Saturday, February 11, 2012


Ron sent an article from CBS MONEY WATCH which lists 10 jobs that are quickly becoming footnotes for the history books.

Not only am I going the way of the dinosaur, what I did for a good part of my life is heading for oblivion too.

Number 6, on the list of careers you can forget about, is the RADIO ANNOUNCER.  Automation, syndication and the computer have taken the place of talent.  And, of course, the "mom and pop" radio stations have gone the way of the "mom and pop" corner grocery.  Most radio stations, nowadays, are owned by huge corporations that have many interests other than radio which has become, more or less, a tax write-off for them.

Another job, on the list, that Bert and I can relate to is, of course, the travel agent.  And, here's another one on the list that's probably the saddest of all.  Newspaper reporter.

The original idea was that the press would act as the peoples watchdog to keep the government in check.  That's, pretty much, history too.  Nowadays, the press and the politician attend the same dinners and cocktail parties and gather together for the backyard barbecue.

But, that's the reality of life.  Time and space dictate that change is what it's all about and the greatest sadness in life is that we can't hold on to what we matter how hard we try.

Diplomacy, too, is not what it used to be. One can argue that international business executives are as influential as diplomats...not to mention the thousands of international NGOs (non-governmental organizations), international media, global education exchanges, and, of course, churches and missionaries. The role and impact of government diplomats is much diminished. In fact, the UCLA School of Business has a graduate-level course in corporate diplomacy.

On the other hand, "conservative" is defined as "aversion to change or innovation." If change is really what it's all about, conservatives should rethink their philosophy.

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