Friday, March 21, 2014

We're hearing a lot about heroin use in La Crosse, Wisconsin, Chicago and the rest of the midwest.

I hear people asking how this can happen in our part of the world?  Here's a statistic that might explain part of the problem.  According to a survey reported in the New Republic, four out of five new heroin addicts say they got hooked on prescription pills before they ever took heroin.
As long as we continue to allow these giant drug companies to advertise prescription drugs like they're the latest version of M & M's we're going to see the problem continue and get worse.  And, of course, the advertising will continue as long as the lobbyist's in Washington continue to spread hundreds of thousands of dollars around the halls of Congress every year.
And the lobbyists will continue with business as usual as long as we keep believing that all we have to do is close the borders in order to make the problem go away.

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