Thursday, May 08, 2014


"Indiana is living up to my bias that it is the dullest state.  One of my older jokes is that I've met many a man I didn't like, but I've never been to a place I didn't like....except Indiana.
Stuck for an hour in a 10 mile freeway stoppage for road construction.  When I finally inches up to the bottleneck, a 100 yard lane closure, it was a single excavator and no more than a half dozen workers, holding much of central Indiana hostage.
At last I'm settled in for the night in one of the countless, identical clusters of  motels hanging off every interstate in the land.
There is no such thing as a "road trip" by interstate, only mere travel, as every road and gas station and motel looks alike.  But, I'm not much interested in this part of America, and I'm hurrying through on the faster routes (except, of course, for those in Indiana).
I guess this place is called Plainfield, a suburb of Indianapolis.  I hear planes going over and just saw a flight attendant check in so this community must serve the airport.
I've driven 1100 miles in two days but have just 250 left today to Toledo."

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