Saturday, November 03, 2012

Unless you're 60, or older, you probably have no clue as to who Sadie Hawkins is.  Well, kids, there used to be a comic strip called Li'l AbnerIt was about the hillbilly town of Dogpatch.

One of the residents, one Hekzebiah Hawkins, had the ugliest daughter in Dogpatch.  He wanted to get her married off so he set up a race for all the bachelors in town.  They were to take off runin' and then he'd release Sadie and she was to run after the boys and catch one.  The unlucky guy who she tagged was hitched up with Sadie.

Ever since they've celebrated Sadie Hawkins day as a day when the girls chase the boys and, at the very least, they have to give her a kiss.

Ready, set, GO!

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