Saturday, May 31, 2014

A big thanks to Jacob for hooking up my new Charter TV modem yesterday.

I wouldn't have been able to figure it out in a million years.  I knew this was a job better left to a college graduate.  Even though this kid graduated, from the University, this spring, he's going back for another class this summer.  He just can't get enough of that learning!
Let me tell you, I don't think anyone with less than a college education could figure out how to hook this new Charter Cable converter box up.  The cable offices were PACKED with customers, yesterday, and not a single one of them was smiling.  None of the cable employees were smiling either.
I think they could have used a "smarty pants", like Jacob, to come up with a better plan for switching to their new "all HD" service.
The good news is that I've figured out enough of this big, bulky, heavy, ugly remote clicker, with more buttons on it than they have on one of the Blue Angels jets, to watch "Cops" and "Cheaters" tonight.  (That's the kind of stuff NON-COLLEGE GRADUATES watch).

I think Charter needs some "new blood" in their "customer relations" department.  I see a lot of tweets like this, this morning.

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