Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I'm on the last bit of leftover Thanksgiving turkey Rita sent me home with.  There wasn't much but I ground up what there was and made turkey salad for sandwiches.  It is delicious but not easy to eat.

I had shared some of the turkey with Thunder on Friday and he went CRAZY for it.  Not only did he finish it in about 60 seconds, he stood there for another minute, or so, licking the plate.  I gave him a touch more on Saturday and he went through the same routine.

Now, of course, he knows the smell.  The minute the turkey salad comes out of the refrigerator he's under my feet wanting his share.  I keep trying to tell him he won't like it in the salad form with the mayo, onions, green pepper, etc.  Unfortunately, you can't really tell a cat anything.

Now, if I want a sandwich, I have to wait until he's having a nap before I dare take it out.  And, I have to eat it quick before the smell wakes him up.

As far as he's concerned, Rita is the best "turkey maker" there ever was.

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