Tuesday, November 06, 2012

I was all excited when I read the headline that said ONE COLONOSCOPY AT 50 MAY BE ALL YOU'LL EVER NEED.  Then I got down to the fine print where it said, "for some people".  It went on to say that the findings were based on a computer model that made certain assumptions that may not always hold true.

Damn, that means I'll have to drink that terrible stuff, again, four years from now.  On the other hand, I'm finding that, when you hit 70, there's an awful lot of stuff that can go wrong with a failing body so it's best not to plan too far ahead.

I will still continue to question the doctors.  If we're smart enough to send robots to Mars, why can't we figure out a way to make that liquid laxative taste better?  I've come up with a plan of my own.  Next time, if there is a next time, I'm going to try drinking it was a couple shots of vodka to see if that helps.

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