Tuesday, March 05, 2013


So, I plow through the snow, one overshoe in front of the other, one step at a time.  It's so early, most of the sidewalks haven't been shoveled.

I get to the clinic, walk up to the desk and, with my last breath, I give the girl my name, she checks the computer screen and says......
"It looks like the doctor looked at your last lab tests and they were so good he decided he doesn't have to see you again until next fall.  They must have forgotten to send you the letter".

Yes, they must have forgot but walking 15 blocks in a snow storm is good exercise so no problem!

Actually, all was not lost.  While I was there, they did all the blood draws for the appointment with my nephrologist on Thursday so I won't have to go in so early.

1 comment:

det said...

A classic case of good news canceling the bad. Now the irony will be that you die of the pneumonia caught on this unnecessary walk.