Monday, November 14, 2011


"I must try "Nice" on our clothes. Bet it is cheaper than the name brands too.

Good fine on American Eagle airlines. That would be horrible to sit on a plane that long. I want to get up and down as fast as possible.

Peanut Butter Vodka? Never tasted it but I would think I would prefer peanut butter on toast (especially slicing a banana on top).

I had a busy week as Delilah(Daniel and Jon's dog) and Mittens(nephew Carl's 19 year old cat) stayed at the same time. They got along just fine and we had many cute times with them.

Daniel and Jon were in Florida with Sandy in Ft. Myers. Carl and the family were in Ketucky. Daughter, Ellie, almost 12, competed in Horseback National Competitions and went undefeated in all. She has so many ribbons and trophies. We are all very proud of her.

We had 2" of snow the other day but it melted quickly. We are not liking the darkness so early now but nothing we can do about it."

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