Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I quit making my tea stops at famed Whole Foods because their bakery goods were never very fresh.  Isn't it always the way..the most expensive place in town has some of the worst food.  But, I gave it another try yesterday.

I approached the college kid behind the counter and asked for an iced green tea.  That's about as simple concoction as one can desire.  Whole Foods, however, is not about simplicity.  The menu on the wall has a long list of drinks so exotic one can hardly know what's in them.  Clearly, college kid did not know what goes into iced tea.

A wrinkle of confusion formed between her eyes.  "Well," she said, "we've got mocha powder...."  (again, it's pure Bob and Ray).

"Never mind" I said.  I walked across the street to Starbucks.  Their menu is almost as pretentious as Whole Foods but, at least, they could make iced tea.

Remember the smell of Panama?  That ever damp earth exuding its fragrance into the equally moist air?  I love that tropical smell.  Happy to report we had it this morning after about an hour of light rain last night.  It's the first in months.  We have already had 16 days over 100 degrees and summer is only beginning.

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