Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I read a very interesting article, this morning, about what travel agencies in Singapore are doing to combat on-line booking sites.  They've hit upon a "new" idea that has increased their business dramatically.  It's called CUSTOMER SERVICE!!  Wouldn't it be amazing if something like that caught on in the USA?  Just think of it.  Customer service!  Something the corporate world laughs at.

Perhaps, if they tried that approach instead of bleeding their company dry to pay huge bonuses to a few, select executives who have done nothing to deserve them, our country wouldn't be in the financial distress that it is.

Alas, as long as politicians are allowed to get paid off to put company before voter it ain't gonna happen.

By the way, do you know how many travel agencies there are in Singapore?  Of course, you don't so I'll tell you.  There are 1,100 travel agencies in Singapore.  wow!

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