Friday, November 18, 2011


There seems to be some confusion about when USE LESS STUFF DAY really is but Hallmark says it's today so I'll go with that.

Actually, I guess, Use Less Stuff Day should be everyday.  I'm not alone.  There are a lot of people like me (and you know who you are).  I don't have any money but I've got lots of stuff.  It clutters up the apartment, my life and the planet.

I've got stuff stored in the basement that I haven't used or touched since I moved in here 15 years ago.  And, most of that stuff, I dragged up here all the way from Houston.  Stuff that I didn't use down there either but "you never know when you may need it".  That's true but, if you're like me, there's so much stuff that, when you need it, you never know if you'll be able to find it.  Most of the time, I can't.

This is a good time of year to think about too much stuff.  We're going into the season that should be about love and caring.  Alas, we've turned it into a season of greed and obligated sharing.

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