK before you sit on the cat.

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