Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I was looking at my EARS while I was shaving, this morning, and couldn't help but think that ears really are ugly.  Especially when your old and you don't have enough hair to cover them up.  Actually, when you get older you have more hair in your ears than you have on your head and then they're really, really ugly.

Rita Rudner said, "I think men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage.  They've experienced pain and bought jewelry."

I looked up some facts about ears.

Fish don't have ears.  They can, however, hear pressure changes through the ridges of their body.  Snakes can hear through their jaw bone.  And many old disc jockeys can't hear worth a damn.  Why?  All those years wearing earphones.  By the way, sitting close to an amplifier at a rock concert can hurt your hearing in less than 8 minutes.

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