Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The unthinkable has happened.

No one can make a mess like I can and I did it this morning....again.

It all started, last night, when Rita called and warned me not to use Internet Explorer because of the new virus going around.

This morning I tried to install Google Chrome...which news reports suggested people use rather than IE.

I won't go through the entire story because it's longer than "Gone with the Wind" but the end result was that I ended up with a complete disaster trying to install Chrome and the more I tried to solve the problem the worse it got.

Finally I found an item on this computer that told me if I got into a problem like this I could "Refresh" the computer and it would take all the nasty stuff I had done away and take it back to the way it was.  It didn't mention that it would take EVERYTHING away and wipe the slate clean but that's what it did.

Everything was deleted and I have, essentially, a new computer...with all of my stuff gone.  I have to re-enter EVERYTHING.

Apparently Dell has made a few changes since I bought my computer and email, and all the rest, is in a TOTALLY different format.  It doesn't look ANYTHING like what I used to have.

It will take MONTHS to get things back to normal but I'll try to plug along as best I can.  I can't remember why I ever thought I needed a computer but I wish I would have known then what I know now.  There would be NO computer in this apartment today!!

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