Sunday, July 29, 2012

Today is NATIONAL CHICKEN WING DAY.  That was one of Mother's specialities.  Did you know, we eat over a BILLION CHICKEN WINGS each year.  Chicken Wing Day was started in Buffalo, New York in 1977 which is why they're sometimes called BUFFALO WINGS.

The other thing we remember about today is that  VINCENT VAN GOGH died on July 29, 1890.  He was only 37 years old.  There's a Dutchman who packed a whole lot more living into 37 years than I have in 72.

Speaking of Dutchmen, there were two Terpstra's in line at the Co-op Checkout yesterday.  MARK TERPSTRA was ahead of me with a cart full of groceries.  He's Gordies son.  Gordie, of course, is Donald Terpstra's son who was Dads only brother.

Donald and Marge operated TERP'S RESTAURANT for many years, on the North Side, next to Logan High School.  Whenever I see an old episode of "Happy Days" I think of Terps Restaurant.  It the THE hang out for the high school kids after school and the Juke Box would be playing, non-stop, every afternoon.

Sunday dinner at Terp's was a regular weekly affair for many families...if you could get in.  The place was always packed.  And, if you never had a piece of MARGE'S PECAN PIE, you don't know what really good pecan pie tastes like!

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